Edgy and fearless comic Anthony Jeselnik apparently gets liposuction. Lol.

34  2018-03-18 by McMuffinsForehead


Jeselnik is funny because he uses deadpan delivery with his dead baby jokes xD

I’m gonna be Daniel tosh but without any personality

You hit the nail on the head.

This is a funny parallel because people make jokes about Tosh being a closeted homosexual, and Amy Schumer, who once dated Anthony Jeselnik, claimed that one of her exes was a closeted gay standup comic.

most accurate.

I, too, hate well crafted one liners instead of absurd scenarios run in to the ground for minutes at a time.

His stand up is above average, which is also sad.

Anthony "never learning your shitty last name"

Owen Benjamin is the most embarrassing person currently happening. He was an unfunny but talented piano player that went on Rogan and Cumia once and realized he can make like 50k a year being the alt right guy. Now he's yelling soy on twitter

Yup. Owen aggressively echoes/ fumbles points made by his anti-left heroes, ironically hurting their narrative and completely avoids punchlines beyond casual name calling, all while bragging about his high IQ. Jeselnik is infinitely more funny.

Owen Benjamin is very funny. His stand up is very good. He is hilarious every time he has been on Legion of Skanks. I think he became this far right guy after he made a harmless comment on Twitter about not giving 5 year olds hormone blockers. And then he lost his agent and a lot of his career for that. So he just said "fuck it" and went all in.

"I think he became this far right guy after he made a harmless comment on Twitter about not giving 5 year olds hormone blockers" doesn't that just make him an ultra emotional reactive cunt then? who goes 'far right' after a minor twitter exchange besides a total fucking sponge brain moron

It wasn't a minor twitter exchange. He lost his agent and large amounts of his career from it. Just because he said 5 year olds shouldn't be on hormone blockers.

Gender is a social construct, bigot.

He definitely wasn't funny before all that stuff happened.

Pretty much, he wasn't ever that funny. Also it does make you wonder, if he is such a "talented musician" why couldn't he achieve any success outside of bit roles


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Fetch me a turkey leg, you nothing

Fuckin medieval waiter

Fetch me a turkey leg, you nothing

i miss patrice

I like Anthony's stand-up, obviously a very funny guy. How come he never does podcasts/radio? Is he retarded in conversation or something?

Same with Tosh. I think they play on-stage characters and doing outside interviews would blow their image.

Ah. I guess they're both really successful so it's not like they have to do podcasts to promote their stuff.

He did Maron back in 2011 and came off as incredibly unlikable.

Yeah he writes great jokes, but he's a boring guy. He went on Todd Barry's podcast a few years ago and admitted that he stole his on-stage shtick directly from him, which sorta makes sense. On the same podcast he tell's a story about a gig in Dublin opening for that shitdick Russell Howard, he claims like half the crowd walked out, I was at the gig, no one walked out, he just didn't do too well, he was still hilarious though.

He opened for Russell Howard?

He opened for Russell Howard?

Yeah, it was at a comedy festival show.

Surprisingly, I remember hearing Jeselnik say that he modeled his act after BJ 'Ryan from The Office' Novak, who also apparently did a standup routine where he just did one liners

He's like a totally edgy Mitch Hedburg or Steven Wright, maaaaan

His schtick gets old quick.

He did the Bret Easton Ellis podcast. Be warned, listening to Bret Easton Ellis is like listening to a hipster who really wants to discuss his opinion of the works of Bret Easton Ellis. Seriously, he had Kanye on and came off as the pretentious egoist in the room

So Marc Maron

How come he never does podcasts/radio?

Interestingly, he actually co-hosted a podcast with this straight-laced talking head from the NFL Network (who was his former college roommate) a few years back. I'm pretty sure they only did it for one season but still, it was something.

I would too if I could afford it

Liposuction is fucking great. How do you think Kim Kardashian got that T&A? She's basically a fat girl who removed the fat from all the places that it looks bad.

Owen Benjamin is a smug, arrogant, unfunny douche. Jeselnik is funny, I don't care if he got his cock and balls surgically removed. Anth rules.

