Time for The Opster to shine!

134  2018-03-15 by dropngo


Stalker Patty looking sexy AF

She always was Sexy Patti https://imgur.com/gallery/q79tY

Sometimes... you just question your own humanity...

context of the last image?


An ugly hag walked into a radio studio

She's all lips and hips with a psychopaths eyes.

She looks like one of those monsters in Resident evil.


This is a time for jokes? Have some respect, Seven Hawkings is dead! He proved Hawkings decomposition! Tsss

Sum niggaz finna see da erf burn.

-Quote from Tupac, as black Alfred in the new all-black cast remake of "The Dark Knight"

It's like The Wiz

with 100% less Jacko. I'd think it to be more like the black "Honeymooners" - re-written and produced by the Wayans brothers, and directed by Jordan Peele.

Fuck off you non producing low life

  • The homely stripper screamed, as she flagged the bouncer over. You came to, and now smelled the wet odor of your soiled jean shorts. "Too many Natty Lights!" you thought to yourself, as the lumbering man wrapped his hand around the back of your neck, drug you through the place like a dead chicken, and threw you out onto the pavement. A soft, wet lump of excrement rolled out of your shorts, and left a streak across your freshly skinned knee. You briefly worried about the possibility of an infection, but brushed all this aside when when your supplier, "Xando", called you over to his Kia Optoma. He has a small baggy and a "kit" for you, just like you requested. But, reaching into your piss-drenched pockets, you realize that the stripper had robbed you while you were "out". You ask him if you can pay up next time, but you already know the answer when he nods his head to the rear seat. You think for a second, of the memory of your own baby picture, your foggy recollections of your mother before she killed herself - and the fleeting thought of "How did I get here?" runs across your mind as you pull the car door shut. You kneel on the sticky rear floormat - wishing that you had a bottle of water as a sweaty, blistered penis invades your throat. "Later," you think, "I'll get on reddit, and show them I'm the-" - - - The syrupy, smegma-laden filth chokes your airways, and interrupts your thoughts. In a violent gag-reflex reaction, you choke-bite down on Xando's most sensitives. In a rage, he kicks the door open, and you with it - at almost 70 miles per hour. You survive the rolling, spinning, smashing forces that leave you in a bloodied heap on the highway. It takes your broken body and mind a few moments to reach consciousness, just as the headlights of a semi truck blind your jizz-stained eyes. Your last thought, before twenty-three tons rolls over your skull, is "Opie". Neither the angels in Heaven, nor the demons in hell could have guessed that your face was crushed before you could finish with "um". Your only legacy, will be the trolls that live here; somehow knowing that you died professing your love to a delusional ginger with granny tits.

Didn't finish reading this shit. Do yourself a favor and dump the shocking storyteller act. You ain't good at it. That might sound like some defensive shit, but I'm just telling you the truth.

Google "Capitulate", then get back at me when you're well rested and ready. BTW, I banged out one hell of an insult, the least you could do is read it! Butt, fuckkit. Good game.

I got you man. I'll read it, my bad!

The electronics store?

its not the Wiz!

I'm not familiar with the reverence? I'm guessing it's "wanna" rather than "finna".

In certain dialects, "Finna" translates to "Fixin' to"; meaning "I am going to" or "I hope to". ex: "I 'finna' shoot dat ho" > "I intend to use a firearm to murder a woman that has multiple sexual partners"

Got ya. I come from negroid territory. Just saying "finna" doesn't ready fit there.

It's not even really a racially classified word as much as it is a deep southern "confucktion". While good old-fashioned midwestern boys like myself were hearing reconstructed words like these in our forbidden rap CDs in the early 90's, I got to go on a trip down south, through the Smokeys and on to Alabama. The "indigenous" white people I encountered along the way could have been speaking Korean, as far as I could understand. The deep south is all to their own, for sure - white AND black. But to get back to the point, I think it does work. Who woulda thought one dumb comment would turn into an etymology discussion, especially here?


Kicking with sock sandals ... ugh

I would love to go with this but it's sneakers sadly.

The show we all enjoyed at one time or another was objectively really terrible at it's core.

That could be a tagline for this subreddit.

We call that "the Opie factor"

You really wanna go there?

Opie was always objectively terrible, along with Sam. But we have no cross to bear for acknowledging Opie's and Sam's awfulness while loving the best show to ever hit the airwaves. Between Jim Norton, Rich Vos, Robert Kelly, the ageless CQ, DiPaolo, Grand Daddy Cumia, and Saint O'Neal, that shit brightened up my life right out of high school working full-time at a job i fucking despised, going to school full-time, and raising my nephew. I'll never forget that shit and will always appreciate everyone involved... Except Tits and that repulsive, overconfident urchin Opie Roberts, which really goes without saying.

