Jim Norton doesn't play video games because he was "addicted" to Asteroids in 1982

307  2018-01-08 by noisimus

What a colossal faggot of unprecedented proportions


I lost my father to super mario bros 3 so maybe think before making fun

One of my best memories is my dad waking me up at 3am drunk off his ass wanting to beat Super Mario Bros 3...or beat me and that's how I choose to remember it. Either way it was good times.

I have a good memory of my father selling the SNES I got for Christmas so he could buy cigarettes or some other bullshit. Fun times.

shocking to see how many respected intellectuals on this subreddit had a dysfunctional childhood.Whats next? drug/alcohol abuse?


My parents split when I was 6 so honestly my only memories of my dad are him getting day drunk on weekends and wanting to play Super Mario. Then my mom would come home and yell at him like a total buzzkill because my sister's diaper hadnt been changed all day and she was making her way up the stair-case wearing her fisher price roller skates. Like jesus christ, chill out mom!

where is that great dad now?

Last seen shopping for a Vizio soundbar

He's on the beach writing messages in the sand.


vuuuury good

poor lil diaper itch sis

Did all her shit go into her pussy?

No wonder you ended up in the slammer


Did he fall off a train platform?

I have this rich friend. Total prick.

We went to high school together and got along well enough.

Anyway, this fucker is epileptic and some of Mario 3's levels caused him to have seizures -the worst of them being the stage you fight Bowser on.

When he comes around and inevitably starts teabagging everyone with his "I'll buy us drinks," and his "I'm giving everyone a nickname because I'm a dog owner and all of you are dogs," I say things back like "I can't wait to beat Super Mario 3... again... in a stobe-light filled room... and not be epileptic while doing it."

Fuck that guy.

Love you Dan.

Jim walks into the studio dressed in all black with a wrinkled t shirt that hasn’t been washed in months. He barely speaks into the mic. During break, Sam asks what the problem is with Norton, whos hands are shaking. Jim: i fuckin relapsed man..

Sam: Gta 5?

Jim: No. tear rolls down his cheek Asteroids.

That jackass would just drive around in a Mr. Tasty, killing prostitutes and running over children.

Why run em over when you can be friends aheh aheh “get in the car I’ll buy you an ice cream... here it is hold the cone and start licking”

he tried Gta 4 and couldn't play it at all. he was awful.

Great hypothetical story faggot

Haha people downvoted your lame comment. Be more funny you ugly lil dick nerd

Easy with the curses pal! That's how you're gonna get us shut down.

Keep up the fan fiction. Quality stuff

Quiet nerd. Men are talking.

That makes me imagine a picture of Jimmy looking like Chris Rock in New Jack City, when he relapsed , was crack smokin with the tears flowing.. and the pain on his face. Classic

He's a scared little guy who's been afraid of trying anything new his whole life and is finding out in middle age how horribly self-limited and uncreative he really is. Faggot is too kind.

Don't forget he also doesn't watch Seinfeld due to the bass line used.






The fuck does he do with his day?

He edges most of his waking hours at home.

What are his waking hours angular or sumthin?

Trannys and counting calories

Is this something he seriously said? I can't even tell anymore where real stories end and the jokes begin.

Yes. He actually said this.

They did just start another season of Intervention, maybe Jimmy can go to help for his excessive edging and other problems.

I think he's addicted to "being addicted"

No, OP is a fucking moron. Jim said he played Asteroids excessively because he was obsessed with getting good at the game- then he realized there was nothing to be gained in his life from being skilled at playing Asteroids, so he stopped. And that prevents him from getting into games today, he sees it as a waste of time. It's a very reasonable & adult perspective so of course this sub chucks a shitfit over it.

That makes sense

Rogan also can never play video games because of his addiction to Quake. Comedians are really something else

Rogan is actually understandable in his case. He was playing Quake like a full time job and spending $10k a month to do it. He has other interests and hobbies and moved on. Jim however is just a faggot through and through.

How do you spend 10k a month? Games didn't have dlc back then.

Well Joe is a very stupid man.

If I remember correctly he had a business grade T1 line at his house that accounted for a lot of the money he spent.

Has Joe ever said what his game name was back then, and if he was in any Quake clans? I played Quake on Gamespy for hours every day from 1999 - 2002 (in '01, I spent my freshman year student loan refund on a $1,500 PC and ultimately dropped out of college because I was playing it so much).

Creepy to think I might've been playing against that midget all that time.



He got the most expensive internet connection possible to play Quake

how much is it to run his own server?

I know deadbeat stoners who ran servers and they sure as hell couldn't afford 10k a month.

That's how much his T1 connection cost.

Seems overkill. As long as your connection satisfies the basic bandwidth requirement, adding more bandwidth doesn't matter. What matters is latency, not necessarily how big the pipe is. If the T1 line is otherwise poor quality from a shitty company, you'd still see high ping.

I think I played on dsl back on the day and I saw pings on servers near me as low as 20.

It was like 1996, I'm sure some contractor just hoodwinked him when network money Joe told him what he wanted.

He paid for the pipes laid down in the ground. He lived off the grid but wanted internet to play Quake.

He spent over $25,000 to have a T1 line run to his house.

Wow 10k would make all my problems go away and this midget spent that a month playing a game?

10k would make all my problems go away

You don't really believe that, do you?

I’m sure he was perfecting the jumping rail gun kill shot.

Joe thought the problem was Quake but it's actually that he's retarded.

Calling Rogan a comedian is pretty generous.

Last special is pretty damn funny. The rest of it is meh indeed.

Jim Norton is a comedian who makes 40 year old references and has no clue about current pop culture. He is a dull millionaire, almost aa dull as Opie.

He never learned his trade, that stupid fuckin' cunt.

