A Question We All Should've Asked Long Before Now

5  2018-02-28 by OutlawMemer

Why was Daniel "Guitar Zero" Ross, a dreidel-spinner down to his very core, such good friends with unrepentant Nazi cosplayer Anthony "Sue's Lightning" Cumia? Is Danny rightfully self-loathing toward his slimy semetic roots, or was it a tacit admission on his part that the Holocaust indeed never happened? Discuss.


Nazi cosplayer

sir, did you mean to say cosplayer Nazi?

That's his brother.

the holocaust did happen and I find this thread to be abominable and pure bigotry. my grandfather survived a death camp when glorious Soviet soldiers liberated him, but by then he was already scarred both figuratively and literally. Every night they would make him watch as they murdered his wife. They didn’t even give him good seats, either. He had to watch from inside of a cage that he shared with a bear and an eagle (both very aggressive). Later he was placed in a dark room and forced to read nazi propaganda. unable to see they provided him with a lamp. But this was no act of kindness. no no no no. The lampshade was made from the flesh of his best friend. Should I go on or is that enough for you, racist?

Should I go on or is that enough for you, racist?

No need, I already came. Thanks, sweetie. ;)

are you implying you get sexual pleasure from hearing about the atrocities that the Jewish people suffered? you terrible bastard!

dude, he's obviously being sarcastic

You should put the part about the soviet liberators at the end because it makes it sound like the russians did all those things to him.

Russians murder you in mundane and impersonal ways; they don't generally make people into lamps.

thanks for the feedback, and I agree. I edited out a couple pronouns as to be more specific. I think it’s more clear now.

Danny, a grown "Man," sniveled like a little faggot because he lost a video game contest. I totally forgot about that!