Order your copy of Moroccan Dockin' in the next 30 minutes and we'll send you a copy of Tunisian Tugboat Boys free of charge.

48  2017-10-28 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Syrian Refugee lookin ass

Syrian Rick Astley

If Zappa ever caught aids he may look like this

It's like Zappa meets early 80's Alice Cooper that is, dying of alcoholism and constantly zooted from freebasing like a mug

this makes me feel for Ant as he never got to be a real alcoholic! he seemed to at least do his job no matter the reason 9/10. He would turn up drunk but he would still have something funny/interesting to say, whereas sober Opie was like a wet paper towel! He had nothing to contribute, and he dragged everyone down!

Alice is one of those rare guys who actually looks better with age.
Yeah I'd fuck him. So what?!

Yeah, he looked like a fucking decomposing corpse around that time.
Still, Special Forces ('81) might be the best album he ever put out since the early 70's. I like it more than any of the others since.

Clayton Bigsby complex

Look at all that hair. These days the grass under my car thats been parked there for a month is thicker than what Ant's scalp can muster up

weeds between bricks grow thicker!

what the fuck is that! I'm seriously starting to think Ant is some kinda shape shifter. Most people look basically the same for years,but this creature looks radically different minute to minute...

I think he's got that bloated alcoholic head thing that Bill Burr's always on about, but because Ant's head started out so skinny and chihuahua-like, it kind of evened out.

"It's Freddy Mercury's gayer, AIDSier brother." - somebody here

He might be Sam's real father

The boys of summer

Praying mantis lookin nigga.

He looks like Richard Ramirez

Since puberty, has he ever looked below the age of 40?

You can see why he just HAD to be funny.

It was either develop a sense of humor or catch a freighter back to Tunis and revive the ancestral child sex slavery ring. Not sure why he chose America. Maybe tax reasons.

"All historically great races and nations have been produced by mixing; but wherever the difference of type is too great to be bridged over, then we have mongrels. That is the case here. The crossing between Bedouin and Syrian was — from an anatomical point of view — probably worse than that between Spaniard and South American Indian." -Houston Stewart Chamberlain (R.I.P.)

Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Houston Stewart Chamberlain (9 September 1855 – 9 January 1927) was a British-born philosopher who wrote works about political philosophy and natural science; he is described by Michael D. Biddiss, a contributor to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography as a "racialist writer". He was also the son-in-law of German composer Richard Wagner, as Chamberlain married the composer's daughter, Eva von Bülow in December, 1908 - twenty-five years after the composer's death (Cosima Wagner was still married to Hans von Bülow when Eva was born – but her biological father was Wagner). Chamberlain's best known book is the two-volume Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century), published in 1899, which became widely read in the völkisch pan-Germanic movements of the early 20th century, and was later an influence for the antisemitism of Nazi racial policy. Indeed, Chamberlain has been referred to as "Hitler's John the Baptist".

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Good bot

I don't know man. I love giant black titties. Something about those big cocoa areolas drives me crazy.

Right after sharing the crack pipe with his Ma.

Indego Montoya

I Negro Montoya faggot.

I know you are

A picture of Slash's brother who died of AIDS in 82 who inspired Slash to take up guitar.