This one is making the rounds

202  2017-11-11 by unclepaul84


I hope this liberal hypocritical favor implodes in stellar fashion

Maybe he'll spend his few years like "The Frugal Gourmet" bitter, alone and wheelchair bound.

What does this consensual act have to do with his quote?

Because Trump's "locker room talk" was about consensual acts as well.

No it wasn't, its just giving you what he is reading which of course is always "they let you do it"

Not really a Trump guy but it's such a stupid thing to be upset about.

Particularly because he didn't actually do it. If he used the fact that women are into powerful men to grab their pussies without asking, I wouldn't really care but I would get the outrage. I mean not really, but it would hold more water. But in this case he's just bragging to another guy. If every guy who bragged to another guy about all the shit women let him do was guilty of sexual assault there wouldn't be enough free men left to continue to populate the earth.

Yes it was. Someday maybe youll have something that attracts a woman and youd see how they rub up on you

I suppose that's one way of looking at it. But what was gay about Trump's little bragging session was he was speaking about abusing his power in the corniest way imaginable. There is is no power discrepancy in this situation. They are both zilches.

Because Trump's "locker room talk" was about consensual acts as well.

Not sure, actually. I guess when a culture where grabbing someone else's genitals is normalized as a hilarious goof, probably it's hypocritical to chastise someone for having a blase attitude about the same act. Sorry that I couldn't frame that in a liberal, passive-aggressive question feigning ignorance. It just seems like the most reasonable explanation.

Wow do you ever write like an annoying fag.

Trying to reach you at a level you can understand.

How did you manage to fuck up two comebacks in a row against my deeply unpopular comment? I'm starting to think you might be a really annoying fag.

How did I fuck up? You asked a question and got an answer. You probably thought you won with your dumb comment and must be pissed because why else haven't you moved on yet?

How did I fuck up?

By not being funny, insightful, or getting any pity upvotes in spite of the deck being overwhelmingly stacked in your favor. Really a pathetic attempt haha .

This is a good one, start 13 minutes in. George doesn't fuck around, he seals the deal.

Uncut gif of it is way creepier - .

I've seen this before but now it's looks even worse. This guy really doesn't seem into..... Jesus I feel like shower just watching that.

i feel like fucking shower right now

That lad was a grower, not a shower.

Is that really uncut? I can't get a close enough look.


That's just.. odd to see.

"Ayyyy it's okay because hes gay!"

I didn't watch it due to not being gay, but if this was on a recorded show and the guy stood there allowing it, I don't think it's against his will or a form sexual assault is it?

Last time he was on Stern he told a story that was about as rapey as it gets, fucked if I remember what it was, but Stern basically told him to shut the fuck up once he started telling it. There's a wealth of shit he's given up on there, included things with teens, just a matter of time till someone sifts through it.

Last time he was on Stern he told a story that was about as rapey as it gets, fucked if I remember what it was, but Stern basically told him to shut the fuck up once he started telling it. There's a wealth of shit he's given up on there, included things with teens, just a matter of time till someone sifts through it.

You have any more details on that?

It was a very gay story

You have any more details on that?

All in with the Mediaite

He was at an island with his husband Brad. They did 'something' with a "consensual" teenage boy. And Howard tried to get him to shut the fuck up quick.

Howard STINKS.

So does your asshole but i don't see your brown winky eye making $100 Mill a year off it

That Milo logo looks so edgy! Hope he gets AIDS soon.

It's a guy on all fours with his asshole in the air. god

Fuck that is so fucked it's hilarious. What a ghoul he is.

Hopefully the end result of this is everyone in public view getting taken down a peg and then we all realize how retarded this new wave puritanical bullshit really is.

probably, until something else takes its place

Not raping will be a crime. "What? Your dick is too good to share with the rest of us?"

Most of us will fit into this brave new world just fine.

Shaming wife murderers, I hope.

What about DJs that throw their girlfriend off a cliff?

Sure you want to go down this road bro?

