Louis, it's your turn

180  2017-11-09 by emerge_from_the_mist


Hope JL Cauvin is getting ready with some new material.

I'm overjoyed this movie is going to get its fucking teeth kicked in because the ginger spic couldn't stop pulling his crank in front of mediocre women comics. Serves him right.

because the ginger spic couldn't stop yanking his crank in front of mediocre women comics. Serves him right.

I'm unsure if you mean this literally or figuratively. He has masturbated in front of hundreds of women, but then again this movie looks like pure masturbatory horseshit.

Louie will lose everything, all those built up liberal virtue points, all that pretension, gone. He will be hanging out with ant, getting drunk, and banging underage trannies in no time. The gangs getting back together lads

I bet he's got some hypertension right about now

Great! Now we need to bring up Bill Burr's past activities with the White Nationalist.

Now if we could get Bill to read a paternity test, we'd be well underway

They're not underage in the state of New York, just don't film it and you're legal eagle.

That sounds PFG right now.

Tss yeah my peckas coming

Doesn't the article say they're pulling it because he has child rape jokes and the word nigger in the movie? I know it's funny to see hipster Lou get his comeuppance but y'all are being a bunch of guttersnipes.

they are pulling it because a new york times story about louis pulling his peter in front of women comedians in hotel rooms while he blocks the doorway is about to drop

i love this filthy pit of suffering.

hahah, i saw the news and got so giddy and the first thing i thought of was this sub

I thought the same thing - It's happening.

It’s happening, it’s happening

Comedy swamp finally getting drained. I hope they get Stanhope, Burr, Attell, and all the other 3dgy comedians out of the way so we can finally get some wholesome feminist comedians in power

Who would have thought this cesspool was the only place on Reddit rightfully saying Louis ck is a rapist the whole time.

We are also balls deep in the Patton Oswalt wife murder allegations... I guess we are a woman's rights sub now.

They should get equal rights.. and lefts.

I know this is exciting stuff and everything, but does the fact that anyone's life can now be ruined with mere allegations creep you out a little bit?

not when it comes to Hillary shills. burn them all.

Meh, Jeremy Piven, so far, proves you still need to back up your accusations.

Weinstien had criminal cases against him, Spacey admitted to it, and Louie isn't denying anything.

Just wait until Patton Oswalt finally gets charged with murder. That will be our moment in the sun.

according to the article, he entirely financed the movie...

by friday evening his name might be unrecoverably ruined, how is he going to recoup his investment?!

He's gonna have to sell his boat.

he's going to have to live on his boat

He’ll wanna make the boat movie

I just heard the poor fella got a tree on his house

He'll need a smaller boat.

He can name it ''The Seaman''..........All over the hotel room carpet.

Regardless of how good or bad the movie might be, I respect him for self financing his own project and gambling on himself, in the age where everyone has some kind of pussy "crowd funding" crap.

Sometimes you have to get out there in front of an opportunity and block the hotel door..

when you put it like that trump tower jirn really is a faggot

the one consistent theme that seems to run through his entire life is that he is terrible with money. he makes insane impulse purchases that remove nearly all of his money. there's no doubt in my mind he has no savings and a bunch of ridiculous "assets."

there's no doubt in my mind he has no savings and a bunch of ridiculous "assets."

Stop, I can only cum so much.

but... the gold coins!


"Premier is cancelled"

"Nevermind, the premier has already happened in Spetember"

So, it's not the premier. Fucking retards.

Relax Louis, the best thing to do now is just bend over amd take it..


He's going to have time for Jim and Sam now.

At this rate, he might even have time for Compound Media.

Exactly, that'll be the only place that will touch him.

And they’ll pretend that his behavior was totally acceptable & claim that it’s only because of this politically correct environment that we live in…like at one point it was socially acceptable beat-off in front of unsuspecting women.

No it wasn't, and I hate to defend Louis (cause I'm not really), but we live in a time where you aren't suppose to slut shame. Where transexualism is apparently normal. Masturbating just doesn't seem so degenerate or transgressive to me.

I mean if you cant beat off infront of women then whats the world coming to


The PC police ba-da-da-da!

