Alright, how long are we giving his account?

96  2018-03-25 by RBuddCumia


I don't think Ant gets out very much

If he hasn’t come out by age 60, he’ll never come out.

Amazing Randi came out at 80. There's still hope for Ant to have his Honduran pool boy.

RAMONE! Find me my egg-shaped butt plug and befoul my ass with your unclipped lady dick.

What's that dude on the left doing? Who takes a nap standing at a podium?

took me a minute lol

Anth: "It's literally not possible for a young teen girl to have her own opinion or agency. They're the most easily manipulated people on Earth. Don't ask how I know this ."

Part of this is Ant thinking its absolutely crazy to see anyone show any emotion. He has no earthly idea how humans are supposed to react emotionally to things.

This is all despite the fact that he spent most of his adolescence crying when dad yelled at him for being a pissy-eyed quay.

Thay's WHY he doesn't show emotion. Ol Spaghetti Tosser ruined them.

Surely his dad yelling at him crying caused his inability or unawareness of how to emotionally react. Like I was a super-athiest and my parents were super religious

I don't think that his dad was particularly emotional, more of a cranky drunk greaseball.

I do agree but can't help remember the 'spaggheti on the wall' incident, I don't think his parents rowing helped his mental illness

Ugh now I'm depressed. Y'know sometimes I just hate being part of this sub, it just makes people's lives miserable and causes harm. It's become way too bad recently. I'd probably just go ahead and kill myself if Rich Vos wasn't appearing at the House Of Comedy Phoenix AZ, Wednesday, March 28 and March 29th

He got lost.

These kids know the more they cry and swear, the more legit their opinion will be. They know nothing about guns

Can someone do a Alien vs Predator movie poster with Ant vs Jim's Viking BF, with Jimmy in the middle all like "whaddaya want from me?"

If there’s ever a picture of this girl with an iPad, Anthony will vote it as proof

I mean, he's not wrong though.

Yeah I cant stand this fuckin broad. Christ, the guy couldnt squeeze ONE more shot off...

Old enough to pant, old enough for Ant.

You would think Anthony of all people would know this already.

You can tell Ant has no kids & isn’t around many people who do. Teenagers are known assholes & they can’t be talked into anything they don’t wanna do even when it’s beneficial for their future. So it’s ludicrous to think that these kids would be easily manipulated by the left if it wasn’t something they weren’t already on board with. If that was the case there would be zero teenagers smoking cigarettes but studies show smoking is up even though they are bombarded with anti-cigarette messages 24/7. I admit that this bald girl is kind of annoying but maybe after seeing her classmates gunned down this is something she feels strongly about & it wasn’t that she is just a puppet for adults who are anti-gun.

My bad, I swore I just read an article that claims smoking amongst teens was up in 2017 compared to the pervious past few years. Doesn’t change my point, there would be no smoking if teens actually listened to what was being shoved down their throats day & night.

It changes your point completely. Clearly teens are listening.

Not really because a lot still teen still smoke, all of them practically text & drive which they spend more time warning teens about than smoking & same with drugs, alcohol etc etc. If the left, the right or anyone else with an agenda could easily manipulate the majority of teen within the span of a couple of weeks, don’t you think they would’ve done it a long time ago?

So 28% of kids used tobacco products in 2016, vs 30% in 2000. That's surely not in the margin of error, right?

Kids vape now, they can sneak nicotine while sitting in class or in the bathroom with zero smell. They even have shiny LED lights and cotton candy or churro flavors. vape naysh, ya`ll

You stupid faggot. Ever watch MTV? It's pretty well known that they manipulated the shit out of girls on tv shows like my sweet 16. Like even the existence of Girls Gone Wild proves that teenage girls can be manipulated so fucking easily. Seriously you are a dumb cunt, no wonder I heavily believe you are Opie Hughes

He said "teens can't be talked into anything they don't wanna do."

Pedos like Ant understand that girls will do all kinds of self destructive things for nonsensical reasons. Apology Girl fucked Ant because she was mad at daddy. I knew a girl who blew up her job and her marriage by fucking one of her direct reports, largely because she was mad at her husband because he didn't give her enough attention. People have strange motivations.

