Someone posted a picture of Anthony with an 18 year old girl in r/Happy claiming the man was a former homeless alcoholic in recovery celebrating his daughters 18th birthday. It has a shit ton of upvotes and everyone is buying it

305  2018-03-25 by J0hnEddy



I've never been more proud of myself at any point in my life than I am for the comment I just made on that page. I will be devastated if it gets deleted.

It's too obvious. You're gonna get us all fucking pinched.

You're right, let me do it. He was my dog.


I liked yours. Very subtle.

ME: Some people were saying that /u/all_copacetic had a funny post or somethin'? I didn't ever fawkin see that post. sneeze snot onto lip

I wish him nawthing but the fawking best. Period.

ME: I'm all-in with wishing people all the fawkin best, always have been snort & swallow big hard booger

I was quite proud of mine:

Some no grammar having ass said:

my dad lost his life to alcoholism a year and half ago but I feel i lost him 20 years ago. it still pains me when i think everyday he could have choose his family or the bottle and everyday he choosed against us.

I responded simply with:


I know, I know, I'm hilarious, don't everyone blow me at once.

What a bunch of adorable scamps this place is

We're mischievous little rascals.

We was only foolin.


There are faggots there who have figured out it's a fake, but are certain it's because OP wants reddit karma or that it has something to do with the_donald.

You just described the entirety of Reddit

Aka faggots.

look what a little faggot /u/because-i-can- is. Goes around checking post histories and shit.

Youre really making a difference in the world homo. You showed OP!

Trump is living rent free in that guys head, jesus.


Weird thing is, he was doing all of that with his dick in his hand. He went through my post history and started talking shit to me in another thread from a few days ago. So I went through his post history and noticed that he made several posts in various pornography subreddits in between calling me a slimeball and whatever other gay insults he called me.

Check his post history. He had his dick in his hand the whole time. Was posting in various pornography subreddits in between posts calling me "slime" and whatever other gay insults he was spewing. He was literally jerking off while calling me a Nazi. People on this site, man.

/u/because-i-can- is a hall monitor bitch boi faggot that thinks everyone who isn't a libcuck cock sucker like him is a nazi.

Check his post history. He had his dick in his hand the whole time. Was posting in various pornography subreddits in between posts calling me "slime" and whatever other gay insults he was spewing. He was literally jerking off while calling me a Nazi. Sadly the mods removed his posts because that was some funny shit.

Fatal error!

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Yeah, I checked out a few of his recent comments.

That dude is such a fucking turd.

/u/because-I-can- is a fucking nazi. Not one of those "I'm just gonna go along with this whole thing" nazis either, I'm talking a real Amon Goeth snipe some Jews while you eat breakfast kind of nazi.


You're being a massive nazi right now.

The good people of /r/opieandanthony will not stand for it.

Kindly leave, good sir.

You showed OP!

Yeah I did. I got his fucking post removed.

Kill yourself, you cringy little Nazi coward.

No you fuck it got removed cause it's a troll post that's a stupid inside joke so this sub can have a small ha ha.

Cringy little boy. You're making a difference in the world by being a faggot. Keep it going

They're just the loser hall monitors from high school all grown up. They became an adult and still nobody likes them, so they ruin everyone else's fun out of jealousy.

Is your dick hard from the donald posts or the porn you're looking at in between fighting about a shit post? Fucking quay.

Nothing wrong with Nazis, you bigot.

What's going on big guy?

What do you do for a living, character?


/u/because-i-can like to kill dogs for fun I hear

Then he eats their butts afterwards or so I'm told.

All I'm hearing is that /u/because-i-can is into bestiality. That's all I keep hearing.

Allegedly, /u/because-i-can prefers scat bestiality but that's neither here nor there.

Holy mother please have mercy, I thought the rumors about /u/because-i-can being into scat bestiality were just a myth, I didn't know they were a well-known fact!

sigh It's a tough one, man.

/u/because-i-can- is world famous for his love of animals and for his love of poo but I just don't know. On one hand the little animals are so cute and furry and their shits are so warm and soft but on the other hand...ahhhhh I don't know, man. I guess I fall middle of the road on this one.

What a sissy. He thinks revealing that you post in THE DONALD MMMAAANN is all he needs to win the argument.

I like that once they caught on that the story is bullshit they're all so certain it was just done for "karma" and not because it's funny.

I like posts calling OP a nazi white supremacist.

He must be, he posts on THE DONALD guys!

OH NO!!!1!!11

How ever will we survive this atrocity?



God I hate reddit so fucking much.

You act like its unique to this website, its pretty much the same for the rest of society. It's just that all the faggotry is collected in one place

Reddit seems to have a particularly high density of faggotry.

What the fuck is karma even? You can turn that into money or what?

Why these faggots would care about approval from random people online based on the quality of a faggoty clip or post of a relevant article is beyond me. Edit - thanks for the gold kind stranger

What! Downvoes. Come on people, I'm fighting for my life for gay internet points.

Management likes the direction of your username.

I needed ya that day

Because this site is full of high school edgelord losers. If you apply that filter when reading anything outside of this sub, it puts a lot into perspective.

Here, take my updoot

All that says to me is that everyone there is a massive twat that upvotes literally anything that's put in front of them.

Those stupid fucks are the reason for everything.

That's just what theDonald does!

Well, this is just not the time or place to post something like this.

Projecting faggots.

This website's user base is people looking for validation and nothing else. It's fucking stiflingly saturated with these mental dead-ends.

EDIT: Fuck the OP. Photo is fake and OP is a fucking Nazi sympathizer. Thanks everyone for the sweet comments tho. I really enjoyed reading all the supporting PMs I received. Faith in humanity partially restored.