The hours of entertainment the show gave was really great. I only meant that the core of the show was opie and Anthony doing hacky radio shit.

All the comics they had on and the atmosphere that created made the show

Ant was such trash without another comedian, and a worm whenever a female guest was on

Speak for yourself. I’ve been calling you guys fags forever.

I'll beat your ass while scuba diving boy don't play

Check out jimmy’s hat though

Speak for yourself, the show was fucking great.

When there were comics on it was fantastic.

I meant that the core was opie and Anthony alone doing hacky radio shit.

I think you're wrong. I find the comics just sitting there huffing their own farts while jerking off to eachother incredibly boring.

What did you like about the show?

The wacky prank calls, apparently

C-list celebrities telling us about their holidays

Do/are you... 1. Live in New Jersey/Long Island 2. 65 years or older 3. Gay

All of the above.

He was always not funny like that.

One of the biggest laughs I've ever had was watching him punt that pinata. But it's like, you can't just base your friendship on laughter, man.

Take a look at Toast.

He holdin'!

Jim "Erock" Norton on the left

Just look at that motherfucker.....Jesus christ

RIP Steve

Yeeeeeeess I'm dead.

He's in a better place. For us.

Th-that's terrible I'm sorry

Wish it was full of bricks

He really does have autism.

That's what he should have did to Lyndsi' stomach before she gave birth to their mongoloid children.

This is the guy that "shoot the lights out" but just lacked the height to make it in the NBA. A regular Steve Nash.

Shows what a sack of shit he was talking shit to fat rock all those years

Opie's Minds-eye has Patricia Arquette repeating her lines from "True Romance" to him, and he silently repeats them to himself - "You're so cool, You're so cool, You're so cool..."

Why is that man filming with a 32 mm panaflex moving picture camera?

Because these viral moments deserve the utmost in capture quality. How else can you compete with "Private Parts" if it's not on cinematic film?

"I was never supposed to be the fawkin funny one"

I hope he treats his daughter the way he treats that piñata

I can never go after the children, because they had no choice in the matter. On the other hand, ol' "halfpipe jizztrap magillicutty" is fair game, because a choice was made... Someone took money and traded in their 20's in exchange for absorbing Hughes loads. That is as deplorable as an UZI in a K-2 classroom.

Forever a frat boy

I loved this nonsense

This picture embodies the decade of the 2000s more than any I've seen. And what a dreadful decade it was

And i fucking miss it.

This is real? Jesus fuck how many times did this asshole destroy things trying to be funny

Edit: how many times did this cunt fuck asshole destroy the funny by being a hole.

There's like six weirdos on the walk over. They always went on about how nuts they were. Fucking more staff then fans.

Thug Jimmy with the jewelry and Algerian Ant with the cab driver aesthetic

Is Jim wearing Sketchers?

Jimmy has deer hooves for feet

didnt recognize SteveC without an extension cord around his neck.

kickin' dat muuugggg like he jus' ate my steak or sum shizzzzz

When the show was an actual show and not homos sitting in a studio waving arms around.

Did Jim borrow Big A's jeans, fucking size of the things, give your clothes a wash once on a while you grimy cunt.

Jimmy said he once fucked a black bitch who glady gave him an STD and he said he could smell her rotten, disease ridden crotch through her jeans and even after catching chlamydia he still went back for more. Yimmy don't give two soaking wet feces for a washer and dryer. True story.

Just where old tuts craved to be in the centre everyone surrounding him the focus on all on him and his unpredictableness, so wild,so crazy, so dangerous... Cunt.

He has a shitty form for kicking a pinata. The left leg needs to be besides the pinata for more power to the kick.

jim norton aka nu metal fag

is there a story / youtube clip behind this ? like i at least get the shock value on jumping on a homeless persons food or even smashing an annoying whores guitar, but this....

I hate his belt dick. Tuck that shit homie.


Ant's standing there thinking:

Aww...I was gonna use that as bait

I do t know what year this is, but I had better shoes than everyone in this picture.

Gregg "Opie" Hughes - Everyone's Out to Get ME:

(forthcoming podcast title)

All Opie can do is be mean to a person or an object. He hasn't got a single funny bone in his body. Rich Vos is right.

"I worked with the least funny person on the planet."-Jim Norton

Hahahahaha dude he broke the thing they were talking about omg hahahahahahaha

Somewhere, a dog named Chester just twitched involuntarily

Yeeeeeeess I'm dead.

He's in a better place. For us.

Th-that's terrible I'm sorry