Gang, are you happy in your relationships?

59  2017-10-22 by decmcg

I think I fucked up. I moved in with a girl because she has big tits. She bought us cats and has now turned into a sexless bore and I love the cats more than her and am basically staying with her for the cats sake.


You are married and don't even know it

You're right brotherman. She's comfortable and I'm dying inside but don't have the balls to leave.

When they get comfortable they let themselves go,get hair cut short, then get fat. Next will be a kid then you are really fucked.

That's the ending. I am fucked if she gets pregnant. She thought she might be with child last month and I genuinely daydreamed about kicking her down the stairs.

You are telling my story except she had little girl from another marriage that ended up liking me more than her cunt got to point where i knew had to get out then one day fucking i go to pull out and wife says don't pull out five times nothing will happen and it did load stuck.

She knew you were on the way out and caught you last minute. Have you ever heard of the Patton Oswalt trick for annoying cunts?

Billy Assman here with the new Patton Oswalt Eraser.Removes that stubborn ziltch with just one dose.Promo code Rid X

Women want two things from a guy, value and commitment. Value is the thing that ensures you're the type of guy that has the behavioural characteristics that allow you to move up dominance hierarchies. Commitment is the thing that ensures you will stick around after impregnating her to provide/protect/help raise offspring.

A rough rule of thumb is that everything you do to increase value will lower your commitment and everything you do to increase your commitment will decrease your value. Women try to lower your value as much as they can to ensure your commitment to them.

You fucked up big time. You can always increase your commitment, but you can almost never increase your value once it's been lowered.

Women try to lower your value as much as they can to ensure your commitment to them.

nigga know

Depending on the relationship you can start pulling away to create at least the illusion of value. It's a bit if a shit test I stole from women but it works.

It was Patrice's most emphasized lesson.

Yesterday, I told my wife that is she left me or died, I'd mail order a little Asian wife so the house would always be clean. You have to keep them on their toes or you're not doing your job as a man.

Just leave then? Jesus christ.

Man up and go get a vasectomy.

She probably is saying how once these certain goals happen in our lives like moving out where you are at,get a house,better paying job everything will be better. Heres the thing once those are gone you have new set from her they never end and never get better

Why are you scared to leave? What's the worst that can happen? Live alone and be a degenerate scumbag, it's fun.

Just show her this place, I can't imagine her staying long after that.

We decided that our next major life purchase should be an old school arcade game.

So I'm pretty happy.

How long have you been together?

Four years of fun filled sodomy!

Give my respects to your fella!

You know they're not hard to build, right? Put a PC in there, run /r/MAME and you've got thousands of games to choose from.

Those just aren't the same.

Having hundreds of games to pick from devalues it.

Her peckah isn't big enough so no.

I just got married a couple of weeks ago and got snipped so yeah I'm good.

What she cut your balls off? Thats what women do after they have some legal sway over you.

If it means no kids going through my windshield.

That only means you can not produce kids. not saying she would ever cheat on you but if she did and got knocked up that would still be your kid and responsible for it just because you two are could be a little half nigger mutt and still legally considered yours

Save the scary stories for Halloween.

your reddit username describes yourself

Anti-social and single. Booze is my only lover/friend.

I post here every day. That should tell you enough.

Honestly. Don't worry about people, especially women. They're mostly stupid fuckers. If you can navigate your way around this sub then you can run rings around most.

Exactly. And men can be women, too

Yup, just ask Sue...


coming to this place and posting on it IS socializing. if you were really anti-social you wouldn't be spending attention on anything involving human affairs. even watching TV besdies nature and science documentaries, or reading novels or stories about people, is a form of socializing. if you had no need or desire for it you wouldn't be here.

Sounds like someone is trying to convince himself 😚

No Mom, you just don't get it! These are my freinds!


As long as you don't try to steal Vizio soundbars you're good.

At least that guy got laid.

Four years of fun filled sodomy!

Millie Bobbie Brown hasn't answered my emails.

I’ve been through two this year. The problem is me, fellas

My expectations are low but my wife brought me a beer during the Leafs game when I asked for one, so our relationship is good enough.

Does the beer make it less depressing to watch a Leafs game?

FAWKIN' nailed that sockcucka!

I have no one in my life.

best post itt

Get a mail order bride. I see schlubs at Costco with them all the time.

"Moving in together" is this generation of women's way of tricking men into marriage. They lure you in with the implication that you'll have more access to blowjobs and sandwiches when in reality it's the exact opposite.

Fuck, it really is as simple as that

They're vipers.

did you move in with her, her with you, or joint venture?

I hope you're reading these replies, dude.
Don't be a stupid fuck and stick with her because some cuck on the TV said it's the "right" thing to do. And don't fall for her crying bullshit either, women can turn that on like a light if the gravy train is leaving.
Just end it. Like a family death, there's no way around the upset, you just gotta go through it. You'll be a waaaay happier dude coming out on the other side. It can only get worse from here.
As for the cats, we can leave the custody battle to the People's Court.

As for the cats, the good news is theyre just cats.

The cats will eat you after you kill her and then yourself.

At least something will benefit our relationship.

In all seriousness, I can relate. I was stuck in a bad relationship for 5 years. I didn't want to move out because living with her was convenient for me, and her cat was best friends with my dog. My dog is also a bit of a barker, and I didn't want to deal with the headache of her barking every time a new roommate walks in the door. I finally moved out a month ago and I'm a lot happier. Change isn't always as bad as it seems.

Girlfriend just took a job half way across the country. But she "wants to make this work." Bitch, you wanna make this work then don't take a job 9 hours away.

