That fool Norton really has lost his damn mind

135  2017-12-03 by Cender_




I'm not sure I follow. Maybe you could help me catch up.

I hope we're both downvoted. Here, I'm gonna downvote you then you do me.

Really?! Tomato Source or summet. tss.

I'm so fascinated by this slug. He is such a blatant narcissist, it's really shocking.

I'm sure he still does popper's before that Norse god hammer's his Assgard.





Never on the Ragnarok

Stop using apostrophes you retard.

yeah this guys got more apostrophes than Jesus

I like this guy. Hey, you can come around and fuck my sister.

My faggotry is at an all time high, and you gotta rain on my parade.

Ragnar Longcock.


He’s completely detached from reality. What a delusional, dumb old man he’s become.

bro its December now, Jimmy has been going steady with that girl girl almost 3 months now

Jim sounds like a teenager in his first relationship. This is what some 14 year old would sound like with an adult vocabulary.

Jim sounds like a teenager in his first relationship

Well he is in his first serious and sexual relationship with a man.

His first? No he isn't

Jim Norton fell in love with a stripper.

Considering she lives on another continent and can't come to the US... has he only seen her in person during the trip they were on together? In other words, one extended period of time and that's it?

One extended something is right, she's got a huge one I tells ya

I thought he said he was single just a few days ago

Jim marrying a tranny and the impending divorce could be the biggest thing to ever hit this sub.

I don't think Prince Alan would take his signed photos. Jim will be fine.

The only thing it’ll take from Jim is his remaining dignity.

She (male) would make him sell his Sabbath merch museum in the divorce.

just host another chip cartoon e bragging

our golden age has passed, the I'm not a pedophile, definitely not a pedophile and your honor, I'd like to say I'm not a pedophile was the pinnacle of this cesspool. It cannot be beaten.

Antwan kumiya was second place

Vizio was third

That was a plot twist to the brother Joe goes to tv court Saga

bruh the vizio thing.. every time you think it's peaked something else happens

Exactly. Jim's tranny wedding and the inevitable disaster that would ensue will be more fodder than anything so far. History has shown they'll keep topping themselves. The "Tranny Wedding" will just be another chapter. The alumni has been keeping us unintentionally entertained for 3 years now.

should I be surprised that we're in company of truly despicable folks? come on, we knew that all along!

No, this place's biggest accomplishment was hands down ruining superstar Amy Schumer's career. She lost her show, the Barbie movie and her book tanked because of the joke stealing compilations.

find me an article where she blamed her misfortunes on trolls and internet terrorists, until then.. it's all speculation

He said the word reddit as far as I'm concerned that will never be topped.

Flair checks out. Good on ya for selling out your own kind

That is true but she also hopped on the SJW bandwagon to fame which did her about as good as Kathy Griffin.

I think jim is literally considering marrying this Viking to get her passed immigration.

Silver lining: 2 years of divorce litigation may finally bring back fat angry jimmy

90 Day Fiangay

They vaguely joked about it awhile ago on Jim & Sam.

Huge if true.

Only to be outdone by the subsequent suicide.

It's like him and Burr are in a "find the worst wife possible" competition

At least Jim's is honest about being a prostitute.

The amount of money I would give to hear Patrice's opinion on all this.

The only thing giving us hope to live through the holidays is the demise of our past heroes.

We should really off ourselves off that alone.



Wat............merry Kwanza ...or sumptin..tss

I just want Jim to be happy and I respect his privacy.

Merry Christmas


im sure if he will take the lead and keep his shit off the morning radio show or at least be funny with it not as many people would care.

It's happy holidays you cis, reeeeee

I want him to stop being hypocrite phony.

*marry trannies


Jim Norton will have lived an insane life if his first marriage is at 50 years old to an immigrant tranny prostitute who fucks him in the mouth and ass that he's known for 3 months.

I think was colin and it was the episode 200 with keith, rich and colin

Loved that episode, I do felt sorry for Keith, the stroke kinda fucked him up

So can he ever use the arm again or...

More speech related I think, they made fun of him for it and he seemed to get hurt by it

Racoon Paws - Nov 17

I was gonna bring up a friend of ours... who has a preference for tall Scandinavian "women".

Laughter enSues.

I like how Vos was looking around dumbfounded until Colin said "... you know, Norton." Then he got it.

And he wonders why he has so many digestive problems.

How Norton Got His Groove Back.

He's like a middle aged chick in one of those Black novels that finds a young big dicked dude to pound her out, and makes her feel all sassy and happy.