He said "teens can't be talked into anything they don't wanna do

Still bullshit, do you really think every teenage girl wants to be seen as an obnoxious little cunt by a couple hundred of thousands of people?

Also considering how many stupid cunts there are out there that don't know what they want, and can be pushed into doing whatever, you can't really say that they really want to do the things pushed on them.

Why are we even having this conversation anyway? The Manson trial proved that we know women are basically overgrown children and can be pushed into murder by any hairy mongrel

Yea I remember 15 years ago when was senior in High School MTV influences everything me & my friends did…get the fuck outta here, MTV influences middle school aged kids not 17 & 18 year olds who are going off to college & barely if ever watch MTV still. I’m talking about when I was young but now I don’t think any hound people watch MTV which is apparent by its ratings. You ever think that maybe the kids who watched their fellow students get murdered might just be upset? Have you ever seen anyone get shot in real life, I have & it’s not fun...sniff

Thousands of kids are murdered in drive-bys it didn't stop people from carrying guns. Look at Meek Mill and Lil Wayne. They don't want to get rid of guns, they have literally gone to jail because of their support of the 2nd amendment.

Meanwhile we have little shits like you saying" hold on hold on hold on" because you can't believe that people can be manipulated by corporations. Even though we have 25 years of tv shows like Jerry Springer showing it's really fucking easy

MTV's ratings are up. Do you just spew shit out of your ass without knowing anything about it?

Compare MTV’s ratings from 5 or 10 years ago to today’s ratings jackass. I don’t give a fuck if they got a recent pump in ratings. Just last year or two they were almost going under. Also, if I was you I wouldn’t worry about the kids being so easily manipulated, I worry about myself. Obviously your not the first person who came up with this “the left are using the kids as puppets” idea but it seems like you & a lot of other people like you were easily to convinced (manipulated) to believe the story hook, line & sinker.

What are you on about? People who say "the left ____" or "the right ____" are dinguses.

Hmmm…have I’ve been debating with a crazy person?

Giving drunk girls money to show their tits isn't exactly MKUltra.

I can't believe so many retards up voted this nonsense. You don't think teenagers are easily manipulated??

Sure teens can be manipulated but people are acting like 17 & 18 year olds are like 11 & 12 year olds. I personally know a kid who was at that school & saw the carnage, his mom is best friends with my cousin (a lot of former New Yorkers in that area) & I assure you these kids are pissed off that their fellow loser outcast classmate was able to buy a AR-15 & slaughter them. Is that so hard for you to believe?

Yes plenty of adults can be manipulated too, doesn't change anything?

Their fellow class mate could have bought any number of "hunting rifles" and killed with the exact same efficiency. So the gun control they are supposedly so adamantly behind wouldn't have prevented anything.

They may be too naive to realize this, but the are most definitely being used to push not just gun control but definite encroachment on the 2nd amendment. Yes Anthony is a degenerate piece of shit but that doesn't mean everything he says is wrong. If Americans cower like the Brits did, we will end up in the same position.

I agree with a lot of what your saying but I don’t think it’s a good look attacking the kids who just went through this ordeal of experiencing a mass shooting (not saying you’re attacked the kids). I’m not denying that there are plenty of people are loving these mass protests because it falls right into line with their political agendas & they probably are trying to influence or gain a foothold with these kids or maybe some already have because I’m sure they have sympathetic ear with angry students. I know if I was in was high school & lost friends like this, I’d probably be irrational madman & want the 2nd amendment banned but that would just be emotions talking. Let these kids have there moment to deal with this & if the bald chick is still bitching about guns at rallies in 5 years then please mock her day & night. Also, let’s not compare ourselves to Britain all time, I know it’s a common thing to be but we only share a language not a culture, I grew up my whole life in America & never met someone who had British ancestry.

So it’s ludicrous to think that these kids would be easily manipulated by the left if it wasn’t something they weren’t already on board with.

