Hannibal Buress kicked off stage at Loyola University after joking about priests molesting kids

72  2018-03-18 by crookedmile


I like how Hannibal is known for taking down another black comic, and nothing else.

The biggest house nigger since Chuck D.

Bill Maher*

There seems to be a surprising amount of Public Enemy fans on this sub.

Fuck whitey

I'm sorry, did you say Whitney?

I generally like older rap music but never got into the Public Enemy sniff

ME: I go DEEP with the Public Enemy!

Dude he’s the host of 18 seasons running Snail Down

That's the worst show on television

No that’s bird up. Snail down is the best television show on television

Shit you're right I went to publish school sorry

Enjoy your life before Devos mandates your execution filthy peasant

Black on black violence.

He's ok in my book.

he doesn't seem to mind getting paid by known child molesters.


He should have performed at 'Lolita University'. Anything goes there.

There it is. Line of the day. Calling it right now. SNOOWAAAAYYY...

I thought this was on a regular sub for a half second

It is. We are all utterly normal round here.

Utterly normal

Take us out you fat pig

The snowflakes wont be able to use the excuse "hes just some old comedian who doesnt get how we've improved comedy to not be insulting" like Chris Rock

They are in complete denial tgat they kill free expression

So why take the gig then? Just tell them no after you got the e-mail.

“Bitch ass old people, I can project.” I'm sure you can, deep-fried Dr. Bunsen Honeydew.

good for him.

Good for him. They shuffled around child molestors for years. You might not ever work there again but who cares.

It must be really insulting being told what you can't say on stage. I don't know how they could have thought he would just play along especially after saying "don't say this".

scumbaaaag vultuuuures

They let him finish his set, so I doubt it was a dealbreaker. It’s weird to cut him off and then still let him finish. Either he backed down, or they decided to let him do his thing. I really don’t know. If he backed down, I think that was a mistake if he’s trying to make a name for himself.

Yeah I wish I could watch this set. Hopefully it was the University that backed down

This sounds like Anthony's nightmare act.

Did they molest him in those “extended” 15 minutes?

When Buress went after Cosby, articles were written about how he's an agent of Jews pushing the Zionist agenda (Google it).

So he's moved on to singling out CATHOLIC PRIESTS and their love of children, huh?

I have no issue with these jokes, I probably would've laughed if I was in that room. But statistically speaking, are Catholics supposed to be more into pedophilia than Jews are?

Why is Judaism off-limits to these jokes? Why is it always Christians? That's all I want to know.

Shut up faggot

Great line, write it yourself?

Cosby sent out the hit.

I like Hannibal. He’s one of the good N people

Not exactly ballsy. Let me know when he calls out his own on their bullshit. Then I’ll call him ballsy. Cosby doesn’t count either. Hannibal didn’t care about the rape. Hannibal only cared that Cosby was being honest about his own people. That was what Hannibal was doing with Cosby. He was shaming Cosby into silence because Cosby had the balls to call bullshit on black men. So what the Catholics did to Hannibal was what Hannibal did to Cosby: silenced someone calling bullshit.

fag going for fake controversy.

Something tells me he wouldn't have made Muhammed jokes at an Islamic church. Soft target, fake edge bullshit.

Wow, aint you a perceptive lad?

In 2018, a comedian can call the entire audience kid touchers, and he's let back onstage after fifteen minutes. But if a speaker says something crazy like this, they're banned before setting foot on stage:

“Here are young women with more opportunities, more liberties than almost any women in history and at that moment we tell them they’re short-changed silenced victims of a patriarchy? It’s defeatist and demoralising.”


His act sounds topical

Sexual abuse cases in Brooklyn's Haredi community

The response of the Haredi Jewish community in Brooklyn, New York City, to allegations of sexual abuse against its spiritual leaders has drawn scrutiny. When teachers, rabbis, and other leaders have been accused of sexual abuse, authorities in the Haredi community have often failed to report offenses to Brooklyn police, intimidated witnesses, and encouraged shunning against victims and those members of the community who speak out against cases of abuse.

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:::::::flips ON swith for gas chambers::::::

I wonder what Patrice would have to say about this.

I miss caprice.

He was so wise and so black. Like a black Led Zeppelin.

He made me feel like I had a cool black friend and taught me everything I know about women.

Besides that pesky rape conviction, I'm doing pretty well with the ladies.


that would be quite a world, wouldnt it....

a world where these FRAUDULENT, PRETEND-REBEL 'muckrakers' were just as "brave" w/ other religions

--but shitting on one group might kill you; fa la la la la..... --and shitting on The CARTEL will get ya banned from showbiz la la....

