Transcript of Kevin Brennan on Jim and Sam (lot's of Samshells and Jim defending Artie)

73  2018-02-14 by ExcitingTour

Jim: Kevin Brennan of Compound Media is here.

Sam: Woa. Woa. Woa. We don't know that. Formerly of Compound Media..

Kevin: Formerly of Compound Media.. Ya know, I thought Cumia was gonna be here, kind of like an intervention..


Kevin: Yeah, I have to bring them in for my kid's class..

Jim: Why are people doing that? Isn't everyone afraid of getting SUED?!


social media discussion where Kevin describes being banned from Twitter for a week for calling a guy a cunt. Sam interjects how he got a 12 hour suspension on Twitter for saying "all these Tide commercials are making me hungry for Tide pods".

Jim talks about how anonymous people trolling on Twitter are cowards

Jim: What happened?

Sam: Well, let me fill in what me and the fans know. I was listening to the Monday show..

Jim: By the way, people have been asking, Artie is in and doing well.

Kevin: Yeah, he was an hour and a half late yesterday.

Jim: Was he really an hour and a half late yesterday?

Kevin: Yes.

Jim: By the way. I like Natterman.

Kevin: Yeah, in small doses.

Jim: Well Cumia is an intimidating guy, you know he's Anthony from Opie and Anthony, he's Anthony Cumia, he's brilliant on the radio, he can talk about ANYTHING for any length of time..

Sam: You think Natterman was intimidated by Anthony?

Jim: Well no. I-I mean, I don't know how Netterman felt but a lot of times they don't know what to say because it's Anthony.

Kevin: Listen, he's a local guy, he's been there before, don't just sit there.. Listen Anthony is probably pissed that Artie wasn't there and it's like this weird date now where Netterman is the hot girl and Anthony just keeps talking, like "huh"?

Sam: Well I like Dan and I was watching on the MONDAY show..

Jim: Did Artie really show up late?

Sam: ...And Artie was there on time because they were talking about you and Keith the Cop came up and told the whole story.

Kevin: Yeah, his side of the story.

*Sam begins listing all the shows Compound Media does and how great they all are. Kevin agrees 'In Hot Water' is a great show although Jim has never listened to it but "loves those two guys"."

Jim: And Bill Shultz does the morning show..

Sam: Bill Shultz does an amazing show. Yup.

Kevin: Well then, I guess you've never listened too it.

Jim: I haven't.

Kevin: Then why are you saying it's great?

Sam: I've only heard good things.

There is laughter and deflection away from the last comment they made about seeing Shultz show and Kevin talks about this fellow I'm not familiar with who wears bright colored jackets and is probably a fag

Sam: So Keith called and said contracts went out and everyone signed them except for one troublesome host...

Kevin: Cumia said "I would expect nothing less" so he was kind of taking my side..

Sam: He didn't mind you being difficult. He said Kevin didn't sign his contract. So he said talk to his attorney. He said we're all good with the money, we're all great with the ad revenue, split...

Kevin: I haven't had a commercial in six months.. so the ad split is a bit of a moot point.

Sam: cis anything times zero is... so everything was fine except Kevin would like two shows. He would like two shows a week. He wants a second show. He said (something along the lines of there are too many shows, also there is not enough people, they are training people and once they are trained then more opportunities will open up) and then your lawyer said "alright, we're out then" and then you went on Twitter and said you quit.

Jim: So, what happened?

Sam: What happened?

Sam: That seems unreasonable. That's unreasonable.

Kevin: It is a little unreasonable.

Sam: Well, you're an unreasonable guy.

Jim: Yeah, reason is not your strong point.

Kevin: Listen, they treated me great in the beginning and this is just my take on it but when you bring in Artie, it's like adopting a special needs child, ya know? So he's headache after headache. You don't know if he's going to come in or not so -

Jim: WELL, when he's there, he's great!

Sam: he adds a lot of value!

Jim: He's been really, he's still lightning fast cough, he's still really funny..

Kevin: Yeah, well thats because of the meth but. (Kevin tells a story how Artie was trolling him on Twitter one time and talking shit about his family and apologized because "I think I was speeding at the time".) Is that my problem when you're trashing my wife and kids? You don't even know them so -

Jim: Was he joking?

Kevin: No, he got nasty but this is before he started working there so.. uh whatever.. so.. (Kevin describes how you get paid by the show and doing a Monday show is an automatic disadvantage because he won't get paid anytime there is a three day weekend.)

