It's harder to laugh at Anthony after the allegations that he molested a 14 year old

117  2018-03-12 by satsamsit

Picturing his gruesome mug on a couch next to a troubled tween he's fingering tends to overshadow the jocular quips.


Nice conscience, stupid

Does it hit too close to home?

I still like his Tony Danza

Tawts en prayrerz, tawts en prayrerz...

Ant's always been my favorite, but the thought of that creep lusting for and preying on teenage girls and creating a little cult around him that enables and protects this behavior really bothers me to the point that I am also having a tougher time enjoying old clips the same way.


GoblinVapes? More like GoblinCock, double faggot.

Sick burn m8

Well I hope it gets well soon.

I don’t think you actually do!

Nice 🔥🔥🔥 stupid


It's one thing when you think they were just joking around with him on air about this and the racism, or that it was all for shock jockery. Quite another when you see the guy is really this screwed up. I too am starting to wonder how I ever liked the 3 main hosts. Half the time they're just crying about Howard and how he has so much clout.

i literally dont care as long as he makes me laugh.

Dont meet your heroes am I right gang?

oh from your lips to God’s ears my friend

The only heroes I have are the ones I bring to work in my lunch pail with my container of coffee but what the heck do I know?

I would figure you for more of a Grindr type fella instead of a hero.


oh you can meet 'em. Just don't enter a dark room with them when they're loaded on benzo's and Bud Lite.

Heroes? What am I? Johnny 8 year old watchin' action stars on the big screen? You worship the big shots, I'll be down at the job site with my container of coffee admiring a hard day's work!

Just pretend it's his niece and it makes everything okay.

I’m all for spreading baseless rumors and ruining a fringe celebrity’s reputation on the internet, but do you honestly believe Ant molested a child, because a guy claiming to be Danny said it on here? What evidence did this guy provide other than saying he was Danny? I didn’t see him post any proof besides doing a decent impression of Danny’s cunty confrontational personality, and it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that someone on here would be able to pull that off. The only semi-convincing thing was Ant tweeting about Danny shortly after that guy started posting, but we’re talking about the same guy who fell for a bad catfish on twitter and bought the guy an iPad. If someone dedicated enough decided to claim being Opie, and started posted here, old senile Ant would probably address that, too. That said, if Ant did rape a kid I wouldn’t be too surprised at this point!

The ipad purchase and that 12 year old whose Vines Anthony was liking have sealed it in my mind that he at least craves 16 and under girls. Don't know if he's ever acted on it, but if he were presented with a "crime of opportunity", my money would be on black.

I agree but that’s stuff we already know and it’s still not proof he raped a child. I definitely think it’s likely he fucked Sue Lightning or at least got blown by him. If we’re trying to prove Ant is attracted to underage girls then that’s proof enough. He got so horned up on his pedo urges that he was willing to look past a little boy cock just because the person, otherwise, aesthetically resembled a young girl. But we could prove Ant was sick in the head before “Danny” posted anything. We still have no evidence whatsoever that he ever raped a child.

How dare you take a reasonable stance in this sub???!

Oh, I don't believe the child rape stuff. Just saying that if Anthony was in a forest and stumbled across a 15 year old on a silver platter with an apple in her mouth, I would bet on him going to town.


You are a pretty disgusting person.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be....

..a kitten?

I don't think he'd want a black child to molest. Maybe, though.

he was talking about Ant

So was I.

He's dated two 16 year olds

I think the fact that he admitted on a radio program that he craves 16 and under girls was also pretty strong evidence that he craves 16 and under girls.

He said that if age was not a societal issue he would fuck a 13 year-old. He is predatory, emotionally stunted trash.

He said he'd go as low as 13. That was reasonable in his mind, so we know he'd go lower. Doubt he's ever dipped below 16, so who gives a shit? If we're tbh with ourselves, men are made to kill & rape, and a white trash pizza garbage like Ant deserves a medal for only saying kinda creepy things to that catfish. But his guilt really hinges on that friend's record. What exactly did that cunt do?

That account was linking to those shitty NES clones that he hawked in the past. Pretty obscure thing to link if not the real thing

There's no proof he's ever physically hurt a child there's just an overwhelming amount of evidence that he would and could. Heck, I'd eat my hat if somehow found out he hasn't molested a child.

No need to bring your hat into this

He fell for a bad catfish and bought a guy an iPad, yes. Under the guise of buying it for a 14 year old he was grooming.

But, yeah. Whatever suits your narrative.

Well Danny made some pretty strong accusations in this sub, which tranthonhy has been trying to shut down. Slanderous and legally actionable accusations if not true. Danny said fine, sue me, lets start discovery, there are police reports. Tranpa did not deny the accusations and it's hard to believe he would not have sued Danny if there was no truth to the accusations. Could not think of a better opportunity to shut down this sub and shut down Danny if all this was false. Guy has long history of sexual deviant comments. When someone shows you who they should believe them. This basement dweller is a kid toucher

the problem with suing someone for slander is if they don't have any money or assets it's not gonna do you any good anyway.

He is doxxing people and trying to get him fired. Nothing to do with money. He would do it, if he could, just to be a prick. Didn't here any denials either.


Danny Ross I believe

All sniffing and licking on his fingers and shiznit.

No it doesn't though.

What’s the point of white knighting someone who will never read it?

I feel like I hate Anthony the appropriate amount and even I won't give credence to some rumor that has no corroborating evidence.

She wanted it

oh shut the fuck up

I'm kinda shocked-I didn't know Ant went for a chick that old.

the jockularity trumps all

Where’s the proof this even might of happened?

For you, maybe.

Only if you're a pussy

is there any solid evidence for this?

I feel bad for the people who actually tune in to watch his show and think they're gonna get the same Anthony from 2005.

I still like Chinatown

Honestly it doesn’t bother me much. You fucking moralfaggots are acting like raping little girls is a big deal.

How about preemptively striking up a friendship w/ Chris Hansen and filming this bit to create confusion when the real thing happens to him someday?

When you're best friends with a crooked cop (and all the access that offers) you start feeling invincible enough to do shit like this.

Kinda crazy that it's Anthony himself publishing that clip. Ask Martin 'Pharma Bro' Shkreli how stories end when the hero is deluded by his own sense of invincibility.

But it would be really funny to laugh at him if he was arrested for that.


Sick burn m8

It's one thing when you think they were just joking around with him on air about this and the racism, or that it was all for shock jockery. Quite another when you see the guy is really this screwed up. I too am starting to wonder how I ever liked the 3 main hosts. Half the time they're just crying about Howard and how he has so much clout.

i literally dont care as long as he makes me laugh.