can we bomb Howard's show with calls to try to get him to shit on a defenseless Opie? The nail in the coffin

0  2017-11-04 by brothermanbrotherman

Does he still take phone calls? I know they run a tight ship but just tell the screener you have a hot tip about the next American Idol, they'll put you right through.

the general disinterest in howards voice about Opie's life would be great enough, but imagine Opster melting down knowing he can only bitch back or pretend he didnt hear it... on twitter. No radio war for you, bitch titties. You sit at home on your couch or in the car like a good little ex-radio host and listen like a mere listener. as you always should've been

Would he just kill himself?


opie loves when people talk about him, especially howard

i think you wouldnt get past the screeners and guessing he has a delay???

I have heard the delay is as much as 7 minutes. Nothing gets in air that ol hoo hoo does not want on air.

Pointless. It gives Opie exactly what he wants:attention and a scapegoat. If Howard says a word about him, Opie will play it up as proof that Howard was the mastermind behind everything all along. It’s best to do exactly what Howard is doing: ignore Opie. That drives him nuts.