
172  2018-02-11 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Jesus Christ Joe. You're a grown fucking man.

I wouldn't go that far

he is a 17 year old in a 80 year old body.

Kumiya Syndrome

There’s no way he doesn’t have rickets.

/u/steaksauce66 - I've emailed you multiple times about repaying your loan. You have not responded.

This sub seems like a good way to scam dumb people out of money.

Hahahaha why would you give a guy named steaksauce66 money on the internet for no reason? I tried to get money on there with every intention on paying it back and no one responded so fuck them

Lmao same here. I’ve had people ask for 30% interest on a $20 loan. Fuck those (((cocksuckers)))

Nice I'll loan you money, stupid

What /u/steaksauce66 should do is go there and take out a loan to pay off that one then just continually do it. That's how I got out of credit card debt.

The old Ponzi scheme. Hopefully him and others take your advice.

But he only pays himself back so he would get extra rich.

Bahahaha. Awesome.

I like how the dude gives so little of a shit he didn't even delete his account after scamming you. Take it as a cheap lesson, stupid.

Pay your debts you cunt

Why does anyone loan money on Reddit?

Why does anyone loan money to anyone anywhere?

Cuz some people like to break thumbs.

Thumbs are too small and too easy to work around.

Kneecaps are a close second.

Nice loan scam, stupid.

It’s impossible to not hate this man.

It really is. It's a testament to hateable this cunt is that I've never seen anyone on this sub defend him.

Even Opie is defended on here from time to time but Joe is universally hated and for good reason.

There's nothing defendable about him.

I won't bash his "Black Earl" song parody though. It's probably the one good thing he ever did.

I remember when he started his show. How only viewers were like 12 or so assholes from here calling him a piece of shit.

he would have hundreds now.

probably thousands over the years!


I hate him, but.... I can’t not love the Black Earl song. There is not a single other redeeming quality, but that song will always be a classic.

I hate that Joe wrote/sung that because it really is the only thing in the pro column.

True, but it's just a cover song, like his other 8 bands and "career" as a musician. He just changed a few words and did karaoke.

Video linked by /u/WiretapStudios:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Clarence Carter - Patches (High Quality) Cadillac472500 2010-11-27 0:03:21 14,931+ (96%) 1,928,032

Clarence Carter studio recording of "Patches"

Info | /u/WiretapStudios can delete | v2.0.0


Opie for what it's worth worked for his money. He sucked at what he did but he wasn't a grown man taking an allowance from his younger brother because of a pact they made in 1974.

Subtract 20 years

I still remember that fateful evening a few months back when he was on here answering people's questions. I enjoyed everyone shitting on him.

can you post a link?

I've never encountered someone I've never met who I'd be happy to break every bone in my hands smashing their face in. IRL the count might be 2. Joe is no. 3. And I can venture a guess as to why but can't pinpoint it. He's just so hateable.

I have disliked this fucker since wnew days of him calling to plug his band every day.

I wouldn't even mind him all that much if he was just a leech, but he brags about it, like he did something.

He looks like something Chip would make in a video game character creator.

But not a pedophile.

Guitar Center employee who takes his job way too seriously and is actually pretty bad at music for how long he's played

He can play notes real fast but there’s no substance to his playing. Just like someone who uses big words unnecessarily to make people glaze over so they don’t question whether or not they’re actually smart.


at a certain level it all sounds the same to me but from what i've read on here that's the only not-negative thing to be said about him - his guitar playing skills.

Well yeah. But playing guitar in a tribute band isn’t really considered being a good musician. If I may, a good writer and a good typer are very different. Both use keyboards, however one simply reproduces what someone smart and creative already did.

He works at Guitar Center?

Nah....that would mean he was earning an honest living.

Nah....that would mean he was earning an honest living.

No he works at Gaytard Center

He's mediocre AF at playing guitar, when he plays fast licks his tempo is all over the place and he misses assloads of notes.

I've met 12-13 year old kids who've been playing a year or so who are MUCH better than him.

He may legitimately wear the worst shirts on the planet.

