Anthony said on J&S that he flew to Ohio to have sex with somebody. The age of consent in Ohio is 16

112  2017-11-28 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Those two statements are probably completely unrelated.


Anthony "13 sometimes 15" Cumia is a lecherous ghoul.

But it's gotta be the right 13!

I like that it's "it" and not she

It puts the lotion in the basket.

I'd fuck that "Cash me ousside" girl in a second

Out of what? Oy vey..... jew uma

You schumered that from artie you fuck

That's one of the oldest jokes in the book. Pretty sure jackie sold that one to rodney back in the day.

Yeah I considered that but I'm not smart enough to use schumered often so I took the chance to call you out. Sorry for any inconvenience sir

"What none of you guys have seen a hot hot 13 year old?!"

Haha no it doesn't. Anthony's last few girlfriends/boyfriends proves that he'll fuck anything with a pulse that dresses sort of like a girl.

Call me a queer but i dont find being with a sexually awkward barely formed 16 year old girl very appealing

It's about ruining perceived purity.

He's such a muzzie

Look at his fucked up family and worse face. He wasn't the good looking guy with a nice family who got the girls as a teenager. He never got over it so he fucks as many damaged teens who'll have him as possible. He'll never be satisfied.

Hey Aqualung!

Yes you do, but I'll agree that you're a faggot for pretending you don't

There is a difference between the passing observation that a 16 year old is hot and the ghoulish machinations of a man who is determined to deceive and bribe undeveloped and inexperienced girls into having sex with him.

One is healthy animal instinct, one is intimidated social conditioning and guilt

Guess which man I trust more

we havent been animals for thousands of years. If you cant see why fucking a 16 year old girl isnt a good thing, then how am I to trust that you wouldnt find a 14, 12, 10 year old girl attractive? just stop your nonsense

"We haven't been animals for thousands of years" is one of the absolute dumbest statements I've ever heard

yeah really? weve been a civillized species for thousands of years. That automatically separates us from animals. Go get your fucking shinebox

Certain sects of our species seem to be more civillized than others

The sixty five year old creep that has a hard on for girls that look like Wednesday Adams?

Plenty of us would like to do it but we don't because we aren't completely unaware pieces of shit.

*but we dont because we dont have the money or charm

*most of you

Ant's charming?

Charming enough to have a subreddit full of retards following his career 4 years after it ended

He's more charming than you

oh like that's hard

Careful or you'll end up with an iPod classic in your mailbox.


Plus we don't have hot tubs with a velociraptor next to it

I was at a bar the other night. High school in Australia has finished for year 12 people. I’m 27, the bar was full of 18 year old girls. I felt like the biggest creep being there. Ant is horrid.

Ay nayyyy


Bloody oath is what you're actually suppose to say

Oi was reeped

You're a godamn Hymen Hunter . nay ayy nayyyy.

I won't call you queer, but you chose a strange place to virtue-signal.

I don't seem to believe there are too many "lookers" in Ole Ohio.

Is that a slang term for witnesses?

he'll fit right in

You'd think that, but the midwest is mecca for fat tittied white girls

wait what

Now I'm totally depressed, I thought London, Portland and Seattle were.

What have I been doing with my life?!

I'm in Seattle right now and I have no idea where you got that idea from. Seattle is Chinatown

Ive been all over this great nation and i can say with confidence that the college girls in Columbus take care of themselves

You goo gobblers are just jealous

I dislike everything about you.

I was being sarcastic you dramatic little faggot

Sam Hyde isn't funny.


Hey come on, I'm not jealous

Anthony is an actual faggot. We have proof. Stop trying to hang onto this notion that he's a badass macho man living like a king.

Would someone tell Ant that he could bang a half dozen teenagers in Mexico for $500?

Not white enough.

Pretty sure they'll accept Ant's money despite his racial handicap.

I see what you did there... there's the joke Snowwway line 2

To spicy.

Paying ruins the fantasy. It's like when I go out cruising. I don't approach any of them, they come up to my car. Interestingly enough, I've only let one go, for being too young.

you don't have to lie to us.

I've only let one go, for being too young.

Yeah, it sucks when they bite your hand and run away.

The plot moistens.

Anthony only talks about his victims if they are too old for an Amber Alert.

This was the nice lady that stalked him and Jimmy, I do believe, and even showed up in Anthony's driveway.

And wanted her mother to replace Angie and do Ant's interiors instead

Wasn’t she the reason NYpd mother fucked jim

I feel like there's a story here i missed

Listen to the nypd vs Morton clip on YouTube

Jim is a cumfart. He thinks vaguely "supporting the NYPD" means he'll get some kind of special treatment.

Thankfully nypd isn’t the retail or else he would’ve mother fucked them bad like he did with Apple restaurant airlines etc

Uhh, is the fucking creep aware, if he did do what we all think he did, that it is a crime to knowingly cross state lines to do such a thing?

Imagine the boost this sub would get in credibility if we busted Ant for attempted sex with a minor. Our esteem in the eyes of reddit would increase ten times! From zero to zero!

0*10 = 0

It's against the law to take the minor across state lines. Not the other way. bad, then.

If you can get him to go to another country to bang underage girls, that would be a federal sex tourism violation.

He also said he went to Akron for this. LeBron James is from Akron.


It’s common knowledge that Anthony Cumia has sucked at least one dick, just saying.

2 Confirmations. Sue and that old Mexican in the bush.

And his best friend in the tree house. Like he “just acted like he was asleep”

But Ant said he had sex with the person.

Do I have to pin pictures on the wall and string yarn between the connections for you?

If you're trying to convince me that Lebron would willingly have sex with Anthony, yes.

Those two statements are probably completely unrelated.

No I think they have something to do with each other. Anthony has frequently implied that he's sexually attracted to girls as low as 13.

Not just implied--he explicitly stated this as fact more than dozens of times.


I took a shit in my basement toilet, and it wasn't solid enough to declare a tactical victory. I blame the Jim and Sam Show.

There was an appearance with Colin Quinn where they spent a great deal of time speculating as to why Anthony insisted he was traveling to Cleveland to go see Jimmy. It was awkward because they knew he was lying through his dago teeth


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It's 16 in all the states that surround NY. He can just drive across the bridge to fuck a child

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Joseph Cumia is NOT a pedophile

Where is the timestamp?

I'm sure it was true love.

Age of consent is 14 in Italy, and he claims to be of Italian descent. Craterface might want to look into that.

Age of consent is 16 in over 30 states, including New Jersey right next door.

That seems way to young.

It's so weird I did the same thing when I was 17 to be with a 16 year old. Same place and the same small ass airport in Canton.

Link fuck face

Don't let this POS find out the age of consent in Portugal is 14.

Thanks for the tip!

Theres only one sure thing that I know.

I got to get my ass to Ohio.

Yeah,yeah yeah yeah your not a pedophile. Yeah yeah not a pedophile. Yeah.

No person who is eighteen years of age or older shall engage in sexual conduct with another, who is not the spouse of the offender, when the offender knows the other person is thirteen years of age or older but less than sixteen years of age, or the offender is reckless in that regard.

Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(4) of this section, if the offender is ten or more years older than the other person, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a felony of the third degree.

I was being sarcastic you dramatic little faggot