Kevin: So before Artie went there, I use to be paid on when I was locked out so..

Jim: So he's saying the money is probably going to Artie..

Sam: Ohhhhhh so you want a second show to make up for some of that.

Kevin: So my lawyer said I wouldn't be getting paid if I wasn't doing a show but I got paid memorial day (and other days the show wasn't on) and then Artie comes on..

Sam: You shouldn't be paid if you don't work on that Monday -

Kevin: Do you get paid if you don't do a show Monday?

Jim: Yeah.

Sam: We're, we're paid contract salary -

Kevin: Then don't fucking tell me, I got more kids than you!

Sam: Well we signed ridiculous deals...

Kevin: Oh but I'm a piece of shit?

Sam: Jim and I signed big money contracts. Jim and I signed big money contracts. (Yes, Sam really said this twice in a row)

Jim: Yeah.. yeah..

Kevin: I get no benefits. I did three shows in December. People are saying how could you walk away from this fucking.. golden opportunity.. because people are thinking, uh, you're working with Cumia, isn't that enough?

Sam: It's not enough money.

Kevin: I love Cumia, like no offense to anyone. Ever.

Sam: None taken.

Jim: Of course.

Kevin: So even when Artie comes in an hour late, I'm like motherfucker, all you have to do is sit there! It's two on two basketball with Michael Jordan working with Cumia. You don't even have to be that good! I mean, I mean, Artie does add too it -

Sam: Not enough.

Kevin: But I mean Cumia doesn't need that much assistance to do a good fucking show.

Jim: He can literally -

Sam: Do a show by himself.

Jim: Talk about anything. I watched him do an hour talking about something I couldn't do a minute and a half on.

Kevin: And even on the TV he's good. He's kind of like a uh, uh, darker Johnny Carson with er the faces he makes and the grimaces he makes, their funny!

Sam: So if Cumia is so great, how come you couldn't do a second show?

Kevin: Anyway. So they bring in Artie. They bring in fucking Artie and I get it.

Jim: Sure.

Kevin: He's a big name and they wanted to do stuff. Then they bring in Shultz and I uh er, uh know he use to be on Fox and Fags. Or Pink Eye or whatever. (They discuss the finances of CM and how you only get paid per show so Shultz starts out on mornings with four days a week. Sam points out how that means he's making four times Kevin's salary per week, then adds per year.)

Kevin: Then, then, so Artie goes on sabbatical for..

Sam: Does he still get paid?

Kevin: Artie? I don't know. Probably not. So then they have guests and Keith implies that my numbers weren't good.

Sam: Ouch

Kevin: He goes "we looked at his numbers and they aren't so great" so he's just being a good pimp, lowering my self esteem so I won't go off to another pimp..

Sam: You gotta smack your hoe every now and then.

Jim: You're not the bottom bitch.

Kevin: So he's treating me like garbage saying my numbers aren't so great..

Sam: Do you think the numbers aren't that great though?

(Kevin discusses the lackluster guests they had on during Artie's four week absence. Kevin wonders why they didn't bring on any of their own Compound Media hosts to fill in and talks about how he doesn't know who Vos or Bennington was. Sam talks about how successful Ron is and they pretend to not know who Vos is)

Sam: So why would they bring you in if your numbers aren't that great? That means you won't bring in a lot of people.

Kevin: How about invite me on to do a show with Cumia and brighten up my show and help promote my show to boost my numbers?

Jim: Hold on. Hey. Did they know you wanted to do it? Maybe they didn't know you wanted too do it?

Kevin: I basically volunteered, I said..

Sam: Ohhh -

Jim: Ohh -

Sam: Oh.

Kevin: What's, what's the plan behind not promoting people on their own network? Those guys were not on the network..

Sam: No. No they were not.

Kevin: Well so some of those were Anthony's requests -

Sam: Ouch.

Kevin: - That's what the fans want. Well if that's what the fans want then give them Dave Landow three days a week! I'm walking away!

Jim: But if they offered you the second day, if they said you could have the second day..

Kevin: They offered me the second day! They said, listen I know the fans are probably like "this cunt" because they already hate me when I come in yelling while their trying to drive to work. But, but I'm really like exasperated with this! All I do is complain! But Keith said we'll give you two days but Dave Shultz got four days and he didn't even audition!

(Jim comes into defend CM by saying maybe he could of chosen to pick his battles better with the idea that maybe his one show a week deal would get better in the future. Kevin goes on too discuss how he feels slighted by the addition of more people getting more days to work than him and how CM handles the process.)