The SAMCRO is photoshopped, the chains unfortunately are not. This was his formal wear to an event everyone else was actually dressed up for. Also notice that "O" on his "undershirt"? It's a Call of Duty shirt. I recognized it from one of his pics where he's wearing it.

Now here's something that isn't photoshopped

It's a Call of Duty shirt.

I don't think Joe plays computer games, which means he's literally wearing the shirt off Ant's back...

He is the real-life Ricky from Trailer Park Boys.

Ricky works for his money but other than that they have a lot in common

Ricky is funny though






SuperNot supera PEDO

He does realize that it's a TV show and not a documentary right? Although after his fallout with Ron Pearlman I'm guessing no.

Holy fuck, does this dunderhead really think he's in a biker gang?

He is a genuinely stupid man.

He's the only person I've ever seen over the age of 19 who wears Sons of Anarchy merchandise. How unbelievably pathetic.

I have literally never seen anyone wear Sons of Anarchy clothing, and I live in one of the largest cities in the world.

Well there’s your problem, you have to live in a trailer park.

or a suburb/exurb

Seriously, the most obnoxious people wear that shit, it's topped Ed Hardy T-Shirts.

There's a big fat man at my work in his early 40's wears a leather sleeveles SOA vest everyday, even in the cooler.

I bought one of the dvd sets once, it came with a beanie. It was winter time, so what im gay

I wore a Pollos Hermanos beanie to work yesterday. At least it's subtle & I don't actually pretend I'm a kingpin.

I just wear a Carhartt beanie to avoid being an embarrassment.

Zype banners? What event is this from?

Deep discount party.

Oh no, why would such a thing exist?

that coy, sexy smile kisses his kids before bed every night. on the lips, and a little bit of tongue

Some say he's a cunt. Some say he's a faggot. The truth is somewhere in between.

Why not both?

The fuck is Zype?

It's the hosting network Compound uses to distribute their media.

Looks like Anthony's printed up a step-and-repeat and had some sort of party to celebrate the launch of his network.

What a wise investment!

Did Ro rub potato chips into their teenage faces to make their acne worse? Man, those boys had some shit teen years.

King of the cunts , the handout prince

Since his falling out with Ron Pearlman, he's probably trying to find every pic of him in any SAMCRO merch and destroying them, like George Lucas did with the 78 Star Wars Thanksgiving Special.

Ammu Cumia

Sons of zionsism

The wisp of Anthony's hair in the right corner is horrifying

Anthony only gave him enough big boy bucks for one sleeve

so he’s the guy that buys/wears corny SOA merch! interesting.

he's Louis J Gomez from the future

He is SO proud of that shirt.

He wears TV show merch unironically.

The Cumias dress like children.

What a fag

Brother of a drunk, son of an anarchist

Can this guy ever be his own man?

Joe and Ant are basically white niggers.

some people may have him but with that outfit we can definitely say Joe cumia is definitely NOT A PEDOPHILE

I know it's probably low on the list of detestable things about Joe, but he dresses like a good will retard.

All joking aside, how does he just latch on to something just because his brother is in it? Opie has 93 brothers and you don't see none of them trying to ba "a part of things". In fact, they're rather the opposite. They're embarrassed to bring themselves to the forefront just because their brother's involved.

When he dies, I’ll read his autopsy report like it’s Penthouse Letters.

Nice shirt stupid.

He has fucking tiny head. Look at his head compared to his body. Jesus

Sons of Tranthony

Of course he has cards and a spider tattooed on him

Tell us how ya really feel.

A wide stance to accommodate all those stinking canolli rolls

He looks like something Chip would make in a video game character creator.

He wears clothes like that so you don't see his gunt.

He must have a sore back carrying around that Junk Yard Dog chain all day.


Ant's dick has definitely been in that hungry mouth.

Nice shirt, stupid.

Did someone subtly photoshop his head to be smaller? It seems too small for his body.

Why does anyone loan money on Reddit?

Nah....that would mean he was earning an honest living.

Nah....that would mean he was earning an honest living.

No he works at Gaytard Center