Seems like only yesterday when you could corner a stranger in a room & blow your load all over her purse & no one batted an eye.

I just don't get why you should care... Still a fan of him, sorta, if he wasn't such a cuck.

If they touch him, he might not have to masturbate so damn much everywhere.

Brian On The Brink might have some time to squeeze him in

He's gonna get his own show with Stalker Patti at 9:00 PM so nobody will book him for spots.

I'd rather see that bobo and bochetti show

Louis will end up on compound media

Compound media is the ICU for every deranged persona exiled from the persona. Its like how obi won describes the cantina - a hive full of scummary

Might even drop by for a pop-up or two...

Jim: "So Louie one thing bothers me a lot."

Louie: "What?"

Jim: "Why you never jerked off in front of me? I mean I know I was chubby ... but still ... I was kind of cute ... right (?)"

i like Louis

Yeah me too. He was always a dramatic/political douche but insanely funny and interesting. It's not like the fame has changed him. It has allowed him to explore his pretentious film dreams. Who gives a shit?

He always said that he knew there was an end to it all. He knows the adoration will turn on him because he has been there before. He doesn't care.

yeah I'm kinda conflicted about this one

Its a tough one

Umm, it's tough man. He should attend a couple of meetings.

Or come out as gay? I don't know...

This just might be Jim's chance to sneak in to the spotlight as Louies lover/cum receptacle.

If he's a real fucking comedian he just copies the spacey statement

"I'm not going to motherfuck the guy, you know?"


Louis CK deserves all of this and more for turning his back on his original fanbase, and actively seeking to be a "deep," artsy faggot. Meanwhile, all of his work is film school 101

You just don't get his films, maaaannn

He didn't really turn his back on anyone, he was always that. All his youtube stuff before he got famous was all hipster shit trying to be deep when it isn't. (Except the Catholic Church, that's just good.)

He simultaneously was the funniest man in the world and the biggest cunt.

That would be great on his tombstone.

It was a chuckle at best. He didn't have the balls to go after the Muslims- they'd come to his house and kill him or the Jews- they'd end his career.

So he mocked the Catholics- Colin Quinn spoke about comics that do that-pointed out that it's not 1961, it's not brave.

That being said it wasn't a bad bit.

Jews barely exist anymore, Muslims you see so rarely outside a city like NYC it's like a novelty when you see the stupid head garb.

Christianity is the prevalent evil in the U.S. so it should be the one that catches the most shit from American comics. Muslims are a European problem.

He's always wanted to direct you fucking momo. His first film was a disaster. His first TV show was a failure. What else was he supposed to do, work the same style so he can fail again?

Norton might be the smartest out of all of them. 1) Pay for it 2) Find the sweet spot between fame and irrelevance so no one cares about taking you down.

in a weird way norton is the least likely out of everyone to have allegations against him

he's fucking disgusting, but he isn't a creep

everyone knows norton is a weird ass sex creep, he never hid it. God bless em.

I still always got that vibe from Louis too. Like he's into some weird domination thing because he's insecure.

That Louie episode where he was Weinstein'ing the girl at the door and kissing her was probably a preview.

It doesn't mean he did anything illegal but it's possible he hit the large spectrum of what (normal) girls consider 'creepy'.

he got it out of his systems when he was an adolescent..

hey staaannley, lets take off our clothes and masturbate in front of people

And now everyone is surprised hes taking prep and dating a tranny

3) Talk about it openly - every minute of every day.

A know a few microwaved hard drives that beg to differ.

This is what happens when you fuck with Donald Rumsfeld.

Lizard people work the long game.

This is what you get when you hang out with Woody Pedo Allen.

Louie is back!

Won't see him no more

Ruin my party!

[under his breath after Tommy leaves the bar] I'll fuck him in his ass. I fucked kids like him in the can in the ass. Fuckin' trying to break up my party.


Too bad Hilary didn't win, eh?

He has enough money to disappear.

including the use of the N-word by C.K.'s character and multiple jokes about child rape

I say we go easy on Louis, he's not such a bad guy.

there's still good in him

Nah fuck him. After he kissed Hillarys ass.