Just got real cold in here all of a sudden

I think that's what's happening. Back in the 80s and 90s, most of the puritanical zealots were religious and were moaning and bitching about porn and abortions.

Somewhere around 2000 the tide turned, and the puritanical zealots were atheists moaning about the patriarchy and white privilege.

I think it's interesting that feminists have begun to turn on gay men, who have traditionally been their allies.

Fuck interesting, it rules.

Anytime they gain traction, they begin eating themselves. You can do all the PC mental gymnastics you like, but they keep moving the goal posts to "racist" or not, or "creep" and "rapist"

By widening the scope to where everything is included, they end up sabotaging one another

I can't wait until white gay men become viewed as Cis white males so everyone can call them evil for not having been born black.

They created the alt-right. Now they fight their own creation while tearing down each other.

I agree. Men are the backbone of the SJW movement. If the men abandon the movement, it will collapse. As men realize that they're in danger of losing their jobs for whipping out their dick twenty years ago, the SJWs will start circling the drain.

It's why the fat acceptance movement never went anywhere. If men aren't on board, good luck getting anywhere.

"...its my way of going against puritanical doctrine & stirring the pot"

"Heh...u stir the pot, Sibby likes to smoke the pot"

Hopefully the end result of this is everyone in public view getting taken down a peg and then we all realize how retarded this new wave puritanical bullshit really is.

Well, the liberal niggers on the rest of reddit are already seeing the light. The comments about Louis CK are all outrage that he's being ranked among Weinstein & Co. when what he did is nowhere near as bad as they are. These are faggot, limp-wristed millenials we're talking about. So maybe there's hope.

Funny thing is, this "slippery slope fallacy" that we were all laughed at for predicting 6 months ago isn't even unfurling over a long period of time. To wit:

  • People started tearing down statues of Confederates. Trump tweets: "Is Columbus, Jackson, Washington next?" Less than two months later, statues to Francis Scott Key are being defaced. Point Trump.

  • Liberals start shrieking about "sexual harrassment" to go after Conservative politicians. Now, Louis CK asking a girl to watch him jerk off is the same as rape. Soon, guys asking a girl to come home with them at the bar will be sexual harrassment.

  • We already know how far the language police go, so I won't waste my time with that.

I know one of you niggers reads Nietzsche; well, this shit is classic nihilism/slave morality rearing its ugly head. Everything nowadays is about "intentions" instead of consequences. We are, morally, right where Germany was ca. the 1890s.

Hopefully once America is, morally, where Germany was in 1943 it'll be the Social Justice Warriors going to the showers. Inshallah.

I found The Antichrist to be boring and very wordy, brothaman.

I was meant to be a philosopher. I had that kinda mind. burp

Tsss yeah what about tidynsche or sumpthin

The star of SXM 103 ladies and gentlemen.

Aka the boss of jirn and primate time

How retarded were those two to mother eff dopie and hand the channel to some Aussie fag

Didn't he say he got groomed when he was a kid at summer camp and he loved it?

Your're thinking of an internment camps and yes


No, Milo has a similar story, but I remember Takei's story because he described it as 'delicious'

You are right. I heard it.

I'm not going to spend a minute finding the audio, but he did.

Milo actually doubled back and admitted to it being sexual assault after his controversial opinion. - Slightly hard to find clip, as was mentioned above Takei has made quite a few comments that wouldn't fly now.

Second version where George is extra zesty - .


Milo defended fucking kids- I just see two consensual dudes slapping some prick here. And he watermarked a still he doesnt own, what a little fame whore.

Jeff Ross knows how creepy George is.

go on

When you were in an internment camp they let you do it.

As someone who really hates gays, this makes me incredibly happy

I’m starting to think that our fathers and grandfathers were right when they jailed faggots.

More proof that it's the anti-Trumpers who are the problem.

FDR was right to put this creepy fuck in the internment camp

How did I fuck up?

By not being funny, insightful, or getting any pity upvotes in spite of the deck being overwhelmingly stacked in your favor. Really a pathetic attempt haha