Anthony Cumia said he has dreams that the police have come for him after years of getting away with a crime.

117  2018-03-13 by RBuddCumia

I wonder what's on his subconscious ? 🤔


A LOT of tranny cum.

Oh wait, that's his tummy.

He does bad things to children.

He did a bad thing. He is not a bad guy.

Tell him to behave!

What episode does this drama start at? I wanna catch up on the truth. Just a regular joe, cup of coffee and the truth is how I start my day.

When he lucid dreams, where he has total control and no consequences, he immediately starts raping women....

Which is what you should do if you're lucky enough to find yourself in that sotuation... As long as you dont mistake being blackout drunk for a lucid dream.

So are you still on parole, or....?

flaps hands

I went to jail to avoid probation which i would have just fucked up and ended up in jail anyway. I do have like 1.5 years left on a 3 year comditional release, so I have to NOT get arrested during that time, so I cant risk any quick Walmart runs with unbelted toddlers.

Thots 'n preyers.

Would you trust old man Cumia to make that decision?

I've had lucid dreams a handful of times, and thats absolutely the first thing that I try to do

But you're not bitching on Twitter all day preaching some bizarre moral high ground.

So even in your dreams you can't imagine the girl being willing?

What happens is the dream usually starts with me in my own house so I immediately get in my car and find the first girl to have sex with, but I always lose grip of the dream shortly after getting in the car and it never works

You've raped me in my dreams numerous times if that's any consolidation.

His dream involves powerful men putting him in handcuffs and examining his cavities.

dreaming he's the yellow king creeping around carcosa, but he's closer to the fan who got caught be chris hanson

carcosa, him who eats time

anthony, him who eats xanax

Death created time to grow the things that I would fuck.

I can see the similarity.

"Time is my girlfriend's flat ass."

He’s yellow and creepy but that’s just his liver giving out and his natural demeanor.


Every serial killer wishes to get caught, so I understand where he's coming from.

from Tunisia

Some people have reoccurring nightmares that they didn't graduate high school... oh...

He's been very open about most things in his life. Even the terrible stuff. Imagine the things he's ashamed of. How bad are they? Isn't there a serial killer in Long Island?

Serial Killer on Long Island and the most popular theory is the killer is either a current kr retired cop or someone who is in tight with the police.

Do we know anyone who would fit that description?

Also many of the bodies were dumped along a road that somebody speed their shelby down.

Not unless he is also a fucking moron

It would be a shame if the Wikipedia article was edited to show the latest and most likely suspect.

I can't wait for this shit storm to get going.

That’s Scranton. Cumia is the Scranton (cock) Strangler.

Well, when u finger fuck 14 year olds in ur mansion for a decade, this me too shit would give u anxiety also

Family Values.......

Didn't Ant go out of his way to strike up a friendship with Chris Hansen, and even acted out a parody bust with him?

The trail of bread crumbs looks more like a superhighway of entire loafs.

Anthony revealed a long time ago what's in his subconscious.

Preemptively striking up a friendship with Chris Hansen and filming a parody of what he knows is coming for him someday is dark AF, even for Ant, but I think we've established at this point that Anthony Cumia has just about every negative trait a person can have.

I genuinely believe Ant filmed this so that when he inevitably does get busted, there will be people in the audience saying "It was just a bit!"

its actually not about his taste for underage flesh. That dream is probably about him losing his (former) career and being a tin knocker again.

To borrow a reference from Anthony's repertoire

The $8.95/mo Fugitive

ps: Keith/Anthony, that "Get Started Now" click on your subscription page today isn't an actual potential subscriber. That was me, trying to find out how much you're grifting people for your horseshit network.

Nobody's actually interested in signing up.


He called them "DREAMS" HAHAHAHA that sick fucking puppy

Yeah, that's just like that nightmare that we educated people have where we are 2 credits short of graduation because we forgot to go to a class all year.