Joe Rogan can't accept that he peddles pseudoscience

64  2017-10-27 by TinKnockinMoroccan

He has a woman on his podcast who just demolished a 238 miles super marathon on a diet of nachos and beer and he tries to convince her that she'll be better off eating elk steaks and doing hot yoga.

He's also a very short man.


I don’t know about all that other junk, but you’re right he is very very short.

Joe reads a lot of shit on the Internet, which is fine but it's obvious he doesn't know how to digest information properly and it manifests itself in his half baked opinions and idiotic advice.

He likes to kill defenceless animals so he reads up on the benefits of elk meat in order to show that he isn't hunting just for the thrill but also the nutritious benefits and because he has lots of info he simply has to tell everyone about it.

He's also addicted to weed so will go on and on and on about how it develops the synapses of the brain etc. It makes himself feel better about having a vice.

Also anyone that describes themselves​ as "powerful" should be shot.

UK faggot. "Defenceless." Of course you hate hunting. Much easier just to let some Royal Sea Queens catch your fish and some tough hard-working Irishmen grow your chips. I hope your break your neck attempting a back flip after your favorite footie team scores. Also, it's spelled "powourful." Moron.

Ooo macho man here hunts his OWN fish and grows his own chips.

Invent your own language, cunt.

Why? We made yours better.

You made shit you flag waving little faggot.

Wherefore art thou such a stunning intellectual critic of Joe Rogan's stupid podcast. A brilliant-internet-social-media-critic by any other name is still the billionth person to make the same points about Joe Rogan's podcast.

I hope you're drunk because there's no other excuse for this cringey shit.

It's 3:45A in the US (central) brotherman. It's booze or coke. I'm certainly not staying up waiting for the kickoff of a Champion's League match between Manchester and Bosnia. What's your excuse for writing 3 paragraphs about Joe Rogan's podcast? You know it's 2017 and that shit has been the same for 5 years, right?

Your entire spiel: Check out the empties, maaaaaan.

Your entire spiel: Empty. You understand that the person I was responding to was analyzing Joe Rogan? Joe fucking Rogan.

Yeah, whatever. So, are you a Man U fan?

I just like athletic freaks. I can only watch Euro soccer if it's on US TV on the weekend or when I take take off work. It's on in the morning/midday here. I don't have loyalty to any Premier League team or any other European pro club. I like getting more and more Premier League games on US TV.

Nice. Best part of Americans getting into football is the improved analysis and coverage. You are lucky, we can't watch the 3pm Saturday games.

I do not answer to a clearly homosexual man who pretends to be dangerous on reddit. Booze or coke.. Sleep tight fag.

Pretend to be dangerous? Sir, I've listened to all 2000 episodes of the Joe Rogan experience. I'm pretty sure I could fuck you up. Or is Joe Rogan not a reliable source of information?

British faggots planted their flag everywhere they could stick it into until we revolted and inspired all the little brown people all over the world to revolt too. You got so humiliated by everyone telling you to take down your faggy flag that you now pretend you take no pride in it. And maybe it’s true that you now look upon your flag with great shame and humiliation. Why should you take pride in it? A once great empire is now just a wee little island of fancy pussies. You don’t declare or wins wars anymore. You “Brexit” these days. The ruler we all rebelled against is now a cheeky rebel itself.

You wouldn't have done anything if the French had stayed in France. Just be grateful we shipped you enough Africans to make something of the place.

You ignorant fuck. We didn't allow the Africans to make ANYTHING except agricultural products until after they helped us save your necks in WWII. We imported better Europeans after our little conflict. You ungrateful fucks.

I love this argument. WORLD war two was being fought for over TWO YEARS before the US is attacked by someone other than Hitler and then the US decides to address the global axis threat by entering the war.

It wasn't an argument, crooked-tooth. It was a racist joke. But it's definitely not our fault that you couldn't handle your own shit.

Poor British bastards. Used to be a kingdom. But now they pay some entitled inbreds welfare checks to pretend they’re royalty.

Fellas, fellas, the weekend is upon us. Let's kiss.

The war was forced by England and her interests. Also Poland See Treaty of Versailles, see Bloody Sunday. See envy of German manufacturing. See "Germany will have war whether she wants it or not" See Balfour Declaration. See my vest.

Nonsense. Absolute nonsense.

I blame the French and British equally for being vindictive after WWI, since everyone had a hand in that shitstorm and there were no good guys. Also President Wilson was a complete piece of shit. That said, not letting Hitler amass a huge armed forces and land empire was in their best interests. And I like the U.K. better than Nazis. I know that kind of thinking is verboten around here but seriously fuck the Nazis.

I agree with most, except your conclusion really, if you look into the event preceeding the second world war there were literally thousands of war crimes being committed by the poles against ethnic germans, in 'recently' taken land. Hitler did invade Poland and is wrongly blamed with starting the war, he was rescuing his people being murdered, by the thousands. They were being killed for their ethnicity. I understand your feelings regarding their military buildup, I dont really know what the right answer is there. nations have armies, armies defend people. Germany has the monkey in the middle location wise and Europeans have been killing each other for centuries. The U.K was motivated by greed to replace the germans as the provider of the world's goods and being led around literally by (((the international baking clique))) located (still today) in City of London.

