These “men” will kick your arse bitches

44  2018-03-17 by AntwansBobo


Do you think Ant’s at the point where he’s uncomfortably starting to ask these leeches to start subscribing to CM?

"...sooo, you guys gotten around to subscribing to the site?..." - 🐜 through a gritted teeth smile

“Oh wow look at me, pocket Aces. What a great deal! You know what else is a great deal? 12 months of CM for only $8.83/month!”

Tss Ants got pocket aces on his faces or sumphin

He probably asked them to pitch in for the pizzas

That are sitting on a cheap ass folding plastic table

Anthony do something mildly distressing? No. He'd have Kieth ask.

Anthony looks like he's 70

You flatterer, you.

seriously, what happened to his DNA? too much Radon exposure installing ACs?

I think Toxie looks pretty damn good after plastic surgery

Rampaging alcoholism.

Meanwhile his older brother Joe looks like someone who's never worked a day in his life.

Reading glasses and Twitter? Does he really think any of us are jealous of his life. Bunch of try hard tough guys.

Better watch out. That one guy threw up the middle finger like he just don’t give a heck.

OMG I didn't notice that! I almost stepped on a rattlesnake!

That guy is television's own Mr. Drew Carey by the way.


What the fuck is an arse

WAIT- wait! You don' even know what you just said, futhamucka! What the WHAT is a WHAT? Tsss

You know exactly what it is. Dont be ashamed to know your enemy.

Who's the scruffy Lorax on the lower left?

Some fag

Probably Joe's illegitimate son.

Oh look, the guy who got away with poisoning his wife is giving us the finger.

He's soooo badass, you guys.

Who is that? No filter paul?

That table is shit

This room smells like BENGAY and Polident.

Sure. Ben, Ant, Joe, all of them.

The Compound file sharing crew

Yeah, of course, 6 on 1.

Those people never fight fair.

Grandpa is always angrily tweeting on his phone.

Where's all Ant's black friends? This doesn't seem inclusive nor woke.

Joe Matarese hangs out with Cumia? What an awful fall from grace Ants had. From hanging with Daniel Craig to fuckin Joe Matarese...


The guyy on the left looks like a wayyy fatter baba booey Gary dellabate of howard stern fame

Where's the "serial bowl clogger"?

What kind of a bitch you have to feel like to sit there and play poker on a table with your "buddy's" name on it

Nice straw, lil guy.

Way to rob any semblance of manliness out of even whiskey.

The bald one close right, and let’s put this on the record, Is NOT a pedophile

Fetal alcohol syndrome face on the left really getting loose.

Looks like an American Legion only with more lighting and a lot less of that requisite masculinity.

Ant checking how many people follow the guy who just sent him a picture of Sue in his hotel room.

That fella on the left looks like Beaker.

Ant tweeting about politics while texting 5 middle school girls that Keith recruited with CM subscriptions.

I’m so jealous I don’t get an invite... NAHT!

Better watch out. That one guy threw up the middle finger like he just don’t give a heck.

Who is that? No filter paul?