Yeah but what about the lipo part?

If Jeselnik doesn't incorporate his lipo appointments into his act, Owen won this round. You only block when you have no other response, like Cumia does with his haters.

Jeselnik doesn't do autobiographical humor.

Owen got twiggered bc he realized Anthony blocked him without ever interacting with him. Owen is arrogant. Watch him on Stefan's show. In his mind, if this were the 70's he'd be respected like Carlin. I like Crowder but Owen stinks. Ant J talks like Dem fag, but is a legend. His last special was great.

Did you just refer to Jeselnik as a legend?

A leg end is a foot.

His last special was brilliant. He's already got better jokes than Mitch Hedberg.

Benjamin is getting lit up by random people on Twitter and just keeps posting about liposuction.

Oh no not getting lit up by random people in Twitter. Whatever will he do.

It seems to be bothering him. Maybe you should have a talk with him

He's trolling. These are the reactions he thrives on.

sometimes it's not worth it to explain these things to these people.

when you're tweeting hundreds of times over the course of an hour or two you're the one getting trolled, faggot.

Lol whatever you have to tell yourself

yea he's not stirring up leftist controversy intentionally.

Muh alt right. Shame I used to like Jeselnik.

Used to like Jeselnik? When? Maybe you should straighten out your taste in comedy before you start getting into politics.

Hes one of those types who throws out alt right because he thinks its on par with domestic violence or some shit

Go have starbucks with sarah silverman while discussing how everyone who isnt in favor of 9 year old drag queens is nazi.

Owen Benjamin stinks.

Owen Benjamin is actually really funny when he has been on LOS. Too bad he is one of the many entertainers that are insufferable when given Twitter.

huh? the last time Owen was on LOS it was extremely cringe worthy, it wasn't funny in the least. Even Luis was trying to tamp down his dumb unfunny bullshit.

Well to be honest I only remember his one appearance which I think was his first a year ago or something

I'm sure he would really not like it if we tweeted about his fat reduction procedures to I'm on twitter fellas.

Ant fanfag detected. Prolly Owen.

Owen Benjamin is a complete and utter embarrassing faggot.

Yet, I still like him a lot more than that fag Owen Benjamin.

I can never understand whenever there’s some twitter dispute between famous people, there’s always dozens or hundreds of these bottomfeeders involving themselves and fighting fo their hero. it’s so goddamn pathetic.

Owen Benjamin is Metzger level of trollablility. He's just an angry teen with equal humor.

Yeah but Metzger is funny. Kurt is/was also doing a lot of opiates and a side effect of them is rambling on social media

I worded it wrong. Metzger is funny, Owen has the views and humor of a teenage kid.

I totally forgot Kurt exists.

I liked Benjamin at first, because he was pretty good at talking shit about people. But now he’s stuck there.

Never liked either of these guys personally, but Jeselnik is at least a respectable comic. I gander Owen didn't know what he was getting into by going the alt-right route, and now is trying to play it off


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Owen Benjamin is a fucking factory of cringe. The last to adopt every embarrassing joke from the anti-sjw youtube world, and the last to give it up. HAHA soy boy, am I right? LMAO.

ew, i clicked that link hoping for a half-funny owen benjamin joke that i could sneak some laughs to. instead, i'm looking at one of the stupidest fucking twats on the internet today. thanks for that.

For a while guys like Tosh, Jeselnik, and Owen Benjamin were all lumped into the same group: these edgy guys that Comedy Central saw a lot of potential in. Frankly, so did I. And we all saw how successful Tosh became. They all branded themselves as “offensive comedians”. But the difference between Tosh and Jeselnik versus Owen Benjamin was that you can tell they were artificially offensive and it was just a cathartic persona for them. Owen’s comedy always felt like it was comimg from a genuinely angry place. Not that there’s anything wrong with using your comedy as an outlet, but there came a point in the last few years that he’s taken it a bit too far.

what, you guys can't like two comics, you have to take sides and join a bitchfight?

they're both funny.

We know it's true because some noname choad said it.