Is this his go-to insult?

86  2018-03-16 by JamieConway


Isn't that what twitter is for?

I don't understand how he thinks responding, even via DM, is helping him at all. It's literally saying "you win" to the troll.

Can I suck your dick for correctly writing figuratively instead of literally?


Lool was thinking the same thing. It gets on my nerves how everyone uses literally incorrectly

Somewhere along the way in the American lexicon, "figuratively" became "literally"; just like "I couldn't care less" somehow became "I could care less"; and "affect" became "effect".

I don't know if it's the schools, or just the smart people being shamed into leaving the dumb ones alone to spread their dumbness, but we're really starting to look like idiots in the eyes of other English-speaking nations.

Fragile ego + failing career = looking for some way to feel superior. I really hope he has to find the tool set he threw out the window to become a”star.” Back to knocking tin Ant.

People who have self-esteem and class NEVER do shit like this. They ignore it.

Name one famous/talented person who responds to trolls on a regular basis?


Anthony has always been an over sensitive faggot. He used to completely shut down the Pal Talk room if people made fun of him too much.

He bounced me once for saying he looked like Frank Stallone. And then, I got over it.

I've never used the Pal Talk chat before, I just know a lot of people on Wackbag were upset about how thin skinned Anthony was and being banned.

He wrote this and then of course blocked me right after. All it took was calling him a pussy for doxing that guy at his school.

The best is how he measures "success"

The Anthony Cumia Happiness & Success Index:

of Twitter Followers

Twitter Feed & History Whether You Bash Him or Not

of Videos of Weird Old Men Doing Karaoke in a Finished Basement.

Nice copy paste, stupid

This. He has 50 of them pre-written in a text document.

Back to OBSCURITY!!!!!!!!

The compound is definitely not obscure

You forgot the emote at the end to show how little you care about the person you decided to privately DM.

This is more or less what Stern said to Opie & Anthony years ago.

Is he talking to himself?

No emojis? Ant's slipping...

Tell us how you really feel.

Isn't that exactly what Ant does? Raging against politicians and Hollywood liberals more successful than him

And that, my friends, is projection at its finest.

And he'd totally be kissing their asses if he actually met them

I don't know why people get all giddy when their Q-List celebs take pot shots at the actual draws; Totally not coming from a place of jealous, especially in the entertainment world. Not at all.

The nerve of this fucking HVAC repairman. That's literally what got you to your level of "fame" fucking stupid wop nigger

HVAC???You wish.He was a tin knocker.

Old people are terrible at the internet.

He seems to confuse us with actual haters, like people who are consumed by bitterness and jealousy toward a successful person. None of us wish we were Ant. To be running that horrible network and hanging out with other middle-aged pedophiles on the weekends. It's a nightmare scenario. We're more like little kids at the zoo throwing shit at the baboons and watching them freakout in impotent rage.

Does he forget that he was a nobody until his mid 30's? And he's a D-list celebrity at best? I've hung out with people richer than him that bragged less when they had much more. He really is just a nigger rich wop with absolutely zero self awareness.

Woah, you've hung out with rich people?! What's the secret to becoming that cool? Please tell us

Go out to highbrow cultural shit or join/volunteer for at local civic groups or government. eventually you will run into one and who knows, you might just get to know them.

And then I can go to their dinner parties. Thsts so COOL!

yup, just don't take any $20 bills from the money bowl. They leave those in for weeding out plebeians.


Brother Joe and Ant's other minions are convinced to this day that everyone desperately wants an invite to the Compound Parties. Footage has been released of these parties and they're basically cringeworthy hillbilly karaoke horror shows. It says a lot about the delusional mentality of Ant & his crew that they think it's the hot ticket.

Looks like you touched a nerve pal

You can't trash people more successful than. Luckily Ant only punches.

What does he think Twitters for? Who does he think would be acceptable to trash him? A-list movie stars?

He also retweets compliments with "thanks, pal." What a fag.


"enjoy your shitty life." Isn't this the same guy that says prison isn't a big deal because "it just becomes your life"?

Ant probably would enjoy being Vern Schillinger in prison

He'd be Beecher and you know it.

Beecher eventually started fighting back successfully. Antknee is an African Peter Schibetta.

Regardless, we can all agree he definitely would get fucked in the ass.

Peter never backed down, he got caught slipping.

His post describes The O&A show perfectly. What a projecting little faggot.

I might be a loser but if my mother was dying I'd still visit her and I've never been to jail for domestic violence, or had a DUI and lost my license, or lost my guns, or fired from a multi million dollar gig for Twitter rants, or tried to fuck children on vine and Twitter, or been catfished, or had my father call me a pissy eyed faggot.

Or dug big craters into your face to rid yourself of zits?

But have you had your father piss in your mouth?

Yeah 😞

No brother Joe only makes me spit in his

yeah but how many followers do you have?

Ant blocked me because I reminded him that he was in no position to criticize prisoners that get escorted to the hospital when sick because he did just that when arrested for domestic violence. I didn't even get a generic banishment to obscurity message.


He had to go to the hospital to get some faggoty heart medication while in jail. I don't have a source because it was on the Anthony cumia show and nobody watches the shit.

...and I'll bet he blocked you after that.

So brave.

Within seconds. He truly is a huge pussy.

Lol, within seconds? He really has devolved into a teenage girl if he's got that close of an eye on his Twitter.

He forgot his emoticon.


Born: April 26, 1961 (age 56)

Construction on the Berlin Wall had not yet begun.

Isn't he describing the O&A show?

He lost his verified account and is shadowbanned on his new one for doing just what he accused you of...

Is he really shadowbanned?

Back to obscurity! Hahaha holee shit

He’s basically 60. Pretty tragic.

He's not wrong, though.

Says the guy who trashes nothing but liberals who are more successful than him.

How the fuck is he successful? He got banned from SiriusXM again.

"I'm squandering millions on bad choices in life, ugly girlfriends, criminal defense lawyers, awful "network", stupid electronics, booze, drugs, bad hairplugs, stupid dentures, retarded sychophants, loser family, and a McMansion next to a freeway. YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS!!"

Ant's not really a successful man. Why would he allude that he is. He'll be penniless before he's 60. Which is really soon.

He had a gpod job for 20 years. Now he has a podcast.

I mean, his entire career was based on bashing people more successful than him a majority of the time.

Ants is truly on Opie level in different kinds of ways. He can dish it but he can't take it. Little faggot.

Ok, how is your career going?

Hi ant.

You gonna ask me how many followers on twitter I have next?

Ok, how many?

He's not wrong.

Pure projection. Alcoholic. Divorced. Childless. Classless girlfriends. Lousy podcast. Worse friends. Dwindling fan-base. Watch his talk show appearances in his prime, he could (should) have been such a success, it'd almost make you feel bad for the guy. Ronnie said it best when he said Ant got lost. Hard to tell if he knew how right he was.

This guy was a white trash Weird Al knockoff who installed air conditioning to pay the bills. He sees everyone who isn't famous as aspiring to be famous.

Kind of poetic that his desperate attention seeking both created and undid him.

Stop picking on me, fam.

-said the hack who built his radio career off of trashing people who have done way more and are more successful than he ever was

Does the truth hurt?


Last word Ant

This. He has 50 of them pre-written in a text document.

HVAC???You wish.He was a tin knocker.