Nah, men never regret fucking her

98  2018-02-07 by SchumersStolenJokes


Bahaha first they bitched about how many of them were in certain jobs and now it's gotten to the point where they want more representation in peoples fucking love lives.

Also, only 12% of the population. Fuck off.

6% the men don't complain like this

46.3M of 320M as of 2015 - <15%.

It's single biggest irrefutable fact these shit-head buffoons refuse to acknowledge in any discussion u try having....because it blows their bullshit to pieces.

I feel like fucking Anthony right now -- can't be good - but 54% of entire black population lives in 10 Southern US States.

If I didnt already dislike blacks, I certainly would after these last couple of years. First Ant, now this.

She sees interracial marriage as an “epidemic”.

She's alt right

Violent, hypocritical, socially conservative, uneducated, religious, racists.

Great group of people.

She and Ant should marry.

Their kid would look like Seal.

It should be clubbed like one.

Anthony should give her a show

‘Awww Hell No!’ with Yamaneika

"Black men are in relationships with white women.

...I document it."

They're not couples!

Tru tbh

Maybe it's because black women are generally fat, mouthy and overconfident.

Someone should bust out the NIH obesity stats and the three Ns of young black women; two thirds of whom qualify as obese, and are far over represented in the ‘morbidly’ category. Every weekend in Chicago dozens of these fat sisters stroke out, lose limbs, and die prematurely, but no one ever wants to talk about fuckin Chicago...

I was just going to say, you ride the public transit here too?

Case A of denial, deceit, and delusion.

If a fat sassy black woman were standing outside in the rain, what would you do?

Go back where you came from Nigger

I'd tell her to be a good old girl and get to the back of the bus of course.

I would use one of her saggy tits as an umbrella and say thanks

I remembered to laff

They are the single dumbest minority group in the United States. The stats prove this overwhelmingly. They are truly stupid, hopeless people.

I subscribe to r/ blackladies just to see what goes on in their heads. They really don't like white liberal women.

They shouldn't.

That’s pretty fucking far from a fault

No it's a plus. Ghetto rats give them a bad name. Negresses are actually nicer imo than pissed off white feminists.

They’re nice to white men (sometimes) because we don’t have the same dynamic as black couples do. If we don’t like a girl we’ll dump her or kill her, not put up with her and sleep around behind her back.

I've read many of them saying black women are the most underrepresented demographic in the United States. They live in a fantasy world. If you're a loud black woman, you can get 10,000 white women to listen to you for no reason. Nobody ever questions a sassy black woman, they can get away with anything. They need to date more white men so they can get cut up and hidden in a wall behind a doll collection.


Unlike Ant, I am tremendously and almost helplessly, despite the data, attracted to black women. They are some of the sexiest motherfuckers on the planet, I am smitten with them.

And you're wallet's always empty.

I feel your pain. I have hidden my shame for years but I confess this to you now: I love kissing black women more than any other type ( including men ). I could do it forever. It's delicious.

I'm turning myself on just typing this.

My dirty snow angel. Luscious lips, the body of a child.


They have electricity in their lips. They feel different from kissing any other type of girl. Yeah, if I make out with a black, instant hard on.

Sounds like you got a fetish, dude. Good for you.

Half of them have herpes.

The stats prove this overwhelmingly.

Not arguing, just curious. Link?

This is just one, from the CDC

The fact that they can't even recognize this is a problem and have this "I look GYUUD" mentality about it just shows how unintelligent they are. They're not only not ashamed to be fat, they embrace it. Also, read pretty much any Youtube user comments on anything ever, and find the ones written by black women. Pretty good indicator of their overall intelligence and educational level.

That's just not right. You forgot "stupid"


Ummmm Hmmmmmm

And ugly.

And their feet are big and tough and smell bad.

The avg black woman in the US is 5’4” and 188lbs.

i bet she leaves your bed with that hour or so old mcdonald’s fart-like grease smell.

You can tell by looking at her that she always has hot sauce or mustard on the breath.