Ripped his Louie poster off the wall after saying Hillary would be a great president because she's a mom. Maybe gay in retrospect, but that really pissed me off.

No dude, fuck him. He built his career off us O&A type guys, and then he got big and thought that he was too good for us. That was tolerable, but then he pandered to hipster faggots, and started talking down to us like he was so fucking moral. Meanwhile he's doing this shit. Fuck Louis C.K.

Shut up faggot. You're not a part of it, stop saying "us" like you had anything to do with it.

It feels like it's Christmas Eve and I can't wait to unwrap my presents.

It feels like it's Christmas Eve and I can't wait to unwrap my presents.

  • Louie at the holiday inn

He's icarus who flew too close to the sun. He got too comfortable being himself, one step too far. Now he's going to pay what he owes.

Dicarus or sumpthin

Show gone, patrice dead, ant fired, opie a retard, louie going down for sexual harassment, Donald trump president. Who knew all those years ago the world would be like this

The greatest timeline.

We all knew Opie was a retard since before even patrices first appearance on the show

Remember when they had Alex Jones on and tried to fuck with him, pretending they weren't on air, interrupting him with sound effects etc. They treated him like he was just another idiot with shit to sell like Tucker Max. Now he's helped elect a President and Ant is begging him for a guest spot.

Jones also has millions upon millions of listeners and is mentioned by name by Hillary and even Obama and all main stream news. They are terrified of this guy.

lmao give me a break what the fuck is scary about a fat middle age man who shills vitality pills?

Well there's nothing scary about him. Unless of course he's right about everything....

Yea I'm sure shapeshifting pedophille vampires from another dimension is a real possibility

Grape ape. Goddamn Ha Ha Holy Shit I’m absolutely howling over here.

Let's not forget about the real winners in all of this: Scorch and Bobo.

And Jim Chandler.

And Denny

praise be upon him

the only place creepy idiots can survive in is D.C. now

I wonder if I slipped into a coma last year and my brain is frantically trying to keep me distracted

What a time to be alive!!!!

Chickens have come home to roost. Can't wait for this Menorah Mongrel to grovel for mercy before the audience he betrayed with his fagginess.

We want Burr! We want Burr!

Bill is too much of a pussy to srxually harass someone. I doubt he ever did anything.

He's a Catholic boy at heart with Catholic guilt and believes in original sin. That's why he raised nia up

DAE not really like nia?

Personally, I'm not a fan.

I don't give a fuck about her skin color like everyone else here, she just seems naturally vindictive.

burr is definitely innocent. he's incredibly professional. the downfall of Burr I'm holding out for is his divorce.

What a dumbass for even making such a film in the first place. Did any of you fags watch it? Im guessing the is message sort of defending woody Allen and how you should separate the pedo and the artist and judge him on his work instead

I'm one of those faggots who did, I got a screener. It's just fucking boring, his message is muddled in this- he's afraid to really graphically tackle it. Which I guess with this coming to end his ass was probably a positive mistake.

And I actually hate Trump and feel he's a ridiculous mess, but why did CK bother shoehorning Trump bashing into this? It was forced as fuck.

Did you like horace and pete?

Same problems...I watched it here for free because Steve Buscemi is a godsend, but its intentions fell totally flat.

Alan Alda was great, i thought it was worth a watch

I enjoyed it. I liked Louie a lot more though. I get the criticisms of both, but no matter how pretentious he seemed, at least he was putting in effort. Look at Jim Norton's output. No matter how cheap it was or how deep it was buried on their website, it's insane to me that Vice aired even one episode of his shit talk show. The only thing he cared about was the fact that Bailey Jay was co-host. The Chip cartoon is probably worse, and he did that to try to impress his ex-girlfriend.

Apparently his colbert appearance for tonight is cancelled too.

The day has finally come.

I used to think that the day would never come. I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun. My morning sun is the drug that brings me near. Jim Norton takes prep because he is a queer.

So the allegations were that he masturbated in front of women, right? I don't remember - did he lock them in the room against their will or rape them or touch them in an unwanted way? I honestly don't recall.

