Valley President

76  2018-01-06 by Dennyislife


Kim Jong Un is so grody!




its tough man... kim is a pretty good guy, but man. he just needs to relax

He should get 15 min together and do an open mic.

Joseph Kony is full of baloney

Everyone done with this guy yet?

Fuck no, this shits hilarious

I never liked it but I can admit it was objectively funny throughout the campaign. It's jumped the shark. It consumes everything in our culture. It bothers me to feed all this attention to the worst person on earth that feeds and thrives on it. Our politics have become dumber than the Kardashians show. It almost feels like it's all fake, like that episode of South Park where the aliens were network executives and earth was a reality show. I get nihilism, I even tried it out, but this just fucking sucks now

Worst person on earth? I quite like him, he's funny

He literally has zero friends. He fucks over or backstabs everyone in his path. If you were playing a video game and creating a hatable villainous character you would make his attributes almost identical to Donalds.


yeah if you're a retard raised on black people culture i can see how a charismatic successful white man would be the scariest thing in the world.

That's an hilarious analogy, but I'm also amazed at how people see him as charismatic. I don't think he was seen that way until he became a successful reality show character in the early 00's, especially not in the NYC or Atlantic City areas, where he was seen as an overly litigious welcher and social buffoon. But, I guess on some level being able to so thoroughly convince 1/3 of the country that he is charismatic and smart makes him those things on some level. I dunno, I think he's a real horse's putoot.


Lol so stupid. You're reaching way too hard Colin

i assume you mean quinn, and thank you.

considering all the shitty people out there in poltics,business, and Hollywood how is it a bad thing he kept to himself?(hilarly/huma) He has friends for 40+ years hes a busy billionaire who doesnt drink or do drugs. He also has good relationships with his family. I love how you believe this narrative of such an evil man when people exist much much worse. You keep believing all the evil people telling you hes worse.

He's well known as screwing over people who worked with or for him.

show me a billionaire that doesnt have enemies. Also who says those workers arnt shitty?

Warren Buffet

You are so right. Everyone hates Warren Buffett.


You're describing half of us


My personal investments went up almost $10k last week. I want 4 more years

I don't believe you. But if true, I'm rooting for you. However the stock market cannot go up forever. In fact it is most likely to crash in epic and catastrophic fashion. sell now

Buy $BBRY, faggot

Why do you think that old company is going anywhere

It's software and radar systems have a future with driving automation and fleet tracking. They also own a lot of intellectual property that other companies can't fuck with (see the lawsuit against Qualcomm). I bought in at $8.80.

U don't fuck around w bitcoin nigga

No, I opened a wallet last spring, but never added any crypto. I just can't trust that shit.

We getting rich this year. I'm in the process of making the newest currency based on radio ticks and facial reactions. I call it the "OpieCoin".

Bitcoin itself is dreck, but the technology is worth a gander.

I bought into Ethereum (ETH) when it was at $140 and sold it at $390. (I say it like I’m proud—as it presently is valued at $900)

I know UBS is using ETH to skirt some sort of weird EU finance law, so it has some practical applications in finance.

But you’re right about BTC—it’s shady and definitely NOT going to overthrow fiat.

Totally agree. Sucks that you cashed out your eth, I got in around $200 and kept it all.

I'm happy for ya, bud. I cashed out not because of panic--I wanted to hold, but I got into an argument with a manager at my job and had to quit, otherwise I'd have been fired. Thus my portfolio went from a "fun little side project" to my only source of income and I couldn't chance it.

On the bright side, the profits I made are paying my living expenses till June, but had I held just 6 more weeks I could've bought a brand new Miata. :(

Go with a low risk one that uses block chain technology for other purposes than just being a form of payment. Cardano is a good one. It's about $1 a coin and it's used for smart contracts.

This is something that people fail to remember: the economy always shits the bed right when things are going gangbusters.

It feels like 1999 again. One of my friends bragged to me recently about taking a second mortgage to invest in the stock market. And the reason that I know we're about to go off a cliff is because his plan almost makes sense. That's not normal. Mortgaging your house to buy Nvidia shares isn't a sign of a healthy economy.

And I truly am rooting for you. I have a pension and 401k, it's not like I want it to crash

The economy runs in cycles but has always trended up in the US. It doesn't matter who the president is.

That's why the market started crashing immediately after the Brian Ross report.

So you're taking one tiny event and using it to prove that the president is directly responsible for the economy? Look at a picture of the Dow since its inception. It really doesn't matter who the president is.

Because it was a made up story.

It was a goddamned blip. 350 points? That's 1.5%.How retarded are you? The Dow went from 6,000 points to 20,000 during Obama's presidency. Should he be getting credit for that? A president's effect on the economy short-term is not large. That's Econ 101, retard.

