Fucking Anthony

72  2017-12-06 by RBuddCumia


H h h h h h hooooooollllllleeeeeee shit hahaha

Cool. Same joke again.

get that bitch to our subreddit.

Already here.



Its finger-lickin Good!

(Arguably his best role ever)

meekly Is there...an F5? What would that be like?


Between Bill Paxton and Philip Seymour Hoffman, seems like an F5 should have been the least of their worries.

Finger of God

That'd be SWEET.

Oh boy she doesn't know the half of it. If Ant was just a racist woman biter he'd be beloved here

I don't see any problems.

To quote Colin, “he’s bought teeth and a trailer. He’s the king of white trash”


Why is it the more outraged someone is on twitter the more infantile their Twitter handle is. Stupid whore.

Yeah it's obviously a fake. Some right-winger who is a fan of the show. Has been antagonizing Opie & Anthony for last few months trying to get a response:


I'm starting to see that. I like the commitment.

Sounds like typical liberal faggotry to me.

I'd like to rub my glans around the rim of Stacey Prussmans coffee mug.

I hope there's a chip and the ceramic chaffs your frenulum.

thats just mean spirited. anyway my prick has developed a thick skin from years no-lube stroking.


I was predictably waiting for that.

Tss why not uhh uhh fawkin.. post vaginally or sumptin.. i duno

I'd piss in her asshole.

if she left a travel kit around the office I'd definitely take the toothbrush to the bathroom and cum on it

You wouldn't stick it up your ass, prude?

lol, i almost went with that


Look at its post history- it's a troll account trying to make liberals look bad. Seems to be a fan of the show cuz it was replying to Opie last month.

Obvious troll: https://twitter.com/ShellyBellyMel/status/936837297357561857

Poe's law I guess.


There is absolutely no difference between satire and truth anymore. There are plenty of teachers, activists, etc that 100% agree with this

That guy would have been fucked if he had actually shot a seal though like he claimed he was trying to do.

Liberals make themselves look bad. See: last 9 years.

William Jefferson the rapist

Make liberals look bad? Hahaha!

You're adorable.

Anthony's first appearance on jim's new show via phone was his funniest yet. When they were talking about the women's march and Anthony said, "ohhhh get back in the kitchen" I spit coffee out of my mouth. The show was never funny again.

on jims new show

did he call in the ufc podcast?

Did your boyfriend appreciate the coffee enema?

...Patrice and Ant are having hilarious back and forth... Me: HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON.... We got AsianAnalParty from Philly on line 1, whatcha got for us AsianAnalParty!!?? AsianAnalParty: Hello?... Hey, first time long time.... I just wanted to say fuck you Ant for making me spit coffee all over my steering wheel and windshield, I almost ran some guy off the road, Christ! Anyway great show today guys, Hey Jimmy, is Jimmy there? Jimmy: Yes sir, I'm here... AsianAnalParty: When are you coming to Philladelphia man? ....inane babble... Ah fuck it, punch it out!

What I'm saying is you should be shot sir!

Hilarious ground breaking comedy right there. I’m surprised you didn’t die of laughter.



What about him?

I mean he's right. It's not like he's ever hidden his affinity for beating women and day drinking. It's right there in his Italian name.

This is quite funny. He's right. He's really such a piece of shit that all you need to do is Google him


Anthony got beat up by a girl. He should be careful because now they have a taste for his blood/marinara sauce.

"What's the lowest thing you'd admit to doing to further your 'comedy career', Ms. Golightly?"

That's definitely a fake account to troll Ant

William Jefferson the rapist