Eh not really, teenagers are easy to manipulate it's just the message has to be done in a certain way. The whole thing is teenagers cannot actually conjure their own needs or ambitions, they rely on taking cues from authority figures they like. They may not listen to their parents but they will obsess over some of the most retarded figureheads imaginable and getting them to do that isn't really difficult. For example, it's very easy to get them on board with things with loose association. Look how often they say things like "we're like (insert half-understood group)" or "this is our (insert revolution.)"

She didn't see shit she wasn't even in the same building. It can be hard to manipulate teens sometimes, but luckily for the anti-gun groups there were a few little psychos from Parkland that didn't even need to be coaxed into spouting nonsense full-time. It just came naturally.

Yeah, the promise of fame and sanctimonious virtue signalling totally isn't appealing to teenagers.

Teens care very much about popularity. Always have

Very true, I can’t debate that but why is it so hard to believe that they are just upset about their school getting shot up & not that they are being used for an agenda? I saw my friend get shot right in front of me at a party when I was in high school (fucking Albanians) & it was crazy, thank god he lived but just barely & our reaction was anger – we wanted to go to war. It seems like anger is the general emotion these kids are feeling & I hear people who think they are puppets of the anti-gun movement saying that these kids are disingenuous because they aren’t just hypocritical sobbing teens who won’t leave their bedroom because they are shell-shocked but that fictional, in reality you get angry & upset & you want revenge, someone to blame or some outlet to vent about it.

And he knows all about marionettes, doll playing fruit.


Anthony spent his entire weekend watching this shit.

After a strenuous 8-hour work week, I don't blame him for wanting to relax!

Yes Ant, 17 year olds fake cry to push forward political agendas for the elites. You hit the nail right on the head!

Well, he does seem to think 13 can consent.

Anthony is the one who took raw FBI statistics at face value so he’s one to talk.

These children witnessed a mass shooting up close and some of their friends were killed. It's either:

  • They legitimately want gun control

  • The liberal cabal is forcing them to push their anti-gun agenda. And you're stupid if you don't believe this! Holy shit.

Anthony is functionally retarded at this point.

They both want gun control, and are being pimped by the left. Best part about using these kids is idiots will think you can't criticize them because of their victim status. Believing that the corporate shitfest yesterday was an organic movement by highschoolers is also retarted.

Why not resweeted? 👃👃 Sumpn idunno

The fact that they went through a terrible tragedy is precisely why they shouldn't be put in front of cameras to push a political agenda. They're speaking entirely out of their emotions, and thus have no interest in logic or in having a nuanced discussion. Terrible position to be lecturing other people about laws.

It's not that they were "forced" to push their agenda, but they were definitely hand-picked by media execs (wonder why they picked them out of thousands of other classmates?) and "groomed" for the camera.

Do you really not think that the kids are being used as pawns?

Exactly. And right after these types of events is literally the worst time to discuss any type of law creation because there is not a lot of calm rational thought put into it.

I agree they are speaking from the heart & aren’t capable of having nuanced discussion about guns but I don’t think they shouldn't be in front of the camera. They are emotional, they are angry & the are sad & I don’t see what’s wrong with letting them have the spotlight & let the country know how they are feeling. It’s not like they are passing laws & writing legislation, they have no literal political power besides their potential influence on the culture which may or may not have any impact. As far as pushing "political agenda", it’s too bad that it’s come to this, the traditional republican was never irrational about gun control until the NRA became the juggernaut that makes or breaks politicians political careers. The republican man used to be much more the Upper East Side Manhattan gentleman than people that resemble the guys from Duck Dynasty or Swamp People. I’m not in favor of banning guns but I think it should be just as hard getting a gun as it is to get a drivers license & have some kind of mental evaluation to determine if you’re stable or not & if you’re not unstable & pass all the requirements than have all the guns you want.

who cares if the media is putting them out there? Their opinions are real. Who cares what they're driven by? Like 99% of political opinions and punditry are emotion based. Anthony is suggesting that the left is feeding them opinions

witnessed up close

They weren't even in the same building as the shooter. It's like being traumatized by 9/11 but you live in South Jersey.