Feel free to educate yourself:

It happened after Brian Ross's fake story though.

You're only looking skin deep. There is a war for our country going on behind these "silly" tweets.


Yeah normal and decent people are being sucked into a "war" between Nazis and batshit crazy commys. meanwhile the billionaires are still paying their billions to control everything and acquire all the worlds wealth. Plus the planet is clearly trying to slowly purge this scourge called humans and there are people deciding to ignore it or deny it just so like 45 people can make a lot more money. While this goes on a giant cartoon baby is the president

Wow you truly are a dummy.

lol do you think it's billionaires polluting the world? it's people like you, indians, chinese, and filipionos. the majority of the shit damaging the world is dumbass third worlders and fags like you. it's those asshole billionaires like bill gates trying to patiently find a solution to africans raping babies to cure their AIDS epidemic and ways to filter all the clean water that brown people throw their trash and shit in.

I mean to an extent he's right. Sure everyone's a contributor, but a large part of the blame can come down to corporations deliberately suppressing information on the subject for many years.

It's kind of disengenous to just pull bill gates out of your ass and pretend the ultra rich are all fighting for us. In many cases innovation is slowed by the bottom line of corporate profit.

but a large part of the blame can come down to corporations deliberately suppressing information on the subject for many years.

I disagree. I think it's people generally not caring. 10 years ago people were furious about governments and corporations spying on us. A few years ago it was revealed they actually are spying on us. Now we are literally inviting them into out homes with Google Home and the rest. People aren't oppressed, this is where they fucking want to be. That's the problem. Why does anybody drink soda? Why does anybody smoke cigarettes? Why does anybody do a any of this retarded shit? We all know the truth, we don't care.

It's kind of disengenous to just pull bill gates out of your ass and pretend the ultra rich are all fighting for us.

It wasn't a blanket statement, it was a bullet to pierce a veil of bullshit. I don't believe all rich people are saints, don't blanket statement me into making a blanket statement. For every Koch Brothers there is an Elon Musk. I am saying it balances out. The problem? The ones doing good shit do it on their own and the ones doing the bad shit do it because of consumers.

Every new path of innovation is carved against the wishes of the public until they clue into it. It takes corporations to do that. Governments are reactionary to the people, their voters, their constituents. You see the ecosystem now?

I agree that it is generally the retardation of the people that is the issue. If that wasn't the case then people wouldn't vote against their self interest as much. The main problem I have with corporations or any large form of power that contributes to all of this nonsense is that they're not stupid. When things are done that have a net negative to human suffering from corporations, a lot of the times it is calculated. I'm not saying I want corporations to baby the general populous into better decision making, what I'm saying is that corporations now and in history (just like governments) have made intentional decisions that very obviously negatively affect the general populous in order to advance their bottom line: profit. Oil companies disinformation campaigns and lobbying are a prime example.

I also still have to take a bit of issue on your bill gates statement. Sure there are plenty of rich that want to do the world good with their wealth, but I believe their are way more that care more about profit than seeing humanity flourish. I mean we're both totally talking out of our ass on this subject somewhat, but due to the cutthroat nature of business I think it's a valid guess that we don't have as many billionaire philanthropists as we do billionaires filled with an itch for greed and power.

If that wasn't the case then people wouldn't vote against their self interest as much.

I want to address this line because I really do hate it. I hear that used by liberals against conservatives all the time. "They are voting against their self interest." Self interest is a placeholder for greed. It's people saying "I want this, I want the big government to give it to me." This is fundamentally corrupt. This is why Conservatives and Liberals can never speak. Liberals find it completely insane and unreasonable that a Appalachian dirt farmer can look at Bill Gates and not believe he should get a piece of that pie. They're eating raw potatoes but they can still believe in the principle that just because someone has more, that does not give him the right to use the government to take from that person even if it would make their life better. Self interest is greed, it is actually a baser human emotion, it is not enlightened. It is not taking in the bigger picture. Just wanted to establish that.

what I'm saying is that corporations now and in history (just like governments) have made intentional decisions that very obviously negatively affect the general populous in order to advance their bottom line: profit

Yeah but the thing they are doing adds to a net benefit. You know what I noticed? When fracking companies had people's water being fucked up, it was headline news and they scrambled to fix it and they are held accountable. When Flint, Michigan had shitty polluted water forever? What happened? You can't sue the fucking government like you can sue a private company. You can't tell the government to stop putting chemicals in your tapwater. You can't take the fucking CIA, FBI, FDA to court like you can a company on its own.

