Why are gays mad at Kevin Spacey?

8  2017-11-03 by Lilcumia


Because they are all pedos and he exposed them, don't listen to their gay lies

Shit like this: http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/house-of-cards/news/a831278/house-of-cards-kevin-spacey-reality-television-president-donald-trump/

And it's not because he hates Trump. He hopped on this moral high ground train. Now he's taking his medicine. Fuck any faggot that is contributing to a more sanitized world and is getting called out on their past bullshit. They deserve this.

Because he tried to use coming out as a way to defend the allegations against him..."you people are now engaging in gay bashing". It was something like tranpa would do.

Did he even have a choice to come out? He never said "".

Come again?

He did, right in some buttocks


Because he ruins their neat little marketing lie. They want it to be that sweet Tom & Bob love each other so much just like you and your cunt wife, so why won’t you just let them get married? The reality is that they are freaks who indiscriminately fuck anyone with a cock. They wanted him to promote the lie when he was riding high, not expose their orgy loving truth when he’s down.

Because he's a faggot.

Kevin Spacey? More like Kevin Racy.

Because he tried to use a gay fire blanket to put out his burning pedophile embers

Shit lickers.

He just set their movement back after he used being gay to deflect some heat off of him

I'm not mad at him. He didn't come out to avoid the subject or ''justify'' anything. Guy gets accused by a random guy out of nowhere, made a sincere declaration and he probably needed to share this point of his life. Maybe it's not the best time (is there tho ?), but accusing him of using that as a defense is just retarded.

Nothing like promoting the stereotype that all gays are pedos. Set the gay movement back a ways.

Come again?