He takes a gig at a super religious Catholic college for the money and will now pretend as if he's going to be surprised that a kid fuck joke didn't kill... He might be less than smart. His bit about Cosby, BTW wasn't even funny if you go back and listen. It's just a bite off Eddie Murphy doing the whole Coke and a Smile bit. - Fuck priests, fuck religion, fuck kids and fuck Cannonball Bare-ass.

Fair but getting cut-off 5 minutes in is a lot different than just bombing. But yeah, he has no room to act surprised

He's a cunt. A couple months ago he got arrested for being drunk and there's a whole "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" video of it... He's no Eric Andre.

Ahh fuck I remember that now hahaha.

I'm pretty sure he only did the Cosby bit bc he was in Philly. Or he had only done it a couple times before. And they should've known he would do that.

He did it in Detroit and Indy before Philly.

That's why I said a couple times. He basically disowned the bit. Said it was something that he had just started. And doesn't talk about it.

It wasn't in Comedy Comisado Netflix special? I didn't know he quit doing it. I saw him twice that month, at Oddball Fest in Chicago, and then in Indy 2 weeks later, and he had only done Detroit in between. Pretty sure it was in the Netflix Special but not 100%

"And they should've known he would do that."

Preist fuck material is fine if it kills. He took the risk and lost, probably because his material sucked. Does he do nursing homes too and bring his grandma getting beat up by interns material... He's a fucking moron.

I'll side with a comic every time. But there are a lot of great points in thread about how he would never go at Muslims and Jews like that.

How poetic that you'll blindly side with people you don't know because they do standup. - Good point. He wouldn't go at Muslims or Jews, nor would either of them be dumb enough to hire a dumb nigger like Hannibal.

Hannibal is hilarious and very much on the way up. He didn’t do it to ‘kill’ but to say ‘fuck you’ to the school. Obviously you don’t wanna be told what to say as a comedian. Also apparently it was the crowd that wanted him back on stage.

It always cracks me up when people mock comedians for making fun of christianity instead of islam. But they conveniently forget that christians have been mass raping children without suffering any legitimate punishment. But that 1% of the population is the real problem MAAAAAAAAN. Nothing about western civilization could be fundamentally corrupt and evil.

Because every organized religion does the same shit, but the (((media))) has pushed the Catholic angle for so long that it's now just a faux edgy hack joke.

Wonder why the media might have singled out Catholics specifically 🤔


Catholic Church and Judaism

Relations between Catholicism and Judaism deals with the current attitude of the Catholic Church towards Judaism and Jews, the attitude of Jews toward Catholicism and Catholics, and the changes in the relationship since World War II.

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What consequences has the catholic church faced as a result of their regular rape of children?

It has nothing to do with race, for me. Nor is it specifically catholics Christianity in general results in child rape and molestation.

Well, it does have semitic roots, so you're probably right.

Most organized religions are a kid fucking scheme. Pedophiles know they can't just hang around the playground snatching up kids so they put themselves in occupations with access to children. The really smart ones realized that if you want the kids, you have to gain complete trust of the parents. And what better way than creating a system that brainwashes people into having faith in the pedophile as man sent from god?


I was just originally pointing out why people are tired of the Catholic jokes that are supposed to be shocking.

The shocking part should be that nothing has changed and nobody even cares anymore. Has any comedian taken that angle? Blaming the audience for letting kids get raped.

It'll be something shocking when he does it in front of a Jewish audience. The news stories I posted in this thread are all from 2018. It took 3 seconds to find them.

I wonder if a Catholic owned media outlet nonstop published stories like the ones I linked, if it would seem a bit odd to anyone. 😂

shut up, kike.

Sherrod would have kept it clean...


This dumb racist black dude thinks he's edgy, watch his arrest video. He isn't meant to partake in weed, faggot acts like he just took H.


Not a good move fucking with the Jesuits.

It is. We are all utterly normal round here.

Fair but getting cut-off 5 minutes in is a lot different than just bombing. But yeah, he has no room to act surprised

I'm sorry, did you say Whitney?

Enjoy your life before Devos mandates your execution filthy peasant

I'm pretty sure he only did the Cosby bit bc he was in Philly. Or he had only done it a couple times before. And they should've known he would do that.

Hannibal is hilarious and very much on the way up. He didn’t do it to ‘kill’ but to say ‘fuck you’ to the school. Obviously you don’t wanna be told what to say as a comedian. Also apparently it was the crowd that wanted him back on stage.