Opie’s sad truth

75  2018-03-05 by xJaysusx


What’s stopping him?

Alienating everyone with talent out of his life.

He’s already in the city. So how could he get all the podcasting equipment into the city?

Can you even listen to podcasts in cars? I remember Jim speculating not long ago that the technology isnt quite there yet.

His UNFATHOMABLE vulnerability to a retaliatory Jocktobering.

It’s hard to make fun of people for having a bad radio show when you have no radio show because you can’t control your coprophilia.

ME: I'm tappin out!!

His only option is from home on a HAM Radio using call sign ME2TIT

Nah you forget that he has access to fine studios that double as a deli or restaurant (with a rodent problem).

He tried it, but mexicans jabbering that gutter language too loud and rats kept chewing the radio wires

What he means is, he wishes Sam would listen to 100s of hours of shitty shows to cherry pick the worst of the worst for him. Lazy fucktard made so much money of the backs of actual creators.

OH MY GOD Sam, I TOLD you we can't do the fawkin' fuchative bit anymore! I'm going to keep angrily shouting for the next 15 minutes to emphasize that!

Do you know what the Money Bunny is? It was NEVER mentioned on air.

Op had a great idea. Get somebody in a bunny costume and have them give out $100 in dollar bills in midtown.

I fucking actually did this.


This is me. Opie wanted this done once a week for a VIRAL VIDEO.

He sure knew that fawkin' radio thing. That's the gold that only someone who had been doing it since they were 18 years old could have conceived.

This is this essence of Opie. This is who he always has been. Bra bombing. Money Bunny.

The fact that people "turned" is weird. He was always a dolt.

Holy shit buddy..

But, why?

Ugg... I heard that shit in Opie voice

Yeah but he got himself to where he was and instructed Sam and the interns to find great clips of Rich Vos, who will be playing the MGM Grand in lovely Las Vegas from March 12th to the 18th!

Yeah but I think you don't understand that by the time Rich Vos had been friends with Opie for all those years, they had played golf so often that you couldn't even talk any shit because they actually did. Well knowing Opie, it wans't too long before 1998, when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.


..and here you are. posting in reply to that guy.

Get your shit together.

Says this loser at 1 am.

Ya gotta get outta yer head.

Mm hmm. Get at me tomorrow when you comb through my post history.

I didn’t do anything to ya

Except reply to a ex radio producer.

Go on. Say something witty.

How do you get down from an elephant?

Except reply to a ex radio producer.

Are you proud that your life has come to you referring to yourself as an ex radio producer? Do you think you'll achieve anything greater than that?


What could be better than having at one time been a radio producer?

Ah... what ever happened to that guy?

It's almost like you're required to do a job? I mean, the boss of a construction-company usually isn't the ones building the houses either.

of the backs of actual creators

I initially read this as 'creatures'. Still accurate.

He (and Anthony) must wake up every morning, screaming because it's not June 2014 anymore, when they both had cushy, easy jobs and fans that didn't completely loathe them

The “completely” here is important because by the end fans were getting pretty tired of their shit. Their “bits” would be Roland bringing in food for them to eat. That was it. Like fucking taco Tuesday.

opie tried to hide behinds jimmy's irony, but he legitimately though rock scream Thursday or whatever, was a great bit.

They did 2 hours of radio where the whole show was buying KFC.

With the entire staff and faggot Joe Derosa gushing about it. KFC is fucking trash.

Buncha niggers is all they are.

I found that entertaining tho

Shaq balloon

White glove serviccccce

opie tried to hide behinds jimmy's irony, but he legitimately though rock scream Thursday or whatever, was a great bit.

I think Anthony was going to get let go after their contracts anyway. Even Bennington said SXM management was tired of Ants shit.

His new show is actually so bad you couldn’t even Jocktober it. So...mission accomplished?

Opie's other sad truth: He has pendulous breasts.

I've heard that those breasts will swing at the center of attention, and that you better get out of their way, because those breasts are swinging back the other way.

ME: You wanna suck em?

burps hilariously

I was listening to a old show the other day and he didn't burp. He just made a noise that sounded like a burp. It was infuriating.

What a rube

It’s great that Opie wishes he was doing the bit Sam created.

He steers the shit.

Sam cut the audio but I think it was dreamt up during a conversation about what to do after the previous years Erocktober. I refuse to give that dickhead credit.

People just wrote in about different shows that sucked as well. I don't see Sam as someone who personally went digging through nationally obscure radio shows. He is every bit as lazy as he looks.

Those 3 likes are Sherrod, Vic, and Cubes. Hoping for one last easy check.

Ugh! Nice screenshot, stupid!

You guys remember Opie’s hilarious “Fezsssssssssssss Acrosssssssssss the world” thing? What a great fucking bit that got better the more he said it which was about 30 times per Jocktober despite no one acknowledging him when he said it bc it was cringe and unfunny and just a way for Opie to break any momentum and crowbar himself back in

What you do mean? It's a fantasic bit, you get audio of guys on radio stations who sound gay, and then the whole studios like "Yeah he's gay!"

As of 9am EST, it's gotten a total of 5 likes...this guy is a monumental dud.

"Boy I wish I could speak like I used to". Uhhm, you can, dummy, you have a phone and you can afford a mic. What's stopping you? Oh, it's the fact that the talent isn't around you anymore.