Here's a wild thought for you: do you think the government isn't driven by profit? Their profit is taxes, motherfucker. Your taxes don't go down, they keep adding government jobs, they keep, insulating government agencies, government employees never get fired, you think this vast political machine doesn't want money too?

At least you can choose to give a corporation your money. If you don't pay the government you go to prison.

Sure there are plenty of rich that want to do the world good with their wealth, but I believe their are way more that care more about profit than seeing humanity flourish. I mean we're both talking out of our ass on this subject somewhat, but due to the cutthroat nature of business I think it's a valid guess that we don't have as many billionaire philanthropists as we do billionaires filled with an itch for greed and power.

What is "power?" Influence? Elon Musk wants power. Bill Gates wants power. The CEOs of charities want power. Politicians want power. Wanting power is not a negative. Rebellions that topple corrupt tyrannies want power. They want more, they want the money, they want the land. Again, stop acting like the average person and family does not want power and safety and influence. This is not some anomaly.

I think governments and corporations have the capacity to display more evil than individuals simply due to the fact that they are in positions of power.

So you're saying governments never change? Because if that were the case, no corporation or government would ever fall. Because in your worldview, they have supreme power. How could something with supreme power fall to something with less power? Unless the people actually have more power?

I mean I've seen entire global corporations fall very fast -m even some collapse - but I suppose you have an explanation for that.

I mean both liberals and conservatives often vote against their self interest. Self interest is not always a placeholder for greed man. Self interest for many people comes down to survival. Feeding their children, paying their mortgage, paying for healthcare. Greed is self interest taken to the extreme.

I do think Governments as a concept have the power to do more good and aid in innovation than corporations do. There are many governments of the world that look after their people in much better ways than the US. In what way am I saying governments cant change? Did I imply corporations can't fail? I don't feel like we're having a conversation here.

Again, stop acting like the average person and family does not want power and safety and influence

The average person doesn't always want all of these things. You can't lump safety in with influence and power, that's not fair. I don't want power.

Yeah but the thing they are doing adds to a net benefit

That's kind of a backwards way to look at things. I mean sure it's great that we get fuel for our vehicles, but intentional disinformation towards climate change? I don't know why you feel corporations or the idea of corporations are immune to criticism. Profit being the bottom line makes corporations and say extremely unethical things. Net benefit isn't always a valid way to assess whether or not something is an ethical pursuit. If I started abducting and harvesting people for their organs so I could use one body to save 4 or 5 people, technically that would be a net benefit... But I don't want to live in a society where that happens.

hahahah oh man this post paint a perfect picture of who you are.

Does it?

Don't ask rhetorical questions.

You don't belong here, fuck off to politics

Politics is finally seen with the contempt it deserves.


I can watch the video of him giving out Lindsay Graham’s personal cell phone number on national TV over and over and it never stops being funny.

"Only Rosie O'Donnell" is his "tear down this wall"

"because you'd be in jail" was even better

Fuck, that was great.

It might actually happen now.

U salty

I suppose you can call it that

You mean like for REAL DONE, or you are just being like you know sarcasmic (?)

you think you're against the grain and anti Reddit when in fact your just another level deeper in it. You are just second degree Reddit/sarcasm fag.

I cant deal with this right now... I mean I cant even.

Yeah I get it. I've seen MANNNNY people write these words before. It's funnier when it's relavent and not being desperately forced.

chill dude .... I mean wtf ... roll a joint or something. peace and love. totally triggered me and I need to calm down right?

whateva dude

As a non American I can tap out of the mayhem so I never get bored of it. I suspect when its daily it gets boring though.

I have absolutely no choice and no escape from thinking and hearing and reading about the worst most hatable person on earth multiple times per day. It's hellish

Shut the fuck up you pussy.

Boo hoo


shotgun + mouth = peace

give it a try

Just enjoy the ride, he's a dipshit but is very entertaining, I enjoy just watching foreign official just have a "wtf" look on their face.

It's all going to be a massive trainwreck at some point, so I'm enjoying the ride. Sessions being a puritanical cunt is shitty, however he'll get fired soon.

You think before Trump our political system was not a joke? All he's doing is giving it a name he's part serious and part trolling and you and everyone that hates him is falling for it. The more he keeps the over to top SJW crowed losing there mind about him, and people like my sister who I shit you not was crying at Christmas dinner because my father told her he voted Trump the next election will be an easy win. Most Americans aren't stupid they're just tired.

You just described why most Americans are stupid.

No I didn't. I'm betting you're the type of guy that thinks everyone from the south is a stupid heck or everyone from the cities are slaven liberals.

Everyone from the South is a stupid. That's well established.

You should probably get out of the city more often it's making your fag levels Skyrocket.