Pretty much that's what's been bandied about, disputed by the people who said it, and reinforced by other people. He either takes it out ("he took... it out") or starts stroking it. Garfunkel and Oates I think claim he did something similar. If it's true, that's some weird compulsive shit, the dude could sleep with women in those circles easily without the risk of getting tattled on. He must have been touched or done something really bad at some point to need to compulsively whip it out.

It all goes back to the retarded girl he showed his dick to all those years ago.

Good point, but really that means it goes back to whatever caused him to do it then too.

Ok, yeah, if he forced them, then I would guess that's sexual assault. Really hope it isn't true, but I do remember reading some of his comments a few months ago and that they seemed weak and awkward. What a strange situation.

It's happening it's happening it's happening

Louies such a dumbass though. He should be aware of the allegations around him. Yet he decides to make such a film. Fucking retard just stick to doing standup and earn millions year easily , or make another pootie tang.

fuck Louie CK, another self important mother fucker who does a 180 as soon as they get in the door. buh bye dickhead

Another self important motherfucker who does a 360 and then jacks off at them as soon as they get in the door.

another self important motherless fucker who did a 540 & masterbates with them as soon as he crosses the threshold.

Another self important skateboarder who did a 720 creampie into Gregg Hughes' wife's cunt.

Yea, tssss, he fawkin did a 360 n walked away or sumtin

Remember when Louis C.K wrong a long winded letter to the country about how it wasn't funny that Trump was winning votes? I remember.

It was actually the PS of a Horace and Pete email. It ended up being longer than the main message.

P.S. Please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler. And by that I mean that we are being Germany in the 30s. Do you think they saw the shit coming? Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all.

Kind of funny now.

Stop buying Louis CK tickets. The guy is Bill Cosby. And by that I mean that we are being America in the 80s. Do you think they saw the shit coming? Cosby was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird sweater who would say anything at all.

Aaaaaah. Thank you for clarifying.

Cosby didn't ask women if he could do what he wanted and stop when they said no.

right he took what he wanted like an alpha male

The cos worked it like a boss.You think Spanish flys grow on trees???

It bothers me that, until this scandal hit, these Hollywood degenerates believed they were better than all of us and knew better than all of us. I’m a creep for voting for Trump, but jerking off in front of unwillingly women makes you complete normal and balanced, right? Fuck you.

The pretension of Hollywood is so hypocritical it’s staggering.

This part of the article was actually sickening to read:

Controversial dialogue appears throughout the film, including the use of the N-word by C.K.'s character and multiple jokes about child rape. C.K. previously defended the inappropriate content to THR. "We're depicting oxygen-rich people who live in these beautiful apartments and offices saying whatever they want," he said. "Folks say shit to each other. You can't think about the audience when you're making the thing. If you do, you're not giving them something that came out of your gut. You'll be making something that you're like, 'Is this OK for you?'"

The film pays homage to the cinematic work of Woody Allen, particularly the 1979 film Manhattan. In the Allen film, a 17-year-old girl (Mariel Hemingway) begins a romantic relationship with a 42-year-old man played by Allen.

A common criticism of I Love You, Daddy is that the film parallels the long-standing sexual abuse allegations against Allen. "We're at the bleeding edge of 'That's not OK to do now,' but those people are still around," C.K. said about dealing with the controversial topics in the film. "That's a very interesting line to be on."

So what, you can't force people to watch you jerk off anymore?

That's not the America I remember.

There were rumblings for a while so I'm not really surprised, sounds like the NYT is about to blow the lid off the thing. I'll just say I enjoyed that man's comedy for a long time starting from this very show (they used to play the promo coming back from commercial break about the boat story) and I always enjoyed his appearances but if what the NYT is about to release is true then it's a huge mark on his career. It sucks but you can't say he wasn't asking for it.

You can't think about the audience when you're making the thing. If you do, you're not giving them something that came out of your gut.

this explains a lot.

im finished.

What's the point of being successful if you can't do weird shit to women adio otherwise wouldn't allow it?

