I counted while shitting just now. Anthony has angrily tweeted or RT'ed over 40 times in the last hour about children and gun violence. The man is sick, people

115  2018-02-21 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

65 years old and addicted to social media. What a fucking idiot.


Nice to see Anthony finally go after the real oppressors here: children that have been shot at. At least he's not fucking them, I guess.

At least he's not fucking them, I guess.

Now who's being naive?

Remember, he's still hilarious.

That's the bit! ...Right?

How does OP stack up for counting all his tweets?

I was seriously about to post asking anyone who has twitter, how often, and what does Anthony tweet about. Does he post about politics, black failure, and PC culture all the time throughout the day?

That's pretty much it. You'd probably have to go through thousands of tweets to find him even attempting a joke.

He's definitely a late-stage alcoholic with booze induced dementia at this point.

No no no no... I am definitely a late-stage alcoholic with booze induced dementia!?


A real mamma's boy.

Haven't you seen how hard he laughs when he blocks people with like, no Twitter followers? That's hysterical.

Nice try with the hate tho.

No no .. he also takes time out of the day to be a pedophile.

Thank you, your honor.

When he said the thing about the thrill of seeing lead tear through a child's skull, he took it too far.

After every mass shooting this dude can't help himself on Twitter. It's really gross, it hasn't been a week and this dude is picking battles about bullet sizes. Would it kill this faggot to say dead kids make me sad?

He cannot allow himself to feel any emotion other than blind anger.

His father beat (read: fucked) every last ounce of emotional vulnerability out of him as a child

And then his mom's brain rotted and she died alone.

Well, are we really any different at this point?

Is there some reason he should give a shit about dead kids when he didn't know anyone involved and has none of his own?

General human emotion toward awful things, like a person.

Sounds like a waste of time

Hell yeah bro being a jaded edgelord is dope

Man reddit really is just full of faggots

Wanna smoke some reefer?

It would have one less faggot if you had been at Douglas Highschool.

You were looking for somewhere with no faggots and you settled on here? Lol

Why does he care? He doesn’t have guns anymore.

Except the ones he keeps illegally.

I don't believe for a second that spook would give them all up.

Probably registered in Keith or Joe's name.

He's far too afraid of the outside world to not have a gun somewhere.

Fuck, I hope Missy tips off the cops about them when they inevitably break up.

Were you angrily shitting?

Only way, brotherman. It's only a successful shit in my eyes if you're beat red in the face and the tank is splattered with blood and shit right after.

"Their trying to take my guns away.... Oh wait...."

Ant is just like the assholes my dad used to hang around and drink with at the American Legion post all afternoon. Bitchy, wheezy windbags constantly complaining about people and things that didn't even remotely affect them, all based on bits of disjointed information they gleaned while dozing in front of the teevee after dinner. It's funny how one day you're a young edgy radio shock jock and the next you're a cranky old coot bitching about the teevee news.

I hate how you phonetically write TV

I only use "teevee" when referring to imbeciles.

I used to be like Ant when it came to guns, and only very recently did I change.

It was an interesting process: One day when I was at the height of anger about gun control after the Vegas shooting, (in Jim's Michu Kaku voice) it was like a cloud parted and let in the light.

I realized: Why am I getting so riled up? Why do I care so much if guns get restricted? I'm almost 35 and have never been in a situation where I truly needed a gun to prevent my death or serious injury, and I've lived in some VERY shitty nigger and spic neighborhoods. If I even had the money to buy a "quality" gun, I'd spend it on video games, computer parts, or porn instead, because those are the only luxury items I buy regularly and I know it.

Yeah, I have this fantasy that I'll have kids and they'll all grow up to be MARSOC, Green Berets, or Olympic biathlons--thus necessitating they be raised around guns but when THIS is how I react when a cute girl approaches me in public, my fate is pretty much sealed--lifelong bachelorhood.

It was an epiphany. I realize guns don't matter to me. While I don't want to see them banned, I'm not angry at the thought of their being restricted.

Ant lives in the richest neighborhood in Nassau County (I think). Roslyn Heights has like 5,000 people; 90% of them are White or Asian. He is the last person who needs to worry about his security and he knows it. Certainly not enough that he needs to go after kids who are putting more effort into meaningful change than he ever has/will.

Guns definitely should matter to you because you should kill yourself with one.

You're self awareness disgusts me.

Was the smell unbearable, or was it just stale beer and spilled shots?

Scotch, they all drank scotch (Irishmen).

Does he still have an infowars show?

Yea, he was on last week. I think he cohosts once a week or so, but I haven't really been listening recently.

The dumb fuck honestly doesn't see the difference between the Secret Service carrying weapons to protect the President and his family, and arming teachers/placing security guards at schools.

I think the point is "gun free" zones are a joke. Maybe Anthony is getting a little carried away.

Carried away? Our little Anthony? Naw

What is the difference? Other than one can protect the president, celebrity, airport, armored vehicle, etc. by stopping perpetrators and the other can protect students by standing in front of them and being shot to death. My highschool had a police officer on duty who wasn't even allowed to carry his gun, what good is that?

One is a well trained killer with years of experience, and the other is an underpaid alcoholic.

And you have to undergo massive amounts of background checks to become a secret service agent. And are regularly given psychological examinations to determine if you have any problems.

and the other is an underpaid alcoholic.

So every cop in the country?

You don't need to arm every teacher and every school has at least a few teachers responsible enough to have a fire arm.

Whoa, whoa, whoah. Slow down and describe the shit first.

And won’t bring it up with darosa in studio

One Trick AntPony

Jihad will come in no time

I guess he's worried as he spends most of his time hanging around schools so he needs his guns to defend himself.

im still hilarious

A 60 something year old man is attacking high school kids that just watched their classmates die and were shot at themselves. Maybe you disagree with their message but their like 15. But for Anthony 15 is old enough to fuck so what do I know.

Anthony Cumia stopped being funny long ago. He's no different than Colin Flaherty or Bill O'Reilly at this point.


Ant will never grasp that he is without a doubt the worst possible spokesman you could have for gun rights.

I counted while shitting and I think I have ass cancer based on the volume of blood in the toilet.

Yes Anthony, "Obama" and "Hillary" are still at it with their poorly-executed and glacially paced "gun grab" so you'd better keep fighting the fight with everything you have...on Twitter. Next step: obeying the gun ownership requirements of your home state so perhaps you may be permitted to legally own one again. But one thing at a time, right now the priority is rabidly defending your right to carry arms. Well, not so much "your" right but you know what I mean.

What does he have to complain about? He already lost his guns.

It makes you sick? It's a good thing you were already on the toilet.

What is the difference? Other than one can protect the president, celebrity, airport, armored vehicle, etc. by stopping perpetrators and the other can protect students by standing in front of them and being shot to death. My highschool had a police officer on duty who wasn't even allowed to carry his gun, what good is that?

I think the point is "gun free" zones are a joke. Maybe Anthony is getting a little carried away.

Only way, brotherman. It's only a successful shit in my eyes if you're beat red in the face and the tank is splattered with blood and shit right after.

Scotch, they all drank scotch (Irishmen).