Sam: So this is about because you feel insulted?

(Kevin describes how he would of been more patient with CM if he was doing a full time show but to be doing one show a week and consistently being treated poorly was not something he wanted to continue to deal with. Sam explains how he was wondering why someone would go from "a show with some money to no show with no money". Kevin starts going on about how Keith treats him like shit and he starts bragging how he's been lied too by better people and doesn't appreciate how he should have a 23 year old intern's attitude of being thankful to work in a building that sometimes has air conditioning. Kevin reiterates how he wouldn't mind being treated like shit if he had a full time gig at CM but utterly refuses to be treated how he was working one day a week. Bill in L.A. calls to support Kevin by saying he's more reliable than Artie and shouldn't have to deal with that)

Sam: So what're you going to do now? What's your plan?

Kevin: Probably hang out with this guy (Bill from L.A.)

(19:25 minutes in, Keith calls and explains Kevin is the highest paid "single show host" and that his numbers were actually good)

Keith: I have the honor of knowing what Anthony wants and Anthony has said besides Jim Norton that (Dave Landow) has the best chemistry he's ever had with someone as far as quickness. Anthony literally told me this is the person I have the greatest connection with other than Jimmy. I told Kevin and his attorney that Kevin was due to be the next person to sit in for a week with Anthony but Artie just showed up out of nowhere. He left rehab and just showed up!

Kevin: Good hire.

Jim: But he came back.

Kevin: Let's bring in a JUNKIE because they have a good work ethic!

(They quickly move away from Artie and begin discussing the issue with Landow. Keith says when Gavin (or Gabin?) was "carted away by CRTV that the fans were looking for something similar (I'm assuming a conservative slant based news show now) and Bill comes from that political atmosphere)

Jim: Kevin, you're very funny but maybe you're not a morning guy.

Sam: No.

Jim: I think you're great but maybe you're more of an afternoon guy and there isn't anything wrong with that!

Sam: Maybe more of a night guy.

Jim: You know what? Why not?

(Jim continues to say Kevin is really funny while Sam continues to add to his previous joke about how Kevin is a night guy and bitter about his pay)

Kevin: You know, I uh, I use to be someone who tried to understand somebody else's position but now I'm like ''fuck that'', let them deal with my position! So I don't give a fuck. I understand the Bill Shultz hire but put 'In Hot Water' on in the morning!

Jim: Their probably spitting out their coffee going "we're comics! we don't want to wake up early in the morning!

Kevin: They do want to do mornings and they should do mornings. Their hilarious while you got Bill Shultz talking about flowers or what whatever shit. I don't know what he talks about.

Sam: So you're not impressed with Bill Shultz show?

Kevin: No! No! He's just like a guy.. he's just like a guy he's just, he doesn't turn me on but i'm not a fag!

Jim: Well speaking for that community, he doesn't turn me on either.

Keith: We have someone who is going to be working with him.

Jim: Who is it?! Who is it?! Is it Gavin?!

(Keith starts rambling on about how hard his job is, specifically dealing with the tech and paying companies and not paying companies and trying to find new companies to do tech, Jim cuts him off because he used the word "companies" four times in one sentence)

Kevin: It sounds like the MTA when their talking about the infrastructure, like how is that my problem?!

Sam: It is your problem.

Kevin: I gotta feed my fucking family!

Jim: But that makes sense. That makes sense what he's (Keith - after cutting him off and asking Sam if he knows what Keith is talking about) saying.

Kevin: No, but, it does make sense but uh, on the other hand -

Sam: Well maybe show business isn't for you.

(Kevin then asks Keith if anyone (on reddit specifically) would give a shit if anyone else's show was gone. Keith has a very corporate response about how any show that's come and gone has hurt)

Jim: Kevin, let me ask. Kevin, when is your show on, is it Mondays or Wednesdays (this is after hearing the whole tirade from Kevin about how working Mondays is unlucky due to not being paid whenever there is a holiday on a Monday, apparently a lot of holidays were on a Monday this year)...

Sam: I don't know..

Kevin: I.. uh.. it's not on?

Jim: What time did it use to be on?

Kevin: Monday..

Sam: But he no showed this week.

Kevin: Are you open this Monday? I want to do a show this Monday.

Keith: Absolutely we are open Monday.

Kevin: You don't work President's Day.

Keith: Absolutely we are open President's Day.

Kevin: Oh.. I just thought you worked on MLK because..

Sam: You already miss the money for this week.