Faith in humanity partially restored.


What faggot JacP123 is. He's literally going under every comment and determining if the poster is from here or not. Who has that kind of time? Loser.

Too many tattle tales over there

Buncha lies!

I hate these Reddit. I hate faggots. I hate all these sensitive pricks who can't take a joke or understand irony. I hope these people are sterilized with a fire poker

Of course everyone is buying it. They have no reason not to. He's such an irrelevant loser outside of his own little ball washing social circle.

Spoiler alert he's a fucking loser in his circle too.

We know, stupid!

The person I'm replying to is brigading this post from /r/happy

Fuck off, bot.

We're busy.

Lmao that autist had a nigga ribs hurting

No shit

What's funny to me is that the people in this subreddit hate Anthony more than you.

The person I'm replying to is a fucking nerd loser who has enough time to have 100k karma and personally check everyone's posting history.

How on EARTH do you have this much time on your hands?

It looks like you spent hours toiling over a simple joke that was not even posted with the intention you thought it was for (no one gives a shit about Reddit karma). Just imagine if you channeled that focus into something actually productive.

I really fucking hate reddit.

Thanks for reposting it. Butt blasted libtards going through my post history and down voting everything.

LOL holy fuck that is hilarious.

I see the happy subreddit from time to time in my /r/all feed and it’s usually always a serious post. But when I saw zits on the front page I fawkin lost it.

Quality shitposting is a high art. AND you get the additional satisfaction of pissing off redditors who have a stick up their ass.

Hey man, congratulations!

My dad never did. He wasn't there for my 10th, 15th, nor my 20th birthday. Im an adult and crave a dad's wisdom upon my life, but it never came. Kudos to you for thinking about your daughter and being there for her. You are a champion. Keep it up!

EDIT: Fuck the OP. Photo is fake and OP is a fucking Nazi sympathizer. Thanks everyone for the sweet comments tho. I really enjoyed reading all the supporting PMs I received. Faith in humanity partially restored.

Second most upvoted comment. This is some fine ass shit posting.

What a drip. No wonder his dad left.

Pissy pants adult. Any father would eject.

What /u/_HexMan's father did was not only sensible, but kind of awesome in a way.

Why would they edit their comment instead of just deleting it. Dude probably thinks "oh some people might still care about my heartfelt story"

All the fags on reddit love to dry hump each other. Oooooh I saved this puppy and now look how amazing it is. Give me upvotes and suck my dick for a little bit. Oooooh I lost some weight. Look at me. Faggots.

My heart goes out to you stranger I've never met.

ass shit

What other kind is there?

I hate how people feel the need to immediately ruin the joke every time and give out who the person being posted actually is. Fucking retarded rats.

Whoever upvotes them is even worse.

They'll never understand how unfunny they are.

delete your account

It was directed towards the guy that posted the original content you dumb shit. Faggots, everywhere.

I love how immediately you downvoted both my comments and upvoted yourself. Typical Opie move. You learned well, little faggot.

Reddit auto-upvotes your own comments every time. Why would I go out of my way to downvote my own? Who cares?

And fuck you, FG sucks dick.

Because you are an insecure little faggot who didn't get the joke. To cover up your stupidity you had to resort to Opie like tactics. It's despicable.

I have no idea what your deal is, but the fact that you post on other subs is suspect.

So glad i saw it on the front page before i saw it here

Astonished by how much this shit is taking off

Those people who eagerly post comments that reveal the bit like they're blowing the lid off some conspiracy.. management loves them

Ok time for phase two.

Do we have a picture where he's grabbing her ass or anything sexual?

We post that as an update. "Oh wow guys. Thanks for the love. Due to success of last post here is our vacation to suchandsuch"

But its him toungekissing his "daughter". Then we sit back.

This guys got it all figured out. Fawk!

Everyone from here that posts in that thread are cancerous faggots that ruin everything.

wow, thath great man! proceeds to tell faggy story about his family that no one asked for EDIT: omg nvm, jutht found photo ith fake, and op ith a nathi thimpathither

redditors need to die

This is bullshit. I did this once with a thread about Jim Norton being a literal retard or something, and it got thousands of upvotes on some sub. Posted it here and a mod deleted it saying he doesn't want us to get in trouble for brigading. Now it's fine? I was so proud of my troll post, too.

Post it again. The only active mods are known heroin addicts

Maybe it depends on the time of day.

This dude posted his thing at like 1:00am cst.

Try it late at night.

They're really giving the denizens of this subreddit the business

"Someone" posted it, huh?

His ill-fitting suit really bothers me.

Despite having at least a little bit of money this white trash ginnea still buys his suits off the rack at men’s warehouse

They’re congratulating him for getting sober and being there for his daughter, but the original post says he put down the bottle 20 years ago and his daughter is turning 18. Which means when his “daughter” was born he’d already gone two years without a drink or drug in hish body comic630


I'm glad your dad left.



You're such a pussy it's incredible.

/u/JacP123 is a faggoty, narc cunt

I've seen a lot of online faggotry, but nothing like that. Who on earth has time to do that? Did he make a spreadsheet or something?


"Fuck. I knew there's a creepy vibe in that photo."


This is great. Tomfoolery like this keeps this sub alive

They didn't appreciate my Vos plug, banned me. How the fuck am I supposed to be happy now?

Well, this is just not the time or place to post something like this.

Buncha lies!

They're just the loser hall monitors from high school all grown up. They became an adult and still nobody likes them, so they ruin everyone else's fun out of jealousy.