Yeah, I appreciate what you're saying. I studied Eastern European history in college and many of my professors were ethnic Poles, so you can imagine they may not want to bring up atrocities committed in their side. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of that region knows it's a clusterfuck and their are no easy answers. "Self-determination" and nation-states based on ethnicities are a pretty volatile mix, and it's another reason I loathe President Wilson and blame him for a lot of the 20th century.

Back at cha you're a good egg. Wilson may be the most destructive piece of shit to ever get in the office.


"WE" lol you weren't alive

we? you've never done shit you nerd

Yes, I've heard the Stanhope bit. Fuck off. You haven't either.

grow your chips


That's vulgar! Stop that. Cut it out.

lil cake for da chippah

Ahh, we're all just Chippin' around huh babe?

fish n chippin ya


I like Joe and his podcast but you're right, he's not a scholar and he can be naive and gullible even if he means well.

Joe will a look at some obscure technique a friend of his is using and act like it's "the new secret". After Miesha Tate beat Holly Holm she mentioned going to a sports hypnotist. For a while after that Joe would talk to fighters and say, "You know... Miesha Tate has been seeing this hypnotist for a while. She says it really helped her mindset for Holly Holm. Have you ever looked into it?" And then his guest would awkwardly try to shift the conversation to something else.

Defenseless? They have natural defenses you retard. They're called heightened senses and a flight instinct. That's why it's called hunting, not killing. You should try a man's pastime once in a while, tea fag.

/u/GeoffreyArnold read this post and eat my ass you faggot.

this is the good shit

His idiot fan base will eat it up. Fucking junior college dropouts.

junior college

Are you a fan of Adam Carolla

Whereas us junior college grads will anonymously congregate online to relive the greatest moments of Colin insulting Jimmy and Anthony while simultaneously bemoaning the substandard fallout of the O&A show.

We’re an exclusive club.

No matter how ridiculous Joe Rogan gets I can't help but like the guy.

this subs attempt to get the ball rolling with legitimate mob anger against joe fucking rogan is one of the most ridiculous things i've seen. mock him if you want, but there will never be the raw matieral to get people to go after him like we do to a genuinely deserving target.

I know a guy who ran a double marathon 3 days after 2 weeks partyin and doing Coke and pills in Ibiza... he's just an animal.. people like Rogan have to work hard at it and obviously get jealous of people who are just naturally gifted when it comes to endurance and drive blah blah

I completed a super-duper decathlon twelve hours after coming out of spinal chord surgery, being high on meth and building a skyscraper in Dubai!

I don't believe you

good for you, there is no such thing as a super-duper decathlon.

i was lying the whole time!!!!!

Nutrition (beyond the basics of don't eat whatever Sam Roberts is eating) is really just figuring out what your genetics allow you to eat. I wasted a lot of time before I figured that one out.

Could you send me your notes?

What I think he's trying to say; his genetics have given him a predisposition for big juicy pechaks and he wasted a lot of time repressing his homosexuality before he found out he loves eating cock.

the thing is elk steaks are healthier for you, but it doesnt matter to a marathon runner because any food eaten is immediately burned for energy

yeah but he was saying it would be better for her

Wouldn't it though?

no. she's burning through it. She could eat mars bars all day

I am not a fan of Mars bars.

Damn, dat's a good candy bar.

What about Venus bars?

Isn't that what Sue is packing?

She's also creating micro-tears to her muscle tissue and elk meat repairs that better than nachos.

I'm not english you fucking mongoloid

You referenced Mars Bars. Are you one of the two Americans that eats them?

Pretty sure vitamins and shit help your body too, but I ain't no expert or nuthink.

Since when is eating healthy meat and doing yoga "pseudoscience"?

You get out of here with your facts and logic

He's 5'3 on a good day. I heard he might be as short as 5'1.

strap in for the one that just came out with the idiot from blink182 talking about UFOs, lol

Oh god I was laughing my head off at it this morning.

I'm only halfway through and I suspect rogan is starting to believe it.

She's an adorable, cute egg. Rogan is Uncle Fester on roids

Fuck off, Rogan is a good egg. And so is Gervais.

Gervais is an atheist who thinks he’s edgy and offensive in a world where most people are accepting of atheism.

Lol, I was expecting you to actually criticize his many psuedo-science theories.

Unfortunately, nutrition is pretty standard science.

Has he made any statements about all the pseudoscience in the DMT documentary? It contains a number of statements that have never been proven and they are still happily parroted by college hippy types.

We’re an exclusive club.

You made shit you flag waving little faggot.

Your entire spiel: Check out the empties, maaaaaan.

I do not answer to a clearly homosexual man who pretends to be dangerous on reddit. Booze or coke.. Sleep tight fag.

It wasn't an argument, crooked-tooth. It was a racist joke. But it's definitely not our fault that you couldn't handle your own shit.

Nice. Best part of Americans getting into football is the improved analysis and coverage. You are lucky, we can't watch the 3pm Saturday games.

The war was forced by England and her interests. Also Poland See Treaty of Versailles, see Bloody Sunday. See envy of German manufacturing. See "Germany will have war whether she wants it or not" See Balfour Declaration. See my vest.

we? you've never done shit you nerd

Back at cha you're a good egg. Wilson may be the most destructive piece of shit to ever get in the office.