She's the type of nigga that carries hot sauce in her purse at all times.

Them Titties be poppin though


This post should've been titled: The Irony Is Lost On Her.

I hate to be another FTFY faggot on the internet but:

The Irony Is Loss On Her.

Pickin up wat ur puttin down cuz

She is way too sensitive and self conscious to be on a stage

We are talking about Yamaneika not Jim Norton.

Anthony Cumia and Danny Ross were a happy Hollywood negro couple until Anthony cheated on him with Sue.

Black women are the most jealous, not just about white either. I dated a girl mixed girl for about a little over a year when I was younger who looked like Rashida Jones & the stories she told me about the torture she endured by other black women was terrible. She stopped going to her high school because she was constantly beat up for having straight hair & light skin & even on the street or the train darker skinned black girls who were strangers would give attitude. I saw the same shit when I was in high school if you were Latin, white are light skin black the black girls were jealous & if they were dating a good looking black guy they were openly hated & sometimes jumped.

They are the most racist too. TWICE in the last 6 months I got yelled at by some Shaniqua on the freeway for texting, Im talking about 5pm LA traffic where everyone is doing 4mph. They have the fucking audacity to tell people to get off their phones, like you're their child. (Mostly because society has entitled them to be so/refuses to put them in check because they dont want to deal with them or be called racist)

BOTH times I said "Shut the fuck up, mind your own business" it was immediately met with "white motherfucker", "cracker", "fucking white people." Immediately to race. Could you imagine if it was reversed? A SWAT team would probably drop out of the sky and you'd be on the front page of the paper.

That's why here in the bay, especially when I'm passing thru the east bay, I go straight to calling them niggers.

That old law about ‘an eye for an eye’ leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do what is right.

No it leaves one person with one eye.

Know what's a good song? I by Meshuggah.

I would imagine it does hurt when you realize your own kind chooses to mate with another race once they achieve some form of success.

They like to act like white people are disappearing but it’s actually blacks. Pretty soon you’ll have more mulattos because no one wants to deal with big fat loud mouth black women.
The only thing they’re good for is phone operator positions for the irs or debt collectors. Those companies hire arrogant black people in the hope that when you call them you’ll just get frustrated and let them do what they want so you don’t have to listen to them bitch at you anymore.

Don't forget airport security.

And Comcast

And Time Warner. And Cox.

And Cox. Toss.

I used to run a call center. You hire female employees because customers won't argue with them as much. But you ALSO want someone who won't get steamrollered by the customer.

We hired a lot of girls who were straight out of high school, and the customers would just take advantage of them. Sometimes they'd start crying :(

Women really are just shit at doing things

I guess that black girl magic isn't working very well these days...

Angela Bassett

Look, she specifically said don’t mention any highly successful exceptions. It ruins her ability to cry in her bowl of sad

she's still angry that Nia got Bill.

If white women turn up with black guys... we know she's got a bucket-cunt.

White peepoes invented biology n'shiiit

Because black women are lazy and entitled. That's a global phenomenon

This bitch doesn't just need affirmative action to get jobs, she needs it to get dick too.

It really says a lot if you have a vagina and niggers wont fuck you.

Shut up, fatty.

She's ugly inside and out.

Stifle it, Kong!

Knock it off, spade?

Girl, you ashy

If we're going just by actors like she did with her last three examples (and these are just household hands, there alot of black actors who pop up in big movies that are less famous but have black wives):

Forest Whitaker, Ice Cube, Idris Elba, Marshala Ali, Morgan Freeman, Laurence Fishburne, Danny Glover, Don Cheadle, Louis Gossett Jr, Tyler Perry

What these men have in common is they are black and married to black women. Just cause she doesn't see it on TV all the time, doesn't mean its not real. Stop making a problem out of nothing Yameneika, you're just butt hurt that Stanhope touched on one of your big insecurities

Whatever happened to Louis Gossett Jr.? He was great even in shit movies.

