Shane from the walking dead is on the show today. Let's remember the time he called out Opie.

89  2017-11-07 by Dennyislife


This sub has no event on their lives...


It's an online community of people that used to be known as "Pests"

I didn't want to bring up reddit...

i really didn't, they've done nothing but cause problems for me. Their basically online terrorists....

And I'm an innocent victim...and certainly not a pedophile

Again, your honor, not a pedophile...

That seems far fetched.

LOve Jon Bernthal. Not the best timing for the Punisher TV show to come out though...

Why not Punish him?

Equality yuma'

What are you going to rob a train or sumthin

It's already been pushed back a month, the Vegas shooter delayed the release.

At this rate, it will NEVER come out. We need a fucking Punisher.

Didn't the church shooter don a skull mask to look like the Punisher?

I think you're reaching a bit there. Show isn't fucked, there's amazing billboards for it all up & down Lincoln blvd and I can't wait. So far they're 0 for 3 on Punisher movies; maybe this time they'll get it right. Everyone I know who has already seen it says it's amazing.

I like Bernthal a lot and I generally like what they did with him in the Daredevil series, even if they didn't give him a ton to do and made him a bit of a pussy. It was always one of my favorite comics growing up, though.

The Dolph Lundgren movie is OK, would have been better with a bigger budget.

No, with some decent writing it would be ok. That movie was barely even recognizable as the Punisher. You could shoot a Punisher movie for $100,000 with a clever director and a good script, and it would be amazing.

Someone call Paul O

Do you normally like comic book movies/shows? I'm trying to gauge whether or not to dislike you for being excited about this.

Im really picky about them. It's about 50/50 for me.

I liked Daredevil, didn't love it. There's times where it's amazing, and other times you're like "what the fuck were they thinking here." Most of the dialogue is fucking atrocious, and whoever cast that fat annoying fuck as "Foggy" should be knee capped. That guy is terrible.

Are you telling me you didn't think "Punisher: Warzone" was an absolute masterpiece?

Dirty Laundry was pretty good.

You didn't like War Zone? Out of the 3, that is my choice.

If I had to pick, out of the 3, yeah. That guy was a great Frank, but the rest of it was so over the top and awful. It looked like absolute shit, and Jigsaw (who was always one of my favorite villains) was something out of a bad Joel Schumacher movie. They kill off Micro in the first reel too, right? I just don't get why it's so hard to get a Punisher movie right. It seems so simple.

It does, and really could be great if they kept it simple. I'm trying to think who would be a good director for a Punisher movie, and it does not even have to be a big name(Tarantino, etc). It could turn out good. Looks like that will not happen though.

The next one will follow either the Marvel or DC formula for comic book movies. Same old shit

Lol why? What does the punished have to do with killing civilians?

We need him out there wasting scumbags.


Funny how the only time Opie has ever talked honestly and admitting wrongdoing on the radio is when confronted by B-list celebs.

Did he even admit any wrongdoing in that clip? He goes on about how it's taken out of context, etc. No, it's pretty straight forward. A homeless man kindly offers to share his cake and that shit-head just jumps on it.

Andrew was a fawking friend of the radio show.... Period...

Was he ever on before or after that?

Once or twice

How the fuck did I miss this interview.

This sub keeps being an everlasting thorn in Opie's side. I love it!

Gotta respect this guy for being straight up with the Destroyer like that. "Let me ask you somethin" put chills down my spine

He went at him like Shane would.

Fuck that. He went at it like Frank Castle

I hate him as an actor because he's awful but I do love this moment.

let me ask you sumthing opie-you think your little shock jock thing gonna protect you in this new world.? what bout your wife and Bams kid? you gotta be hard now. your ole crazy friend ant had the right idea with his little home armory. world has changed opster

  • runs out of the woods * Ey Opie, m'ask you somethin... How will you fuck Lindsy if Bams fucking her ?
  • Rubs head *

How will you protect her pussy from Bams chode man ?

The fawkin dead dvv dvv

I forgot about the Opie and Jimmy show. That was a tutterific.


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there's a lot to it tobehonestwitchu.

of the very few episodes of this awful show i endured, him this Jewish hollywood man LARPing way too hard as a masculine southern sheriff badass type was one of the most distracting things

What a good boy.

I don't like Opie, but boy is this subreddit full of histrionic, aspie mongoloids! I've heard about this clip for a while now, and only today have I heard it:

Jon's tone couldn't have been any less threatening. It sounds like he's smiling from the second he starts talking, like that one guy in every group of friends who's like "C'mon, dude, you took it a bit too far (but it's still kinda funny)."

The way you fucking gimps have been talking about this since it happened, I was expecting an ice cold, slightly threatening tone and a lot of awkward pauses.

Figures a bunch of retarded, aspie, waste of genes like y'all couldn't pick up on the subtlety of vocal tones.

You guys got me all pumped up expecting to hear the sweat pouring down Opie's temples and Jon restraining the urge to jump over the console to punch Opie in the nose, but what I'm hearing is as tense a bunch of guys at a bar goofing off.

You're all jungle-dwelling niggers...but I still like you.

I think the full context of this is missing ( not heard this clip since it took place) Opie was complaining he was late and the room was all pissed off about having to wait late. Then this happened. It was during a whole cake stomp fuss so it was a particularly touchy time for Opie.

Say aspie again.

Bernthal is a legend.

He’s loying

He might be the worst English-speaking actor alive.

Hate on Opie all u want, the cake stomp was fucking glorious.

Not as good as using it as a weapon against him

Management loved the direction of this show

Jim's lightning fast "Well, he did it." was great.


such as exploiting them any way he could for he radio show

The punisher gives zero fucks πŸ’€πŸ’€

Why does he sound like a black man?

ME: "That day I felt I could jump on his cake and he'd be ok with it and we'd move on"

ME: Twitter used to be fun now it's a horrible play where people punish you with their mental illness.

I hate Opie and I love to see him fail. But if you honestly got offended by that cake stomping, you're as much of a faggot as he is

Andrew... that fockin guy was makin' a boat load of money off our show. he set up shop! when we did the walkover! we helped out his career in the beginning. look, we threw our fooockin pocket change at him, okay? sometimes we would give it to him, sometimes throw it at him. i was just going for shock, we're tryin to move ooooon. twitter used to be fun, but now its just crossing the fooockin line. period.

"I'm a grown man, you're a grown man, so I thought I'd go ahead and ask you guys."

This guy doesn't know the O&A way

Fuck Shane .Shane Shane please go.This Actor said,people who think pit bulls are dangerous are.... You ready Shane fags,DOG RACIST.

I'm not an Opie apologist or anything but this no-name Shane guy is such a douche. Does he believe everything he believes on the interwebz?? NYeah, yeah, yeah. Sure, sure, sure. Right, right, right.

i really didn't, they've done nothing but cause problems for me. Their basically online terrorists....

The Dolph Lundgren movie is OK, would have been better with a bigger budget.

Do you normally like comic book movies/shows? I'm trying to gauge whether or not to dislike you for being excited about this.

Are you telling me you didn't think "Punisher: Warzone" was an absolute masterpiece?

Dirty Laundry was pretty good.

You didn't like War Zone? Out of the 3, that is my choice.