Whoopsie daisy

220  2018-03-19 by 2hawt2sexxxi


Thank you for your service.

I'm torn. A masterful troll, but Cumia's Twitter was a source of maudlin entertainment.

Paging @anthonycumia123.

Implying Ant won't be back up and running within the day

You have no affect on his life.



i need to know the difference. why?

affect is typically used as a verb while effect is usually a noun.

You're effecting a real change

Not typically and usually. One is a noun and one is a verb.

shut up nerd

A legitimate question deserves a legitimate answer.

That's a very helpful video.

How I was taught to remember it was that affect happens before and effect happens after, that is a comes before e in the alphabet.

I was taught to remember that if you're affected, you're like, emotionally affected. That was the FYS prof's main catch to help you remember. My school sucked ass.


This wouldn't be as satisfying if Ant didnt care about Twitter so much.

Beavis must be hiding right now as Ant flips his shit. His precious followers are gone.

Back to obscurity with you!

What have you got like 5 followers?

5 more then Ant has now

Back into obscurity, sand nigger.

What was the violation? This is hilarious. As if Ant could hate Reddit more.

Imagining the sheer amount of rage this old wop will be feeling right now is bringing me so much joy.

You're going to make closet Anthony fans mad on this sub.

The 3 of them can go back to their dead sub.

Obscurity with them

It appears that Twitter is the most important thing in his life. And you took it away from him.

My god, you murdered Anthony Cumia. His nigger blood is on your hands.

You may have caused a domestic violence incident in the state of New York.

Now back to obscurity with you

Just imagine how terrible ant will look in his new mug shot

I can't not read that like Chippah

tss yeah mug shot, that is a big one.....

Back into obscurity, you alcoholic dagowop

What tweet did you submit? How did this happen? Good work!


No worries, folks! @AnthonyCumiaabc will be up shortly.

Or even better, @AnthonyCumia666

Dvvv dvvv dvvv dvvvv \m/

Everyone should rush to twitter and take every possible variation of his name to squat on it.

I suggested this weeks if not months ago. We should have planned this


More like @anthonycumiafoxnews

Do you get $5,000 now?

Hes going to be hand biteingly mad!

Good, all my accounts won't be banned on his new account.

This game is fun.

It's like he lost at Mega-Man. Ant has to go through all of the boss battles again.

I feel like Dr Wily.

Has anybody tried registering anthonycumiazyx and claiming to be his new twitter, yet?

you just know that old twitchy ghoul is browsing through this sub right now, reading every fucking comment, and yelling wildly at his screen. this makes me so happy.

if he was still funny hed make fun of each screenname that triggers him

But that's exactly what I am doing

LOL @ head on a swivel.

Slow clap

This was gods work

ZERO followers 😂😂 what a loser!!! Obscurity! 😂😂

Hope Missy has some good weed ready having to listen to all Ants rants. At least she doesn't have to Bar tend... those jobs are for people below her, like the cunt on the morning show.

fa la la la

I'd like to think my 15 reports on his account might have had something to do with it! What a twat!


He's going to need a lot of tranny cock to get this off his mind.

Easy. Make a new account. What comes after xyz?

Tattle tail faggots

Aww, is someone upset his hero got his Twitter taken away?

I don't use Twitter. I think it's retarded.

I'm annoyed at all the self congratulating for doing nothing impressive. You're all like those jackasses who sucker punch somebody, then run away and tell your friends how you just kicked some ass, maaaaaaan


What'll it be then. Rib or chop. Loin or shank.

@AnthonyCumia13BBC ( i love big black cock)

Please tell me you have 12 followers.

how many people has this guy doxxed?

This pretty much confirms this place is infested with social justice types. Hypocrisy. Jerking it over Twitter bans for mean words. The inability to win through creativity or intelligence and instead relying on mass reporting. Sad.

It's like he lost at Mega-Man. Ant has to go through all of the boss battles again.

I can't not read that like Chippah