Jim: Hold on. Keith. Keith, who's on at six? Who's on after Art and Ant?

Keith: Uhh on Mondays and Tuesdays uhh Davids on Tuesdays, Pats on Mondays and uhh probably Wednesdays.. uhh but Garrett and John uh we're training new people for but Garrett and John god bless them..

Kevin: Garrett and John are great, I'll give them that.

Keith: Yeah. They work 40+ hours a week, their never sick, we had to hire two more people..

Jim: Sure.

Keith: Uhh for programming but for redundancy because god forbid one of them gets sick.. uh that's what I told Kevin's attorney, we can't have him working more hours if he gets sick because I don't have another show to put on. We're working on getting more shows.

Jim: So you're trying to hire more people. I uh, I understand that.

Kevin: That would be a funny name for a show, "Redundancy".

Jim: Wait. So uh. Kevin, what hours do you want to work?

Kevin: I just want to work..

Jim: Is it a two hour show or one?

Kevin: I need more hours. I need money. I need money so..

Sam: You should be doing this for the passion.

Kevin: Keith knows all this and Keith is a business man so ya know, I'm, I'm not so.. but it does hurt when you're sitting there and they bring in fucking guys that whatever, whatever, he can say whatever he wants on the radio but Artie Lange's not a good hire. He's a flunk, he's not a good hire.

Jim: I would of hired him, honestly I would of, he's a big name, he's Artie..

Sam: Lotta eyes on the product.

Jim: Yeah, I would of hired him.

Kevin: I still think it's a bad hire but ya know it's not my call.

Sam: he got people buying subs.

Kevin: huh?

Sam: People are buying subs.

Jim: Yeah..

Kevin: Yeah but they get mad when he doesn't show up because he's a fat fucking junkie!

Sam: They can get as mad as they want..

Kevin: They can cancel their subs!

Sam: Nobodies canceling anything.

Jim: He'll turn it around... would you..

Kevin: Turn it around?! He was an hour and a half late yesterday! When was I ever an hour and a half late?!

Jim: He showed up.. but would you ever..

Sam: You didn't show up at all Monday

(This is where I turned it off. Right about at the 30min mark. Between Sam's constant interjecting and Jim actually defending Artie to the point where he said he would hire him made me extremely sick.)


You need help.

And I thought I had autism

I'm getting depressed for you.

I thought I hat-was in a rut!

A Rite Aid?! 1980?!?!

I coulda went that direction with it but I chose not to.

cardboard box

You do.


Now count how many individual hairs are on your dog.

He killed his dog a long time ago and you know it.

Aha, so it is Opie!

The worst on this sub. Get help. Also don't murder anyone please.

Wow i just read like 80% of that then realized the video is prob on the next post down

Someone in the video thread had mentioned his bosses at Panera are very strict about cell phone usage and thought he would enjoy reading along by printing out the transcript to read during his break. If anyone would like to corroborate on a project where you can read along while listening, I'd very much enjoy that.

Jim: Well Cumia is an intimidating guy, you know he's Anthony from Opie and Anthony, he's Anthony Cumia, he's brilliant on the radio, he can talk about ANYTHING for any length of time..

Ugh, Norton is such a fucking fag. I can just hear his pontificating cadence & over expressive delivery reading that garbage.

It was that moment that Colin’s heart gave out.

When I came across that I assumed OP was making shit up. He really said that?

All accurate. Not even a hint of sarcasm.

Fucking Christ. What happened to Jimmy?

The PrEP is eating away at his brain.

Please make his life hell on Twitter.

samshells isn't even a pun or wordplay or anything.

I understand but I don't know how else to describe his constant interjection by being negative and insulting or to add onto/repeat what Jim just said. I also like how it feels when I say "samshells" out loud and really fast, over and over again.

How lazy and stupid. “Greggshells“ was incredibly clever to describe someone named Greggg in a shitty mood (it’s a play on eggshells you idiot). Samshells has NOTHING to do with shitty mood and is just when Sam does something that annoys you. That’s so retardedly simplistic. By the way, Sam was fine in this! He was egging on Brennan and being funny himself.

Have you tried saying "samshells" outloud? The way it just slips off the tongue is quite addicting and I really suggest you try it.

Get a life, Peanut butter breath. You, seriously, transcribed this? Rent a gun and borrow a bullet.

Rent a gun and borrow a bullet


Kill them all.


Yup, I'm not going to listen to that shit show for half an hour, but I'll take a brief recap.

Beating something,Dead something, Horse something of course.