I believe he is shooting Iron Eagle 16 as we speak.

If only there was a way to provoke her into becoming angrily irrational and violating Twitter's rules...

1: Women will NEVER truly understand what Men like (Men don't really understand either), until they really understand what the biological differences between men and women TRULY are, and how they apply to what we're attracted to. This broad should lose weight generally speaking, BUT there are a sizable number of men who would emphatically disagree with that statement, preferring her to stay this size for as long as possible. It's a very varied world of preference out there with men, so its hard to pin down a general sense of what men are looking for. Having said all that; there are a number of black men who are attracted to white women, because they clearly do not look like the women they grew up with and human beings - in general - have a curious attraction to things different than the norm that they've been brought up in. That's why you'll always see things like mixed racial marriages, regardless of whatever dominate collective group thinks. That leads into:

  1. WOMEN are the ones that primarily have a harder time with Men from their race dating a Woman from race X. Not to say Men don't either, but as soon as we get a look at the tits/ass/legs/face/etc. on the broad from race X, internally we go "OK I understand", and leave it at that. We may still have a problem with it politically, but that's on the individual/collective. As men, we understand - almost universally - by just looking at her body.

3: This broad is racist, but what else do you expect from "the black experience" these days.

  1. "The irony is not 'loss' on me..."? I hate when dumb people try to sound smart, especially when they're fat. Having said that:

  2. Big Jay Oakerson is a faggot, for caving into this idiot.

6.Blade is already a better movie than Black Panther, you can just tell...

Good post but I wanted to slap you for making bullet points .

I tried using numbers, but it kept coming out weird for some reason

Yamenika has the facial proportions of a dwarf

Haha, wow, what a racist cunt

She should go enter a contract

Would she be allowed to do that? Can anyone show me a legal precedent involving this topic?

These two black men have white wives, which immediately leads her to speculate on whether or not they hate and disrespect black women. What bitter shrew.

"Black women banned for hate speech"
Good luck

Ironically, this could be a post from Anthony, but it is too well written.

There’s a very simple answer to her question. “Why are most men...with woman WHO ARE NOT BLACK?”

Most woman aren’t black.

I've wanted to fuck a black girl all my life, but I've never been able to close the deal. Maybe the reason she can't catch a dick is because her standards are too high. I've fucked Asian girls, Indian girls, Mexican girls and white girls. Every single black girl has blown me off.

Hire an escort. Probably be cheaper in the long run, less hassle too.

Or a you one of those predatory "thrill of the chase" muhfuckers?

No, I'm one of those "if I get arrested for fucking a prostitute it will end my career because clients do background checks on me all the time" guys

Fat Nigger babbles into the wind

Funny stuff from this comedian.

I miss Patrice more than ever.

What a dopey ass bitch...get a fucking life and stop trying to sound smart

So fuckin tired of large mouthy black chicks

Nothing wrong with the color of the skin it is the socio dysmorphia you tolerate in modern urban america. Just ask all the white slave owners use to be balls deep in the sweet slim sexy black pussy.

So this is literally the peak of her career and she is living month to month. What do these fucking hacks do when they are making even less Money in their 50s

Kill themselves, hopefully.

Who the fuck would rather wake up in bed next to a women who either has a shower cap on or just totally bald shaved head instead of a nice beautiful head of blonde brown or red hair... seems like a no brainer

Progressive groups are cannibalizing each other. White cuckolds want black men to fuck white women, but this provokes anger from black women, another sacred demographic to liberals.

“The irony is not loss on me.”

Nope, sure isn’t. Nothing gets past this steel trap of a mind.

*nothing gets pass

This is why they don't want you once they get money or fame. You fucking silverback cunt.

She writes like a fat, racist retard.

The hard truth of life is black women aren’t as attractive as white women, nor Hispanic or Asian. It makes it worse when they’re 380 pounds too.

This is a very roundabout and indirect way to blame society for men not wanting to fuck her ugly ass.

