These guys get a lot of hate here but just wanted to say it was one of the highlights of my life to get a picture with them!

49  2018-03-17 by Threeglassjoggers


You look uncomfortably giddy

You have an unusually square head. You're what Al Swearengen might have called a Squareheaded Cocksucker.

I have the same Thwomp-like head that he does. Really makes your picture turn out like shit, and one of the main reasons I still hate having my picture taken after losing 105lbs.

You lied to me, Mr. Lundergaard

The San Francisco Cocksucker scene from Deadwood makes me laugh every time

How’s your hair holding up?

How did you parents die.


Looks like you got your bangs cut by a retard.

I truly believe that getting a picture with former shocking jockey Anthony Cumia and D list comedian Jim Norton was “one” of the highlights of your life.

Ps: you look like you smell of sour milk.

Never noticed Kenny's fantastic jew tits before.

Kenny's a Jew? Had me fooled like Dice, those sneaky kikes.

were adam and eve jews?

Nice life, stupid.

You look like Jim and Ant's lesbian daughter.

If it makes you feel any better, none of the celebrities smile while taking pics with Jim, like he isn't here with you.

Just by looking at you I have no doubt it was one of the highlights of your life.

If that's true you have a worse life than the average homeless person.

yeah, the homeless didn't give af about O&A, they were just doing keith's cowboy style of community service

he's a faggot, but I'm pretty sure he was essential to the "homeless shopping spree" events, which are still the best thing O&A ever did (charity wise I mean)

With that lumbering psychopath as a bonus.

Why would you photoshop one of the 9/11 hijacker's face on a teenage boy?

I'm starting to believe there's a possibility that I'm the best looking retard on this sub.

May I please have a signed photo of the best looking retard on this sub?

Nice shirt, stupid

Cool man. how big's your head?

How could it be without the Opester?

Do you have a donation page?

If your life is that bad I'll throw some money in

What’s the appeal of getting your picture taken with anyone? For me, it would just remind me of the day I was a faggot and my hero was annoyed by me. I’d rather have a picture to remind me of the day I spilled the paint.

Kudos to your hair stylist, she was able to hide the bolt.

I'd just have to point and laugh at them if they were in the same room as me.

Norton was thinning in 07!!


07!! = 105

Hey I remember that from maths

No only was Jim fat, he had the arm size of pre-HGH Anthony. Ant's arms are now 1/8" larger.

You somehow managed to make Anthony cumia look like a celebrity

Why does it look like you are inside of a Nathan's

You look like an uncle. Not a creep, just an uncle.

Anyone here who pretends there was never a point in their life when they'd be jealous of OP's photo is a liar.

We're all recovering fags.

It was a highlight of you're life? Jesus

"Hey Opie....make yourself useful, take a picture of me with these two"

Open your mouth a little wider mongoloid

If this is one of the highlights of your life, you wasted your life. I’d just kill myself.