Jim is worried that if he eats salted snacks that the "sugar" in the salt will keep him up all night and he'll start spending his nights playing video games instead of sleeping or working. He actually thinks there's sugar in salt in large quantities and the slightest imbalance in his diet will send waves of stimulants to his hummingbird heart and he'll be tweaking all night.

The things Jim makes himself believe is the most entertaining thing about him.

The things Jim makes himself believe is the most entertaining thing about him.

It's almost like having Fez back.

Jim is one of the very rare people that changed his eating habits & stuck to it & kept the weight off. When he decided to quit smoking he quit right away without relapsing. He strictly commits himself to his stand-up while also doing a morning radio show. As much as he claims this identity of an addict, he’s actually one of the most disciplined people I’ve ever seen in my life.

Won't ever quit that tranny cock tho

Doesn't want to quit though.

I've never really thought about it like that, but it's true. He's also been very diligent about not being influenced by other comedians, as evidenced by not taking in any entertainment since 1987.

Or not taking on any of their attributes, like being funny.

He’s the farthest thing from a true addict. What kind of “addict” who’s almost 50, who got clean & sober in his late teens has never had one relapse in his entire life.

Even when people bring up the prostitutes & edging. He's never been arrested, he's never gone broke, he's never missed work. Seems like he's in control. He always talks about boundaries he's created (don't fuck co-workers, other comedians, his openers).

He's a disciplined man with some vices that haven't had negative enough consequences for him to but in the effort to quit. And he says he did quit the prostitutes atleast. So yea, he's a perv but he's not even a sex addict

All true, Jim Norton is essentially a Boy Scout who shows no signs or patterns of behavior that prove otherwise.

Suppressing homosexual urges tends to strengthen one's fortitude.

He takes PrEP because he can't stop having unprotected sex with mentally ill young men.

I nearly run over my firstborn when I heard that. What a minge this guy is

Jimmy is just so fucking weird.

You faggots will go back to downvoting anyone who talks shit about this unfunny radio zero/comedy failure. Remember, Jim Norton is a faggot and deserves to be broken.

Reminder: redbar is a far bigger faggot/radio zero/comedy failure than Jim Norton could ever hope to be.

And I don't even like him any more.

Remember, Mike David is a faggot and deserves to be broken.

More like "Ass-teroids", amiright?

he lacks the attention span and interest to follow modern culture so he creates excuses for why he doesn't to sound less like a self involved bore

same exact thing with his excuse for not watching other comics

He should seek help from recovering movie addict Patton Oswalt

It's fascinating to me how hateable these guys become once they stop being funny. It's like the humor was a cloaking device to how awful they actually are. when you take the humor out of being a funny asshole you become just an asshole.

I've got an addictive personaaality

I still would like to see Lazlo cast Jim as a butler named Ramon in a future game.

He had a bad case of the roids in 1982????

"Jim Norton doesn't play video games because he was "addicted" to Asteroids in 1982"

That, no joke, may be the most pathetic thing I've ever heard a, "professional entertainer" ever say.

Please, tell me this is a joke.......

I love how the second part of your post was so subconsciously stolen from yimis delivery . I read it in his voice . Cough couch hack

Asteroids is a motherfucker...

If only he took the same approach re: she-penises.

Yeah what a faggot wanting to get things done with this life as opposed to playing video games.

You fucking losers find anything to make a thread about and to try to make your pathetic ass lives seem better in comparison to people you spend your days and nights listening to.

Says the guy posting on a message board about a radio show that hasn't existed for years

.... Good.... one?

It's not about the video games, you dolt. It's about his excuses for not being able to do normal things. He acts like playing a video game or eating a slice of pizza once in a while will trigger a complete downfall of his life. Meanwhile he flies around the world paying to suck dick.

But yeah, I love the kid.

Princess Alena gave him a good case of asteroids....

I thought this was just a joke about how he got sober after a six pack of zima, but the fact that he actually said this is pretty pathetic.

He can’t handle beer or asteroids but craving cocks in his mouth is just fine. Hypocrite

He doesn't play with vaginas because he shot out of one

Jim will edge for 12 hours a day but won't play video games because he's addicted. lol

All right, I'm pretty sure he's just trolling us now. Seriously.

jim norton keeps setting new records for pretentious faggotry

Did we listen to the same show? I think he was going there until Sam laughed at him and flat out asked him if he was addicted and Jim said no. He then rambled a bit about no matter how much he played he couldn't be as good as people who played all day.

It seemed playing Asteroids was not done for fun, but to be the best at something... still kinda sad that the little fella needed attention so badly at that age.

Is anyone else picturing Young Jimmy sneaking around his parent's house, stealthily swiping quarters from his mom's purse to feed his vile habit?

Stop trying to change the subject

I can sympathize with this one. When I was 21 I could get drunk as fuck, sleep for four hours and make it to work the next day.

But when I played videogames I'd look at the clock, see that it was 6am, and "call in sick" to my job because I was that close to finishing the game.

The number one reason that I don't have a college degree is because I was playing Street Fighter II obsessively, literally driving around SoCal trying to find people who were in my league.

If any of you played at that comic shop in City of Industry, you've met me.

Yeah, man that's a tough one...

My dad has asteroids. Can’t even sit on the toilet some days.

Joe Rogan too, with DOOM. They both are gay in that respect

The man isn't an addict he is addicted stopping himself from being one.

jim would play those weird virtual world games on the pc and just flirt with tranny avatars

Seems he's addicted to getting AIDS.. Amiright guys? <high five>

but he'll stare at his stupid fucking phone during an entire video, wont he? Hes gotta be on at all times to constantly tip his princess tokens

More like A Dick'n for Ass Roids.



vuuuury good