I too hate seeing black men with white women

we need to stop white women getting fucked by niggers, it’s an epidemic

wtf I love Yamaneika now

Surprised I had to scroll down to the near bottom of this thread to find this response. There are about 15 above calling her racist for saying that.

I mean, she is racist, but so am I. I’d be willing to make a pact with black women on this problem.

That's not racist if both of you find it's a natural feeling to feel uncomfortable with the idea. It doesn't have to be 'jealousy' to create negative feelings. But that also doesn't mean that it's not a threat to one side, where it's mutually benefitial for both parties to agree it's not in their interest.

Much like US vs Russia in a total war situation without nuclear arms. The US would likely win against Russia in nearly ever case, and is the superior party as a result. But Russia could still inflict a ton of damage where playing the game is just not worth being superior.

In that context, just because wealthy black guys can get white girls and do "damage" to the racist white guys who don't like that, ultimately white males still have the upperhand both economically and socially despite the threat of black males. So it makes sense for them to make an agreement with black girls without either side losing face.


Black Panther shows the beauty and power of black people? This adult woman thinks a goofy comic book movie reflects on her personally.

It's because the majority of black girls act like this fat sack of gorilla shit. Bad attitude, mouthy, me me me, and remember she ain't on this shit! Ain't got time! I date black girls all the time, the ones who act like humans anyhow. If this Harambe lookin slob was the last female on earth, and I was the last male... it'd be the end of humanity.

If this Harambe lookin slob was the last female on earth, and I was the last male... it'd be the end of humanity.

Sorry to hear about your infertility.

It's hell gettin old

Does she realize her pussy looks like a wagon track thru a pile of cow shit???

Hahahahahahahaha...... bahahahahahahaha!

I felt my blood pressure rise as I was reading that.

Just listen to Patrice dominate her on black Phillip to ease the pain from stupidity

It’s almost like she isn’t aware

I regret knowing who she is

What a racist fat nigger cunt

I’m surprised no one has yet to comment about the fact that this fat gorilla cunt can’t make paragraphs.

I’m really attracted to black girls who are mixed. They are some of the most beautiful/intelligent girls I’ve ever been with.

She seems exhausting to be around. I don't know how anybody stands fucking someone who exhausts them just to hang out with.

This Black cunt does know that the movie was financed and produced by white people doesn't she?

I just came to say that big Jay Oakerson, is a piece of shit.

Soooo she's calling black men racist for being with white women?? I'm lost here....

speaks only of race, calls herself not racist.


She asked us to list famous black couples but not the famous ones.

She's bright

I regret the sex her parents haf.


She's not a smart person.

black pride btfo

I think one bald person per household is enough.

They got Bill Burr, why are they complaining?

When the SJW side begins to eat their own... BWAHAHAHAHA

Black women are worst women. Everyone knows this, especially black men.

Most most black females in Hollywood also have black SOs. The thing is your average white girl who doesn’t have a career in Hollywood in in any capacity is much more attractive then your black girl who doesn’t. So if you’re a black guy in Hollywood who wants a girl who isn’t in Hollywood, a “civilian” as fagmo jimmy calls it, you’re obviously gonna get a white one.

Honestly the attractiveness of black women is loss on me

You go girl. I'm personally tired of all the pretty white girls I like being impaled and defiled by African cock.

Black women are UGLY.

Studio executives thought process before making this movie

  1. Nerds and children are gonna watch this regardless because it's a superhero movie.

  2. Blacks are gonna watch this just because the main character is black. Somehow they think it's empowering even though it was created by two white men.

In short, niggers are stupid

That's why here in the bay, especially when I'm passing thru the east bay, I go straight to calling them niggers.

They shouldn't.

That’s pretty fucking far from a fault

I've read many of them saying black women are the most underrepresented demographic in the United States. They live in a fantasy world. If you're a loud black woman, you can get 10,000 white women to listen to you for no reason. Nobody ever questions a sassy black woman, they can get away with anything. They need to date more white men so they can get cut up and hidden in a wall behind a doll collection.