This is fucking pathetic. This was such a waste of your time it actually pissed me off.

Shut up Sam

Jim not knowing about Artie again... "the fans don't know"... these comedians are so self-involved and utterly ignorant... I'm sure Artie defends Jim by assuring people he isn't fucking a Viking.

You fucked up "their" multiple times.

I ran it through Spell Checker twice.

Spell checker checks for spelling, not for stupid.

If you're offering to proof read my submissions before I post them, I would really enjoy your contribution and make sure to credit you for the work you put in.

there there, he is mean, but that was fucking funny. If you stick around you'll notice it's kinda the thing here.

I appreciate you furiously documenting what today seems insignificant, but in the future will prove invaluable. Don't listen to the mean people here, I'm sure people called Jesus' disciples were autistic for transcribing his words too.

We need you to transcribe every word of every J&S show, no matter how insignificant or how difficult (Rich Vos)

Start tomorrow, post recap, and reap karma.

I enjoyed the constructive criticism and I'm sorry if you thought I was being sarcastic.

I know you were sincere, my response wasn't towards that comment in particular, but more towards this post and some of the criticism you received in general.

Nobody does show recaps anymore, you're doing the lords work.

''would have'' is another one

Kev making fun of the Artie hire and calling him a fat fuck junkie repeatedly to Keith was great.

Kevin was definitely being honest about his discussions with KtC. I remember listening to Legion of Skanks after they left CP and Luis n Jay were losing their minds because Keith said they didn't have strong numbers and didn't add any subscribers... Good to see he's learning nothing.

Only a total faggot autist would transcribe a fucking radio show.

Nigga wtf. I read a little and the it kept going and going and no vos plug or nothing.

Get help and stop with the meth

What’s with the Anthony is hilarious nonsense? What pussies

Well I for one, appreciated your transcript.

I agree with Kevin completely about Artie being a shit move, but that Dave Landau kid is spitting hot fire.

What's the deal with Landau? I liked him the short time I subscribed to Compound. Did they hire him?

Serious question. Are you autistic?

Really cool that you took the time to listen to a show you don’t like and wrote all this out. Awesome.

I'm sorry but you seem to be confused. I enjoyed it very much and would like to know where you've gotten the idea I didn't enjoy it so I can correct it.

You literally said it made you sick.

Jim saying he would hire Artie made me sick. Sometimes Shuli makes me sick but I love the show he's on. Would you like to try again?

thanks. i like Kevin, he has original takes and is funny, but Jesus his monotone autistic screech voice was impossible to listen to for an hour

Thank you for the kind words.

artie will turn it around

Hearing Jim talk about how Artie is doing well was so fucking weird. He is high as shit and coasting to his death by overdose. He is not doing well.

"But he can turn it around".

Artie is doing well compared to what a beer addict Jim was

No one should care about this amount of mediocrity.

You know J&S is bad when you actually read a transcript someone wrote out over listening to the actual show. Jesus.

You said it, man.

Nice autism, stupid!

What was that? Your computer crapped out like halfway through, dude.

Please send this to Sam. Maybe he'll read it, realize how awful he is, quit and sign up for courses in TV VCR repair at Apex Tech.

I read halfway through this before i realized i don't even care.

I suggest you start at the end. You miss the build up but Jim explaining how he would hire Artie I guarantee will make you go back to listen to the tape and see if he really said that!

Fuck these 2 for attacking Kevin. Kevin is the only genuine fucking comedian left and they want him to "fake it up" like these 2 ass kissing Ant

The first time I had ever heard Kevin Brennan was last month or whatever when they had him on with Florentine and I was blown away by how painfully stupid he was.

For sure he has to rank in the Top 5 Unfunniest people to exist in this O&A Extended Universe.

If Sirius has half a brain they will just let this show die. Sam will go work for WWE and Jim will probably be Artie's replacement

Your grammar is poor


Trans-script is more accurate for those fruits...

Kevin: I need more hours. I need money. I need money so..

Sam: You should be doing this for the passion.

Fuck you Sam.

Kevin: Yeah but they get mad when he doesn't show up because he's a fat fucking junkie!

Sam: They can get as mad as they want..

Kevin: They can cancel their subs!

Sam: Nobodies canceling anything.

Sam fucking sucks.

I can't remember if hearing it made me madder or if reading it did, he truly is disgusting.

Wow! They have reached Opie Radio level of status.

Can they even trash Opie at this point in their careers?

Fucking Christ. What happened to Jimmy?