It always bothered me that Louis turned his back on O&A entirely. I wasn’t an O&A fan from the jump, I started watching Louis first. This lead me to seeking out Youtube interviews, which lead me to the discovery of O&A, Jim Norton, Patrice O Neal and all of the others. Listening to those old shows you can hear them all grow, you can hear how much they helped Louis along the way when he really needed a platform. When he actually blew it was like a “yeah!! One of our guys made it!!!” moment. Then as years passed he came around less and less, Anthony got in trouble and needed support, he stopped coming around entirely. Still swings by Howard though, a guy who never even knew his name until he was an A lister. So OK, Louis. You exposed your true colours and apparently your wiener to unsuspecting ladies as well. I hope all of your fame is stripped from you now and nobody is left to support you. I hope youre begging Anthony for a job in 2019 and he says no. you shoulda toured more after you blew all your money on Horace and Pete, because they won’t even let you in the chuckle hut come next year. Good riddance, Lou. You coulda been Carlin but you chose to be Woody fucking Allen instead.

“yeah!! One of our guys made it!!!


yeah but what can I do about it

Mood of the show was when Louis was slowly starting to gain credibility was extremely supportive and celebratory, only to have him turn his back on them completely. That’s what I meant by that, so suck my fucking dick, swallow my cum and let me suck and swallow yours. Then we’ll see who the real faggot is.

I'll take you on your offer.

How is your Norwegian accent?

pm me.

It was a symbiotic relationship. They had him on because he was at least as funny as Ant & Jim if not more. It wasn't a favor. On the other hand, him putting Jim in "Louie" certainly was one. I'm sure he benefited from it but so did they. There's plenty of reasons to hate Louie now, but this is the reason Opie does.

When he actually blew it was like a “yeah!! One of our guys made it!!!” moment.

No, it wasn't. It was like a ME: "Wow Louie you're a big star now. I guess we won't be seeing you around much anymore HEH HEH HEH" moment.

That Nig Ontario guy tried to warn everyone but they just wouldn't listen!

Strap in lads

HO-HO-HO-LY Sheeeet

Yet another phony liberal cunt getting his comeuppance.


this is really interesting to have a couple days head start of pure speculation and pure 100% judgement

Normally judgments are based on just unfounded accusations, this may be a first on pure speculation

What a time to be alive



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Lol tig notaro said was scared that he supported her career cause he wanted to be seen as a "champion" to women in case something like this happens. LMAO good one louie

Hey mind if I jerk off in front of you?

Normal person: "No motherfucker, I'm leaving now."

Women: "tee hee hee, omg. Okay, we'll wait for you to cum then we'll walk away laughing and tell other people how detrimental this event has been to us and now our careers."

They're not people

mental scarring (y axis) has a directly proportional relationship to limelight (x axis).

It's fucking happening!!!!!

Interesting how all these progressive celebs who bashed trump are now getting a taste of their own salty medicine. Seems like the left eats its own eventually

The Trump curse is real.

I'm against trump but what is it with open hilarly supporters and being rapists? Weinstein, weiner, now Louis? Just because she defended a rapists successfully as a lawyer once doesn't mean she can do it again.

hilarly supporters and being rapists?

It's Democrats. JFK, LBJ, MLK, were all womanizers. Wiener, Clinton, Cosby and Louie CK were predators. When it comes to republicans, they're usually closeted nancies. Idk i guess they try to project against what they're actually are. Republicans hate gays because they're pillowbiters while Democrats are for woman's rights while they actually treat them like the objects that they are.

I’m a Trump supporter. I honestly believe that the political climate changed after Trump’s election. People started to scrutinize Hillary and Trump. Investigations on Trump unearthed Russia information. Hillary unearthed weird Hollywood/political connections. That led to investigating her big donors. Weinstein pops up with a connection to another Hillary supporter (Cy Vance) and the whole house of cards comes crashing down.

These Hollywood types are losing their political clout and protection. This is opening them up to scandal and (potentially) criminal prosecution.

I really don’t think we’re finished. I honestly believe a mega scandal is working it’s way out. The people falling now were most susceptible to being outed. Next are the deeper seated ones.

The world is going to be a very different place when these 4 (more like 8 nigga) years are over.

