Ant's Corrado "Junior" Soprano parody account is obsessed with "jew cunt" Sarah Silverman

57  2018-03-21 by WhatTooReal


Gonna be hard for him to confirm 🐜 's next account when he's banned for hate tweeting.

I had fun going down that timeline report report

guh blesssssss

Anthony is a dummy.

"I'll just post all my REALLY heinous shit on this other account. They'll never catch me!"

Twitter has his IP address, so they know both accounts are posting from the same house. They also have every deleted tweet since the dawn of the website.

If they wanted to, they could destroy this man in the blink of an eye.

How do we know this is Ant? Be really fucking gay if you morons get this hilarious account banned just because of your fag e-drama

Because he said on his show its him you fucking dummy.

Was that recently?

You remember how many times he talked about just loooooving the Jews? What a spineless fag, talking shit on blacks all day but hiding his j-pilling under a bushel.

When did he take credit for the account?

AnthonyCumiaCM ‏>@AnthonyCumiacm 7h7 hours ago Well, this one is it. It’s only me if @CorradoSoprano4 retweets it. Imposters are coming out of the woodwork. Thanks.

First tweet on his new account, which is quite explicit. @CorradoSoprano4 started tweeting again right after @xyz got suspended after previously tweeting only once in 2018. 1+1.

It's him.

My god, what a dumb fucking coward.

His new @anthonycumiacm account openly says: "Let’s try this again. If this disappears, follow @CorradoSoprano4 He’ll keep you updated." So it has to be him or someone connected to him.

Yes his last show.

People who post anonymously are sccccccumbags

More signs that he's the Long Island serial killer.

The Roslyn Nibbler strikes again!

Wait, he’s had another account this whole time? He wasn’t tweeting enough from his own? He really really is a loser

This is exactly the type of shit you'd expect him to do but hope he didn't... post shit like this with a fake account. He bitches about it all day, and here he is doing it to people more famous than him which makes him seem like a little spectator fan boy watching people who are in real show business.

A radio host /podcaster tweeting "dirty Jew cunt" to famous comic Sarah Silverman under an anonymous twitter handle with one of those goofy avatars like every other man child in their 40s on facebook. The ugliest saddest adults have their defaul pic as a movie character or some kind of silly screen shot

It'd be a shame if something were to happen to his account.

You're doing the lords work.

"Funniest man in the O&A Universe" here.

AnthonyCumiaCM ‏>@AnthonyCumiacm 7h7 hours ago Well, this one is it. It’s only me if @CorradoSoprano4 retweets it. Imposters are coming out of the woodwork. Thanks.

First tweet on his new account, which is quite explicit. @CorradoSoprano4 started tweeting again right after @xyz got suspended after previously tweeting only once in 2018. 1+1.

It's him.