Well, the man's not wrong

53  2018-02-01 by 3stepsbackward


They both aren't.

Dude looks like he should be on a box of Cream of Wheat.

What's legal wrangler Joe Cumia have to say about this? I'm sure he can spit out some legal Jargon/ tried cases to shut this lawyer up

In the case of faggot A versus faggot B on the internet everyone is guilty of being a homo. It's well documented.

....if there is a just and loving god in the heavens, Bro Joe will annoy this lawyer so much that he takes on Joe's ex-wife's alimony and custody cases pro-bono.

Joe Cumia is just baffled a blackman can also be a lawyer

Affirmitive Action is nothing new.

Im not a pedophile, your honor.

Ant lashes out when stressed. This place when his mother died and this guy when Artie died.

Someone in that thread should ask him if racists can enter contracts.

Thank you.

What's sad is at one time Ant had quite a few fans that would've actually defended him. Too bad he pandered too much to the Proud Boy fags.

All of the comments under the tweet are pro-Anthony.

My point is that his fanbase has dwindled to a handful of Proud Fags/Antwan's alts.

The "pope" of the proud boys is some retarded nigger.

They are worthless, you're right.

I will never understand the ballwashers Anthony has. How shitty is your life that he's who you look up to? Do they not realize that they too can drink 18 bud lights and rant about black people?

I think anthony is great. downvote me.

He's funny and right about 95% of the shit he says.

Half of the people raging against him are mixed race, jewish, straight up niggers/shitskins/spics who are offended to their core. The others are slushbrained faggots who follow whatever the popular cultural trend is -if they were living in 1918 in that environment, they would be happy to support segregation and discrimination.

You're not wrong.

nailed it.

I like yours and Drake's comments.

real nibba about that life

It's not Anthony's opinion that bother people, it's the fact that he's a hypocritical douche

"Why can't they behave?" - Gets arrested for domestic assault

"Family values are important" - Fucks trannies, tries to seduce little girls online

"I'm white" - Isn't white

for some people it IS his opinions that bother them, and they latch onto people like you and use your hate to promote their ultra-gay butthurt social justice agenda while pretending they are like you and only hate him for hypocrisy. and at some level you guys are mixing together on the sub in the last month or two and it's really fucking queer

Well shit son I didn't realize you were doing an exposé

For the record, /u/fawwkyeah thinks Anthony is a faggot and liberals are also faggots

You consider this to be an SJW subreddit?

Is that honestly what you're saying?

Get a grip.

lol I'm lily-white, certainly moreso than "ancestors raped by the Moors" Anthony is. I just think Anthony went from being funny to an annoying old drunk. Why do you faggots always assume people have to be liberal or minority to find Anthony's obsession with blacks and liberals fucking retarded?

i don't, but many of them are and they ride that tiger to turn this sub into a fag hole

Retard, I don't care that he's racist, it's just fucking boring. I've said that multiple times on this subreddit. Ranting nonstop about black people and the Left is retarded. He literally parrots Fox News for his political ideology, am I supposed to respect that? There is absolutely zero nuance to his positions on anything.

Black people have been in this country longer than his Dago-Arab family, and he somehow connects himself to all the Western Europeans and Ashkenazi Jews that actually invented basically everything. He loves talking about NASA's flight room during the 60's being all white. Show me all the Moorish men with curly afros in that room.

He's a hypocritical moron without a high school diploma. Watching Fox News and the occasional history documentary isn't exactly a respectable education. I'll stick to not giving a fuck about his opinions and laughing at him angrily replying to OJ Simpson's lawyer thinking he won the argument because he has more likes.

i get that you hate him for other reasons, jesus christ. my other post still stands. there are figures like enrico fermi you should look into.

Niggers are less evolved.

Keep going, Mr. Cumia, with your wonderful fan base. All I see is the classic behavior(s) of a loser addict: blame others, take no responsibility, deflect, attack, and feel sorry for yourself. You made a threat, and I told you to knock it off. Your choice. M.

....well, that doesn't sound like Op... I mean, Ant, at all.

Can someone go to the Vet,and get a message to Mike. This shit needs closure.

he's just as much of an obsessed loser faggot trying to prove himself online as Cumia is.

This guy is helping some nigger murderer and names himself "sin city" and then grandstands about morals. His whole life is built around a kind of affirmative action fiction, from kindergarten to college to employment, most of the people he dealt with in his career ladder ascension viewed him as a charity case and a pet nigger to get themselves diversity points for helping.

What was the actual threat he's referring to?

Ant tweeted that since OJ and his lawyer have stopped paying Fred Goldman, Goldman should take "alternative payment" I think was the quote. Then this guy demanded on twitter that Ant take down his call for violence (he use a more legal term though).

He got a good trashing on Ant's Wed. show. The clip's floating around here somewhere.

Tranuary just keeps on giving. This guy knows Ants foibles better than we do. He's amazing!

To be fair: Malcolm LaVergne‏ is a faggot. BUT it's still hilarious when people who aren't even in the same universe as O&A or r/opieandanthony slam the Cumia's, because they hit the nail on the head every time

Affirmitive Action is nothing new.