Just replace chick with semi-closeted homo, and Black dude with giant Nordic tranny.

Hopefully he marries that trannie and she beats him.


Why is "King" capitalized?

I'd rather be king for a day than schmuck for a lifetime!

morning is capitalized too

and drugs is spelled wrong

and im an alcoholic

And the word "since" at the very end is out of place. Terrible writing

"will you marry me" "marriage is 500000 tokens thanks of watching, my amazon link is in the description xoxox"

This gonna be good. Jim spends loads of money on a wedding. Then his prince spends a lot more for like a year. Then they divorce and the prince gets half of his shit. Do you think Jimmy could survive that?

pls let that happen

He is taking Prep, so its likely he survives at least that long.

I thought Jim broke up with Bjorn Ironside.

more like ironcock or sumptin tsss im just riffin i don't know

Sigurd spunk in the eye

How the fuck does he form a "serious" relationship with a tranny he's met twice at most in person and the rest of the time just sees him on camera and talks to him on the phone?

The divorce would make him fat again which means he'd be funny again.

What an informative article. Did his publicist put it out?

It's well written fan-fiction.


What a delusional little fool.


No peckas, no Vos dates, what a bust of a shitpost

I still hate that at 18 he decided drugs and boos weren’t for him. Every fucking 18 year old goes through the dumb drunk phase. And marrying some third world tranny is far more detrimental than getting hammered every night.


doubt he can give those up

He’s been struggling with it his entire life.

He's completely addicted and enslaved by his creepy sex fetishes which are all rooted in being molested as a child. He sounds like a complete fool when he pitifully tries to pretend he's "in love" with that thing.

It doesn't get more opposite of third world country than Norway. The last 13 years Norway was ranked highest in standard of living, life expectancy, and education. Jimmy isn't getting scammed by some poor Robin Hood bitch who only wants to feed her family.

That bitch has no interest in him other than fame or money. Guaranteed.

I hope he gets raped by a New Norwegian.

I wish he would "pop" a full bottle of sleeping pills after this interview.

Jimmy wants to be more mature and settled down, and he's using Princess Alena as his vehicle to get to that objective, even though there's no chance that she wants that. It's like he's using his relationship as a means to an end.

That's the way a lot of women use marriage by the way. Jimmy is being an old queen

Can you imagine how much his mediocre stand up is going to change once he gets married and has ki----- uh, never mind...

Poor, poor Jimmy. He's desperately wanted to be a sissy cum slut for so long and now that he's found someone to live out his warped sexual fantasies with him he equates it with "love". Jim is strung out on deviant sex just as much as Artie is strung out on junk.

I seriously think this is why he's so twitterpated. I have a bunch of friends that are active in the Fet community and I hear these stories all the time. People get OBSESSED about their weird fetishes and it frequently leads to divorce.

Just as Artie has convinced himself that it's not that weird to be a falling-apart junkie dope fiend, Jimmy has convinced himself that living out his weird sex fantasies is "normal". And it wouldn't be THAT weird if he was just doing so behind closed doors while realizing that it's just sex, but the nonsense about "being in love" with a 20 year old tranny sex worker is indicative of how far gone he is right now. It will not end well.

I thought that guy couldn't come to the US. Is Jimmy moving to Iceland?

He probably should at this point. Imagine his tranny trying to introduce him to those boulder throwing vikings they make over there. "Hi I'm Jim and this lucky fella is my wife".

The ramblings of a mad man

Do you think that Jim believes that he can get her pregnant?


Jim wants to get pregnant with his butt baby

What kind of schmuck telegraphs that he's going to propose ahead of time? Idiot.

He fits the container. Everyone around him is married so he wants to fit in and fit it in his hiney.

You ever seen the movie '9 Dead Gay Guys'? For Princess Alan this is 'Legitimate lucrative work'.

Good job he quit all the drug he was taking



OK. So these Norton pieces are written by this sub.

You know what? I want to smash him, but I'm only 25… I don't know what it's like to be 49 loneliness is a bitch… A tough one, if I may, sometimes I go a day with the overwhelming urge to find a girlfriend and settle down and ignore how annoying women are just for the sake of companionship… But are usually kick myself out of it the next day. One could only imagine how much stronger and longer that feeling last once you're almost 50.

well, in normal men, we get less lonely and increasingly desperate to be left alone, especially by women.

