I hope someone stabs this retarded cunt in the face

64  2018-03-16 by Moveinslience


The linked tweet was tweeted by @carlruiz on Mar 16, 2018 03:05:46 UTC

Real Life Trolling.

Attached video

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Oh my god, the fucking cigarettes in his hat.

He’s having a good time brotherman, ciggies are so cool

Is that a thing? and where?

Prison, typically they smoke them after they make ur asshole bleed with their peckahs.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Surprised Jimmy hasn't tried to get himself arrested if that's the treatment

Smoking cigarettes isn't some cool thing to be proud of. I don't get why he thinks it is. I smoke too and I'm basically ashamed. It makes you stink.

It was cool maybe up until about 20 and then that's it.

Smokers are jokers.

I smoke fools like him on the basketball court!

Baby hits

You dont think using ciggies like a clothing accessory is cool?

How obnoxious. imagine thinking you are learning comedy from Greg "retard making sperm" Hughes?

One day he will be physically assaulted and it will be good.

This sub went through a phase in which Carl was just an adorable cornball who innocently went along with Tits's stupidity because he didn't know any better.

So glad we're past that.

He had an lower immune system than Ant or Jimmy who were able to weather Opies just absolute dumbness, even with years of daily exposure.

He's had plenty of time to see the light. Our patience has limits.

Ya this is practicing for the opie and carl show

Wow he shouted something that wasn't clever or witty, how funny! Imagine if he went into a Burger King and ordered a Big Mac, how crazy would that be! My 9 year old self would have thought that was hilarious.

say "realize" more

The Mad Lad Cuban

Fuck this guy.

Tell us you really feel

“Look everyone, I smoke, and I do it in front of my parents!”

Everything about this guy is tryhard - His wacky t-shirts, his hipster glasses, those fucking cigarettes in his stupid hat.

He's the Joe DeRosa of the cooking world.

Wait a minute. There is only one faggot Joe DeRosa of any world.

he lives in suburban hell nj

This ugly spic must be well into his forties, but he behaves like an annoying fourteen year old who just had his first beer. He simply isn't funny, which is why Opie finds him so funny.

Opie doent feel threaten by him yet. Wait until gets a laugh from a joke. Then tits will turn on him

It's why Opie finds him non-threatening

I agree with the sentiment of this post

Doing the jobs Americans won't do (be second fiddle to Gregg Hughes)

This fucking asshole is at Opie levels of obnoxiousness.

A match made in heaven for these 2.

Obviously graduated with full honours from the Gregg Hughes School of Funny Mofos

This was very Opieish

Carl is an obnoxious faggot. The guy is playing a song using a REAL instrument and his own voice, meaning he had to actually put in time and effort before being on stage and this burger flipper thinks he's cool by trying to mess him up.

Next time he should smash his guitar over his head. I'd loff at that.

He is hard to look at. I keep waiting for him to take off the Groucho nose and glasses. What an ugly fuck. And the worst part is the confidence this idiot has. I fucking hate him

Same Dunning-Kreuger Effect false confidence that hideous slag heap SaiyanZ nigger has. A disillusion that anyone with even an IQ above fucking 70 would think "where in the flying Hebrew fuck does this bag of shit get his gall?"

It's not even...funny...

That isn’t real life trolling. A 18 year old intern slapping chocolates out of the hands of a 50 year old chef, is real life trolling.

No wonder he hangs with ope...

Careful though, he's an alpha

And now he's going through anyone's twitter that is making fun of him.

IMMENSE levels of faggotry. We're talking writing hidden messages in sand here people

Im starting to like this cuban jew i dunno y

“Carl never disappoints in bringing the fun” is one of several comments from accounts that just CAN’T be real. I don’t hate Carl at all but there is no reason to be a “fan” of his. That anyone would follow him, think he’s funny, or root for him to get a show stretches credulity to the breaking point. These HAVE to be fake.

The Opester taught'em well!

"Carl never disappoints on bringing the fun"

*Actual response to this tweet

He probably spent 45 minutes getting up the nerve to do this