Is there any non-perverted reason for Jim only hiring cute (usually young) women for his radio show and the chip podcast?

28  2017-10-25 by geekrhinosquad

That young girl intern on the jim & sam show was a dud, plus he only has chicks on the chip podcast and the quality keeps going down, not any of those girls were funny.

He invites pornstars back time and time again for a radio show where communication skills is the most important part of the job. There have been episodes of the o&a show where him, sam, opie & others criticize the decision of bringing boring pornstars on the radio because no one wants to hear it. so why do they keep bringing pornstars back on the radio?

Im guessing jim is turning his work into a pseudo-dating service/spank bank for himself. he doesn't care about the quality of his work as much lately, in my opinion.

Your thoughts?


I agree, although the ugly little fruit would deny it "I'd tell you if that was the case, honestly" He takes his fans for granted and is barely funny anymore

It's rather unnerving that Jimmy has become an Ouroboros with a penis on each end.

I've only heard of him employing attractive young females as his opening acts on his tours as well.

Not too mention his two attractive personal trainers which he hired because he, "honestly just prefer that female energy when I'm working out".

I actually fell for that line. I think it's pretty convincing but maybe I'm just naive

You're being naive. He enjoys stank feet on bitches. That's the only reason he goes to a gym. Unless you've seen something in Jimmy that says he goes to a gym to workout, cause I don't. He has the muscle tone of a garden slug

Jim Norton was paying Steve Carlesi's wife to be his personal trainer. What a ghoul.

maybe I'm missing something, but it's kind of nice for him to financially help out the guy who committed suicide and left behind a family.

psssst, dude we only shit on people here, maybe you should post at /r/we<3opieandanthony

I was hoping that was a real group

aPraHL FahLLss

But he goes out of his way to mention how professional he is, and how he'd never try anything. He'd never cross that line. (He'd just jerk off thinking about how inappropriate it would be).

Same Jim who would tell stories of trying to get masseuses to jerk him off

No man(smack). It's tough but you're a sccccccumbag if you don't find Kelsey hilarious.

That kind of makes sense, or at least more sense than hiring them for radio. He's too jealous of other male comics, plus if he got another "dirty" male comic to open for him that would it would be redundant and if he had a clean one his crowd would groan. The problem is, there just aren't that many attractive passably funny lady comics out there. Schumer 7 years ago is about as good as it gets.

He knows he's a weird little faggot with no actual life, so the only way he can talk to semi-attractive females is by inviting them on his radio show

If Sam had any sort of balls he'd bring up Nortons cock sucking activities whenever a pornstar is in, just to ruin his day

If Sam had any sort of balls was a competent and funny cohost he'd bring up Nortons cock sucking activities whenever a pornstar is in, just to ruin his day

All of the original faggots did that. Opie and his stupid needled fucking envelopes, Anthony with his Paltalk hunt for teenage girls (and boys), and Jimmy with his shitty porn stars and filling gaps in his autograph collection

Travis hires the interns.

And that intern is not at all cute.

I had a manager like this at a bookstore I worked at in college. He would hire the most inept women to work there so he could possibly ask them out. He hired a former stripper who barely knew the alphabet. She was late her first two days of work and no called/no showed for 3 days and he didn't fire her.

I had a teacher like this in high school. His name was "Mr Volk." He looked like Orson Welles and he'd routinely show up at my restaurant with a teenager girl for "tutoring."


I had to look up what this was in reference to, and my life is now better for it.

Thank you for your service.

Did you ever hear of a beard?

he just wants to hire another Lauren. it's not unreasonable, Lauren was great. as for the Jim and Sam show, I have no idea because I think I've listened to maybe 8 hours of it since it began.

He banged Bree Olson right? I'm assuming he would like to repeat that and thats why he has chicks on the show

If you have the choice, why not hire somebody you like to look at?

He should try something new. Stay with me - this is radical and certainly challenging to understand for us civilians - but maybe he should try hiring someone funny? Nah, that's stupid, I'm stupid. Never mind. Slits it is.

Jim Norton is and always was a complete and utter faggot. Y’all need to look in the mirror and reevaluate your lives.

Redbar is and always was a complete and utter faggot. Y'all need to look in the mirror and re-evaluate your lives.

In other words, Jim Norton is the Harvey Weinstein of radio, minus the power, money, respect, fear and influence, of course.