This is why middle-aged men love fishing. It's not really about fish. its about something women dislike so much they won't follow us to the place where we can have some damned quiet time without the fuckin' wife hovering around 24 hours a day.

Given typical health, men get into their 40s and you don't really lose your sex drive - its just not the ever-pressing blue-balls mandatory priority it was at 25. You've usually done all that. It's not some magic adventure waiting to be discovered anymore.

It occurs to us that a fuckin' awesome sandwich would ALSO be a pretty gratifying pleasure for the night. And then there isn't anyone to yap and bother you after the sandwich is done.

Norton though, that is a strange case. I don't know if he's really lonely so much as he's desperate to feel something. Well, he's gone 30 years sober since his 2 month long battle with alcoholism the summer after graduation. So he can overcome this!

One of my best friends has been married for twenty years and they've been together without any breaks since high school, thirty three years total. She's hot, she works, she cooks, she's cool and etc. But even after knowing him for all that time, with all the ups and downs, she just can't accept that every so often he NEEDS to go do something that does not involve her...a concert, a sports game, hanging around with his bros, whatever. He CRAVES a few days alone, he WANTS her to visit her family in whereever for a few days, just to get a day of alone time without the incessant hovering and henpecking that ALL WOMEN DO.

Just there presence can turn a guy homicidal after awhile.

They can only understand it as the man rejecting them. They cannot comprehend how just a few hours alone would recharge someone. I'm not a doctor but it must be some sort of switch in the female brain.

I didn't realize this. I am going to start fishing, This is brilliant.

He's only been with this guy a year and he wants to marry him?
He's not just a fag, he's a desperate dumb fag.

I envision him showing up with Alen to a Vos BBQ and everyone trying not to laugh at it... Oh Jimmy you disgusting fucking weirdo.

He can't possibly be this deluded..

It cant be to the person we all think it is, there has to be some sort of misunderstanding. I refuse to believe this, it be too depressing to be true.

The question to pop is, "Does Norwegian insurance cover PrEP?"

"quit drug and alcohol"

Drug was the name of his tranny boyfriend.

Jimmy is a pathetic soyboy.

As pathetic as believing a screen shot of a non existent article?

Did Norton even sleep with stand up groupies during his self proclaimed addict years? Cause I remember when fat bobby or vos told their stories about that stuff Norton never told any? He only had stories about paying for hookers with Patrice(who btw was also all talk no actual game with the women, yet you turds act as if that Black fatass was some Casanova with women).

He was 17 when he conquered his "addiction"

lol if you think this ends in anything but a murder/suicide

I really hope he's doing this on purpose to get a rise out of people

The really sad part is Jimmy's parents. What did they do to raise this mess of a person.

Now, now, gentlemen; I'm sure marrying a slightly insane, gold-digging foreigner will work out just fine for Jim Norton.

After all, it did for Mel Gibson, right?

the comedian quit drug and alcohol at the age 18 and has never looked back


Funniest thread in ages, especially the last line. Thanks op.

oh, jimmy. what'd they do to ya?

You mean this guy James Norton enjoys transsexuals enough to spend the rest of his life with one? This is new, confusing, never before seen or heard news. I wish we could have seen it coming some how...

Lady Di is going to perform at the wedding. No, no, no, they won’t let her off the boat for that

Opie will probably be able to give him the name of a good divorce lawyer.

"quit drug and alcohol"

that's correct. He had one hit of marijuana and one sip of beer and realized he had to get help.

How old is this?

old enuf to party motherfughah!!!!! fAWK YEAAAAAAH1!!!!

Where's Patrice when you need him?

yeah this guys got more apostrophes than Jesus

Antwan kumiya was second place

That was a plot twist to the brother Joe goes to tv court Saga

bruh the vizio thing.. every time you think it's peaked something else happens

No, this place's biggest accomplishment was hands down ruining superstar Amy Schumer's career. She lost her show, the Barbie movie and her book tanked because of the joke stealing compilations.

My faggotry is at an all time high, and you gotta rain on my parade.

Just as Artie has convinced himself that it's not that weird to be a falling-apart junkie dope fiend, Jimmy has convinced himself that living out his weird sex fantasies is "normal". And it wouldn't be THAT weird if he was just doing so behind closed doors while realizing that it's just sex, but the nonsense about "being in love" with a 20 year old tranny sex worker is indicative of how far gone he is right now. It will not end well.

You ever seen the movie '9 Dead Gay Guys'? For Princess Alan this is 'Legitimate lucrative work'.