The left eats its own they eat their own they eat their own they eat their own they eat their own Rich Vos will be playing at whatever the fuck

It's basically all over for him.

I wonder how many times Pamela Adlon had to stare blankly into that freckled dick of his.

Once confirmed. There's that bathtub sharing scene in Louie.

I really hate that cunt.

I recall last week when the trailer of his film was posted, someone here said this film and everything about it was going to be his downfall.

next, patton oswalt

Murderers are cool, fat red-headed flashers less so

Making a Murderer season 2

I wish Patrice was still alive to comment on everything that's going on right now.

The film pays homage to the cinematic work of Woody Allen

Probably not the best association for him to intentionally go for knowing what people have been accusing him of.

I thought this was old news

Weinstein and Cosby were know perverts for decades, but I guess something finally hit during a slow news cycle.

That photo is seeping of pretentiousness and hotel masturbation

Is it just me or does this not sound so bad?

It sounds like he at least ask first.

I know he will go down in flames because of the world we live in but come on. He wasn't raping preteens or drugging and raping interns he was jerking off in front of grown women after asking if it was ok.

It sounds like he at least ask first.

They say that he abused his power as a successful comedian over these unsuccessful comedians/coworkers. By asking them.

You should know better guys, that as a boss or coworker that you can never get an honest answer from your colleges. Whenever they say "yes" or even if they say nothing at all, it always means "no" when you work with them.

I don't even know if what I just typed was sarcasm or not.

Oh shit! Here we go

I don't understand the thrill of jacking off in front of a woman and making her watch. I'm not a male feminist or anything, but as a hetero guy I don't see what would be exciting about that. What's with these celebs?

Was Louis Cuck King's recent comedic direction, which was clearly meant to appeal to far left Jews, his attempt to silence the media about these rumors? As we know now, even Hillary supporting Jews like Weinstein eventually became fair game. The left will always eat its own... Eventually.

Guess who is going to be back doing comedy clubs around the country..

Louis financed the movie himself. I see a suicide upcoming. Which is a shame because he was a good comedian until liberalism consumed his soul.

Hoping this will help bring about revelations about Big Amy’s dick and how she likes to masturbate in front of people too.

Proud of your boy, Louis!

Imagine all the big movie people looking at eachother blankly not knowing what to say.


I don't see why louis doesn't just make jokes about it.

If compound scoops up CK. I am kinda impressed ant made like an industry off all the exiled and shamed people from the media

If Louis did this shit, he should pay for it. But let's not pretend that the NY Times article isn't anti-men. I've seen "powerful men" and "toxic masculinity" over and over in the fucking piece. Plus it's written by three women whom aren't about to pull punches when it comes to ALL men. Guys doing shit like this doesn't make us look good, but we have to say that it's NOT all men, because these cunts won't.

Leftists are slut-shaming Louis now? Fuck.

"Ms. Schachner accepted his apology and told him she forgave him. But the original interaction left her deeply dispirited, she said, and discouraged her from pursuing comedy."

So she forgave him but she's throwing him under the bus anyway? And let's not pretend that one experience with Louie kept her out of comedy. She probably sucked or saw how hard it is and left of her own accord. If it truly was Louie that kept her out of a field she wanted to be in, then she wouldn't have accepted her apology.

if he's driving unfunny women out of comedy he should be commended.

Liberals are omnivores. Sorry, Louie. You bedded a beast.

My biggest fear is that the majority of comics and other entertainers will be called out for sexual assault/harassment, their careers will tank and that will leave just Sam Roberts as the top entertainer in all of comedy and broadcasting. I'm going out the window shortly.

Cunts on a rampage.

everyone knows norton is a weird ass sex creep, he never hid it. God bless em.

A know a few microwaved hard drives that beg to differ.


Seems like only yesterday when you could corner a stranger in a room & blow your load all over her purse & no one batted an eye.

No dude, fuck him. He built his career off us O&A type guys, and then he got big and thought that he was too good for us. That was tolerable, but then he pandered to hipster faggots, and started talking down to us like he was so fucking moral. Meanwhile he's doing this shit. Fuck Louis C.K.

Well there's nothing scary about him. Unless of course he's right about everything....