Whomst the fuck thinks it's ok to be white??

95  2017-11-02 by EskimoEscrow


breathes out aggressively through nostrils

I dunno man, that's a tough one...

The last thing the schwoogies should do is to try to convince us of their intelligence with their vocabulary.

You don’t like it when people are needlessly verbose and enunciate too much to hide the fact that they were raised in an uneducated environment?

Al Sharpton? Comment?

HA HA HA ... Ho-ly shit! HA HA

I think it was Louis who said a black person trying to read latin is the saddest thing in the world.

I think it was Louis who said a black person trying to read latin is the saddest thing in the world.

E Plurbdidious ooonummeeee -Patrice Oneal



Before he became a cunt.

True quote but he said nigger not black person


came here to reply Indubitably


Watch your language Mister

she claimed she was just kidding, check her earlier tweets, she's not

What's worse than a white-hating negress?
One who can't even be bothered to keep her convictions when she's challenged.
A woman. A nigger. A college student. The trifecta of childishness.

She educated! You ignant.

As a woke male, this offends me. #100

Stop posting unrelated faggotry.

Only related faggotry is appropriate for the O&A sub.

suck a dick titty boy

Just throwing out a last olive branch before you go on the ignore list with the rest of the faggot Trump trolls. See ya tard.

what the fuck are you talking about? what olive branch?

that's what he calls his peckah

I meant I was giving you one last chance. But you blew it by being just so trumptroll-y.

And yes you're legitimately ignored. As long as my profile has my replied threads on the top page, I can still take a peek at those threads. They have a limited lifespan. Soon you'll be a corpse.

Is this a bit?

It stinks.

Our favorite radio show ended because Anthony (who people perceived as white) got fired for saying mean things to a black woman that assaulted him because it's not okay to be white.

This is related

Did you know that Joe Cumia is a racist?

Every other race is so fucking jealous of whites, that they're practically bleeding from the eyeballs. Have a quick peruse of this whore's Twitter and you'll see she's completely obsessed with us.

I think every race should only use what they have invented or contributed to society.

Peanut Butter



poo poo

Sickle cell


Single moms

dirt cookies.

Peanut Butter isn't an invention; its a recipe.

Don't tell that to them.

and was discovered by a Canadian dentist.

Also it wasn't invented, just discovered. All it is is grinded up peanuts.

That's like saying your great grandma "invented" mashed potatoes. Can't be done.

Also niggers didn't even discover peanut butter.

Only if Italians are considered separate from white. I'm tired of these greaseballs lumping themselves in with NASA.

*greaseball (singular)

It's just the idiot Cumia.

We wuz kangs. We invented civilization son. We the real scientists n shit.

Get it, cause liberal college chicks are easy to rile up. Classic comedy definitely related to O&A.

Seriously though do these /pol/ types only go after these retards cause they're the only people more ignorant than they are?

That pretty much encompasses all of reddit, their arch nemesis.

Maybe it's cause of the keywords I have blocking shit from my front page, but at a minimum 1/3 of the posts I see are pro Trump spam or posts making fun of fat folks and niggers, so I never got why people say Reddit is overly liberal. I'm pretty sure half the posts on shitty subs like imgoingtohellforthis have the words "we wuz kangz and shit", and looking at the modern chans that's pretty much all they are too.

Whomst shit in your humorless cereal? The big bad /pol/ boogeyman?

I just don't understand why people post all this crap here, I mean I kept my shit like this on 4chan when I was in high school, why do the kids post this on every forum they belong to.

I posted stuff like this in the off topic or relevant boards of the forums I frequented, I just don't see the need to post this stuff here when everyone here who wants to already visits forums where this is posted.

We're posting on a subreddit for a radio show that's been dead for 3. Hard not to be off topic. Slim pickings. Also fuck 4chan, too many weebs.

SWIM writes tags "Kill Whitey" whenever he can

Just to keep Whitey on their toes


There it is


Whomst the fuck are you to judge!

Who is this cunt?

I would avoid going to her actual twitter page.

Jesus christ. Somethings cannot be unseen.

The economy of respect chapter 1; whomst the fuck give respect, get respect

she's right, it's not okay to be white....

it's GREAT

Lemme ax you a quessun: Whomst the fuck thinks it's ok to be white??

Whoomst is thou?

Whomst Whomst... Whomst Whomst

I have been saying "whomst" to myself all day. It's fun.

Thank god im flesh colored


Not a surprise this comment comes from a dumb bitch. Women, regardless of race, are extremely stupid. This PC insanity is being led mostly by women.

They should have asked for the permission of black people first.

Why are you complaining this is probably the most openly racist sub on reddit

We're up there.

Ever since Coontown got removed it's anybody's game.

you mean, woke! ;)

One of my favorite things to do is watch daytime court shows and count how many extra words the litigants throw in to every sentence to try and sound smart.

"I stated to him at that time that this was intended for it to be a loan. I stated that I wanted him to intend to pay me back that amount at that time."

Whomst the God's would destroy first they make nigger.

It's almost as if (((someone))) is stirring the racial pot and taking advantage of people with lower iq's and will send them to the slaughter house when the race wars erupts because conveniently the opposing has all the guns. Used as pawns to destabilize a nation and make it so a larger govt must step in and make everything "better"

Not to mention (((they))) get free votes by letting in less productive people - all by promising them (((they))) will "give them" freebies (read: use government force to take from Whites and redistribute).

We're indirectly subsidizing this bullshit.

You know...so weird, history is like a circle. Things that happened before will prob stir up again.

Tss tss why is he stepping like that? Tss tss what like a fawkin geese or summtin? Fawwwwwwk. What's that like the end of a math problem or summtin? Or something when you mix liquids together for the last fawkin time. Tss tss i dunno just riffen here

They're not wrong.

Stupid nst-person.


Is this a bit?

It stinks.