Rich Vos Vs Bonnie McFarlane Vs Opie Radio (03/05/2018)

31  2018-03-06 by unreal305


Bonnie is terrible. She wants to be friends with Opie's wife so badly, she'll sellout her husband. Rich doesn't owe Opie anything. Gave that big tittied fag hours of content in return for some plugs and a coffee from Starbucks.

Hey, I should make the pay episode completely unlistenable! I'll interrupt my husband every time he gets going telling a story the fans might enjoy, then spend the latter half arguing with him over a dumb point I tried to make.

Bonnie is lousy wife.

She cares more about appearing "reasonable" to some strangers who are listening than standing by her ma no matter what.

And vs Opie of all people - she really is a hole of all holes.

Patton Oswalt really needs to give Vos some relationship advice.

I'll listen once the No Bonnie edit drops.

They would also have to edit out 15-20 minutes of Vos justifying himself to that cunt which would break the story down to a nice pure 5 minutes

5 minutes of opie dirt buried in 50 minutes of bickering

God dammit Rich is the best. Bonnie storms off the show, so Rich immediately starts plugging.

Bonnie demonstrating that women just don't know how to riff.

now we know the answer to 'why did bonnie marry vos?' answer: because he's the only one who'll put up with the cunt.

Has anyone told Bonnie how much of a cunt she was during this on Twitter?

They spend half the episode arguing about what Rich said on Twitter, and at no point do they actually pull up Twitter and have a look.

Is this the patreon show that was posted earlier or is this new?

She is more annoying than Opie.

Bonnie is annoying. Opie is a real scumbag.

Bonnie is just a shitty person.

Those guys were making 750 a show? Unreal

Jesus Christ is bonnie an annoying, unfunny cunt. SHUT THE FUCK UP.