Whatever Happened to Chuck from North Carolina?

2  2017-12-06 by OpiesInnerCircle

He called into Jim & Sam once & then...nothing.


He called into nick's show when ant was on.

Jim doesn't like him.

Of course not. He's an Opie fan.

He went to Jim's show & met him...

He calls in every so often but other hosts don't feature him like Opie did.

He called Bennington in the last month or so. I also think I heard him on a Nick DiPaolo show. I wonder if he still has the hotline number.

Probably got bagged in Charlottesville

He travels to the Blue Collar Comedy guys shows. You'll see Vic post pictures with him occasionally.

I hope whatever happened to him involved a bridge abutment

Nick loves him, so Chuck calls into that show all the time now

He calls Ron’s show

What a piece of shit this guy was

Opie couldn't afford to keep paying him

I once went to west Asheville. Lots of Chucks there.

throat cancer, I hope.