Is that like Dianetics? Can I get a reading?

"His faggotry is over 5000!"

Should I? How about no.

Absolutely your world is small and sad.

Is it? America is a dump beyond the major cities.

I live in a nice area of NY it's a bigger dump then most areas I have ever been.

You're poor

Poor in sprite maybe. I am gonna take a wiled guess and say you are not from the US?

25th Amendment.

Gag my twitter with a spooowwwnn

This man's brain is crumpling in on itself like a neutron star and every second of it is hilarious to watch

Schknumpft and Schknumpftkins are eternally BTFO.

He's always been like this, you been in a cum coma faggot?

I really want him to stay president and watch his brain erode to a smooth pebble.

I can't believe those of you who grew up in the Northeast could ever support this guy. He was always known as a crass showboat and a real estate developer who screwed over most of the people that did business with him. He was never a smart guy.

Anyone who talks about someone in real estate "screwing over people" like it's an outrage is an absolute moron. Everyone in that business is constantly trying to fuck over each other, it's about making money not doing the Lord's work.

The fact that he was a success shows he is smart or at least business savvy.

He went bankrupt multiple times. And, no, you still pay the people who work for you in real estate.


Here's an analogy:

I have two clients. One is a sweetheart, they pay me to do forty hours of work and I deliver 25. They rarely complain and I don't understand why they put up with my shit.

My other client is a motherfucker. They always want something for nothing, and they're constantly trying to renegotiate contracts that are already signed.

Obviously, the second client is a sleazy pain in the ass.

But which one is getting more for their money?


Please don't use analogies ever again.

You don't want smart people in power.

Elect Bobo

Yup. And I can't believe people in the mid west and south voted for him either. The same "folks" that claim to hate everything about coastal elites. They have all these beliefs about us that they claim to despise and then go ahead and vote for a person that checks every single box on their list of stereotypes that they loathe. They literally voted for a cartoon character version of a coastal elite that they spent their entire lives being taught not to trust and not to like

Yeah but he hates black people and mexicans like them. That's all that matters

he hates black people and mexicans like them

Mexicans don't like them either.

Most of the argument for him is that he trolls on twitter and makes liberals angry. This is literally the worst argument to genuinely support someone.

love him

He is actually doing a really good job though

I wanna move to the US just to vote for this guy

It was so worth it.

People who actually voted to make America great again are fucking retarded. people who voted against Clinton and for the lols are alright in my book

A few years of lulz are worth much more than a boring cunt.

I think just a boring cunt would have won. She was a corrupt war criminal and arms dealer. I wish Trump took a giant shit on Israel through, disappointing how in all this those motherfuckers still control shit.

I voted strictly for the reaction he causes over the top liberals to have. it has paid off tremendously! The initial meltdowns was probably some of the most entertaining weeks of my life.

I voted for him because I care about people of color. Black and Bean unemployment rates are at record lows.

We don't want you



Pence reading these tweets rubbing his hands like birdman



He is the biggest piece of shit we've ever seen in this country

And I'll never understand your reasoning why.

But he is a part of the country, he won because people forgot that.


I bet Obama is not very liked around here.


ok fine, for sure for sure

You say weird shit to people.

I hate the left, sjw faggots, kikes, etc... but this guy is a fucking embarrassment.

Marxist pussies have taken over this subreddit

TSS I don't mind mark

Trump is just an Opie who made it big

I hate this touchy, Opie-level queer, but I swear to god, I want him as president for the next 7 years*. Every day there's something new. What a complete mental patient.

  • As long as we haven't been nuked from orbit yet.


I like this guy

I'm like totally really really smart, not an complete embarrassing dummy, ok?

He will never not be the top story at any given time.

This post have been invaded by a bunch of unfunny queers

What a fucking dumb cunt

I read the book that just came out.What was suppose to happen was he wanted to loose so he can go back on the apprentice and be a martyr to Hillary and have people feel sorry for him.Bannon was suppose to be the head of the Tea parties new movement.And his daughter and husband where suppose to use this to expand into a celebrity couple internationally.He basically had a 3 team campaign who he would abuse and call idiots but yet he still won

Yeah I get it. I've seen MANNNNY people write these words before. It's funnier when it's relavent and not being desperately forced.

Why do you think that old company is going anywhere

Shut the fuck up you pussy.

Boo hoo




I mean to an extent he's right. Sure everyone's a contributor, but a large part of the blame can come down to corporations deliberately suppressing information on the subject for many years.

It's kind of disengenous to just pull bill gates out of your ass and pretend the ultra rich are all fighting for us. In many cases innovation is slowed by the bottom line of corporate profit.

shotgun + mouth = peace

give it a try