Why is the rest of Reddit so fucking humorless?

13  2018-03-25 by laurens_tits


I’m starting to think people love Chip because they actually like his jokes.

What's the joke? I'm having Opie levels of comprehension right now.

“Seen them all”, you see it’s funny cause it sounds vaguely like the other thing.

I just Googled it. It's not even original. Fucking faggots.

/r/comedycemetary is kind of an antidote for this shit

No it's not. That place is mostly just conservative comics last time I checked... As if reddit didn't have enough faggot liberal grandstanding.

I get what you mean, that's why I'm not totally bought in. There is a little balance with how hard they kill Huffpost and some Trump strawmanning, but it's still one-sided.

Reddit was a mistake

Because they're civilians & /r/opieandanthoyn are not

That is nice wordplay. You can't really deny that.

Right? No way a dude with a wordplay game that tight sleeps alone at night.

These posts are cringy as fuck "wow guys our humor is so much more advanced than the rest of redditamirite?"

I guarantee if Norm Macdonald said that line people here would think it was funny.

People with happy lives aren't funny.

Women found it

I’m very angry now