Except their friends were murdered. It's like being traumatized by 9/11 but you ran an errand during the plane explosions

When there’s no attempt at wit or humor, who gives a shit about Tranpa’s opinion?

Fred from Brooklyn

In that picture it looks the bald girl is wearing a patch that says "kangs"

Good egg.

At the threads creation there were 106 likes. I wonder how many reports were made to Twitter for targeted harassment.

Ant is just scared that this might lead to them taking his guns away.......ohhhhh wait...

He is right in this case.

He should ask his teenage ex girlfriend Dani if she had any opinions on gun control at the moment he bit her.

Since he previously spent time painting Alex Jones as a lunatic, Anthony is well versed on what being a political puppet is.

It’s amazing to think how much better a place the world would be if a thermonuclear warhead was detonated over the complex that houses Twitter’s servers. Just imagining all the millions of worthless human beings having tears slowly well up in their eyes as they realize no one will be able to read their uninformed, pointless diatribes on social issues makes me rock hard

I wish Hated in the Nation were real, but the majority of the swarm would be headed to CM

Why is he talking shit to a high school kid that just watched her classmates get mowed down by a deranged asshole?

Because him and all of his media friends are full of shit and rarely express an honest opinion or emotion, so he assumes everyone else is the same way.

because they're opportunists exploiting a tragedy in order to make themselves famous and push a political agenda.

Because those kids are advocating taking away civil right from everyday Americans.

Wanna go on national TV and tell millions of responsible gun owners that they’re monsters and need to give up their guns? Fine, but don’t cry like a little faggot when people come at you.


Smh bugman retard.


Yeah but Anthony got his own guns taken away and it wasn't anything these kids did.

Sure but he can still pretend all by himself that he's never made a dumbass decision. Everyone else on Twitter does, and everyone here for that matter.

I bet they also TARGETED GAMERS... GAMERS!

Why can't gun owners stop dancing around the issue with stale, tired retorts and just admit that the death of innocents is an acceptable cost for their right to own guns?

Why can't gun owners stop dancing around the issue with stale, tired retorts and just admit that the death of children is an acceptable cost for their constitutional right to own guns?

Because its a statistical blimp?

She didn't see shit

This account is reddit fuel. I hope it lasts until his next account

I think the chicks a twat but for fucks sake.... What a miserable cunt Anthony is.

You "people" will gladly be ZOG puppets if it means you can pretend your sticking it to Anthony. It really is unbelievable.

Sobbing spic goblin dykes mean we should give the government more power over us. I agree. Take that Trannythony Pocky McMansion HAHAHAHA!

Whoa guys, this dude’s edgy.

...and illiterate.

He tweets something racist towards John “The Stroke Man” Melendez a few minutes ago and deleted it. He didn’t even have the balls to at mention it to him.

I like how smoothfaced his dumb avatar is.


He's... not wrong?

But, he's also definitely a piece of shit. So fuck him.

wearing a jacket and buttons that looks like something John Lennon would’ve worn in 1971. God this cunt is disgusting

Hope it ends the same.

Ant is exactly like an annoying sports fan screaming at the TV about how the refs have the game in the bag for the other team. He's a lonely and bored gassy blowhard who, like all people who are growing older and less relevant, needs something to vent about in lieu of not being able to articulate his real fears. He doesn't really care about any of this daily TV news cycle fodder, he just doesn't have anything better to do.

She's a shill for the left? And you're a shill for the right.

Why not just create an anonymous account for shitposting?! He will never learn...

He’s not wrong

Not long but he isn't wrong on this shit

Fuck that commie bitch

Is this what happens to us when we get old?

He said "teens can't be talked into anything they don't wanna do

Still bullshit, do you really think every teenage girl wants to be seen as an obnoxious little cunt by a couple hundred of thousands of people?

Also considering how many stupid cunts there are out there that don't know what they want, and can be pushed into doing whatever, you can't really say that they really want to do the things pushed on them.

Why are we even having this conversation anyway? The Manson trial proved that we know women are basically overgrown children and can be pushed into murder by any hairy mongrel

RAMONE! Find me my egg-shaped butt plug and befoul my ass with your unclipped lady dick.