I fucking love The Twilight Zone, but this fucking dolt is not the right choice to reboot it

0  2017-12-06 by [deleted]



oh fuck that, what is it gonna be funny now? He sucks, nothing "mysterious" about him in the least is he going to do an impression of rod serling?

he's not really funny either. that was the job of his counterpart in the show. he's just a boring guy who can do Obama.

Never realized he's the Opie of Key and Peele. Always liked the clips and interviews of Keegan Michael Key and didn't really think about Peele.

Keegan Michael Key has always been a very funny guy. This fucking retard wants to be taken seriously and he lucked out with a smash hit film that probably sucks.

He already got away with doing a cheap Chappelle knockoff, so why not?

I don't know what's worse, this or the fact they got M Night Shamalan to reboot 'Tales From the Crypt'

How about they just create new episodic horror shows so they don't tarnish the names of great franchises? Didn't they learn anything from female Ghostbusters?

This dude makes one good movie that got completely overrated due to it's social relevance and now he gets to do pretty much any project he wants? I like Key & Peele, but if you've seen any interview with Peele since the release of Get Out he's becoming a pretentious and condescending self-important douche.

sounds like it's time for a grope charge


Sounds like Donald Glover after his bullshit music career got popular.

Derrick Comedy is still the funniest shit he's ever done.

I like the idea of a new sci-fi anthology series, but not under the "Twilight Zone" brand, and definitely not with Peele at the helm. The original series was great, the 80s revival was pretty good, the 2000s version with Forrest Whittaker was utterly forgettable. Given this trend, I expect the newest incarnation to be an absolute turd.

Rod Serling served with distinction in world war 2 and used the transformative horrors of what he saw to singlehandedly pen 92 of the 156 episodes of the Twilight Zone, many of which were both ahead of their time and prescient. I can think of no greater replacement than the guy who married Jimmy's sloppy seconds.

he has a white jewish wife. hes the toast of tinseltown. has she had that niglet yet?

How pissed do you think Jim is knowing that this guy outshines him in stand up, TV, movies and satisfying Chelsea Perretti in bed.

You think there'll be an episode where a white man wakes up in a world run by black people, and is systematically oppressed and oh, how relevant, and then they give it all sorts of awards and we'll never stop hearing about it?

Great book with that same basic premise called Farnham’s Freehold by Heinlein. Also peckahs.

There's a movie with John Travolta that is actually about this. I saw it once when I was a kid on TV and have never heard a word about it ever since, even the biggest film nerd people I've known had never heard of it.


White Man's Burden (film)

White Man's Burden is a 1995 American drama film about racism in an alternative America where black and white Americans have reversed cultural roles. The film was written and directed by Desmond Nakano. The film revolves around Louis Pinnock, a white factory worker (John Travolta), who kidnaps Thaddeus Thomas, a black factory owner (Harry Belafonte) who fired him over a perceived slight.

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Stop rewriting art to interject black people and women. It doesn't work.

He went from being funny on MadTV to tepid at best on Key and Peele to being an unfunny liberal faggot.

He's knocked up Jim's EX least he married her-Jim still trying to bang 20 Somethings

emphasis somethings.

Let me guess: every episode ends with white people being the villains.. (just like in real life)

Never realized he's the Opie of Key and Peele. Always liked the clips and interviews of Keegan Michael Key and didn't really think about Peele.