This is code for "I wanna make this work until I find a dick to put inside me" nothin worse than a bitch without common sense.

I've been seeing two very beautiful girls for the past year. They're basically booze & sex oriented relationships, which sounds great on paper. But I'm finding myself longing for companionship and feeling very unfulfilled. I think I'm truly a faggot.

they probably want it from you too dummy

pick the one you like the most and tell her you that gay shit

i used to date lots of cute girls amd not realize they wanted me as a bf, trust me, few girls wanna be fuck toys forever.

Tss yeah I fawked like 100 girls a month and they're like "I wanna suck your peckah foreva, CHIPPUH"

You're living someone else's idea of an ideal life instead of pursuing your own.

I two have been seeing two women. One is relationship minded and the other is sex during work hours minded. I am in love with both.

If driving 2 hours to a city to bang trannies once a month or so counts as a relationship then I am doing fine until the HIV I probably have progresses to the next stage.



Nobody is happy in their relationships, and there's very little I hate more than married men arguing with me that I'm wrong. If you're so happy, go give your fat wife some roses instead of arguing with some autist on the internet.

They'd be happier married to each other, with kids around to fuck.

I don't disagree with your first point but do you really think Jim and Ant and the epitome of well adjusted happiness?

I'm married and think I'm equally unhappy as I would be single. What do you think about that?

I'm married and very happy. I don't think anything could ever make Ant happy. And if you NEED a spouse to be happy you're doomed.

FACT. Some people just aren't equipped to be in a relationship or have a family. And that's ok.


Good for you man, honestly, good for you.

Get out. Just get out. No reason to stay unless you can talk to her honestly about it and get it corrected. I stayed too long..but I stayed because of child..not cat. It's better to be separated and will be better for my kid. Same will probably be true for the cat.


way to go, toxoplasmosicuck

more than weed smoking, more than inordinate tattoos, more than colored hair - cat ownership is the single biggest red flag in a woman's current and long term mental health. I used to think it was "more than 1 cat means run away" but time has corrected that error. Even a single cat is enough of a predictor.

At least you have cats. My girlfriend is allergic. Ball-and-chain, am I right gang?

It's really rough... she's a bitch, a real cold mistress.... here name is the game.......

I was gonna joke that this is a search quote but it really is isn't it ?

I don't know that reference. I don't think I was taking that from anywhere

As long as you're keepin it real

Start cheating till it blows up, girls dig guys with girlfriends

I'm in the best relationship I've ever had. I gave her the ring recently. I don't know if my avoiding tendencies will take over and allow me to get to the day without fucking it all up.

Gay totally gay.

Oh, most definitely

I just had a nice chat with a girl the other day. She has big bosoms, and the most beautiful face you would ever lay eyes on. I dunno if she's single, but during our whole two hour conversation, she never once looked at her phone or mentioned a boyfriend--so it seems likely she is.

She claims to come from a wealthy family. I'm not talking Opie money; I'm talking Howard money. This is a quote from her: "Growing up, I always thought if everyone in the world wanted anything, they just went out and bought it. I mean, as a kid I had nannies who did everything. When I lived on my own for the first time, I didn't even know how to shop for shampoo!"

There's more to this story: She claims when she was a teenager her parents disowned her for no reason at all. She said: "They both said they didn't like me and didn't want me in their lives. So they gave me money to buy my own house, told me not to contact them again, and threw me out." I find that a tough pill to swallow. Even the uber-wealthy, which she claims to come from, don't just "dump" their kids.

I'm not sure if I should pursue this or not. I like her so much, but it was our first encounter--and most people are super nice and charming the first time you meet them.

Is the chance of something so serious it would cause a girl's parents disown her worth a nice pair of boobs and--IF things worked out for the best--maybe even marrying into the (disowned) 1%? I grew up in extreme poverty and I'm barely middle class right now, so this is kinda like God dangling the possibility of living my teenage dream in front of me. It's overwhelming.

Sorry, just needed to get that off my chest, as I have no real friends (well, except her, I suppose).

No girl. Been on 5 different dates the past month. Nothing has come to fruition. Maybe it's best to be a lone forever and just masturbate

How do her tits sit?

Bail dude

In a similar situation. The fat starting filling in around the huge tits, now i go to the movies alone just to get away from her.

I married a mexican and it's a constant battle to tactfully tell her not to mexican up my house with tacky dollar store decorations.

Does she have a million relatives next door?

My wife is also from a Catholic country and leaves shitty idols and graven images all over.

Can I ask why are you really afraid to leave?

More like relationshit am I right fellas, brothas understand

Same with me except with a dog except she lost her job and became codependent pretty much immediately, and im a drunk fuck up so both of us depending on me just has failure written all over it

Same with me but with a dog except she lost her job and became codependent pretty much immediately, and im a drunk fuck up so both of us depending on me just has failure written all over it, shes fairly tolerable when she smokes weed at least and can keep herself entertained enough with those dumb snapchat filters when I refuse to.

actually this doesn't sound half bad.

I live with my mom, who I treat like Cartman treats his mom because I'm deeply insecure and overcompensating. It's probably slightly better than complete social isolation. That annoying bitch is a saint on Eart.

I model my dating life after Dennis Hopper in Rivers Edge

I think I'd be miserable without her.

No, my bf of 7 years is boring and I constantly find myself thinking of someone else. We have three cars together.

Where u from?

U wild, wyd?

I am very happy. We took pictures of each other all evening, carved pumpkins, fucked, and I listened to Colin vs Jimmy vol. 1 the entire time.

Have not had a huge or kiss in 12 years. let alone sex.

Damn, me too, exact same amount of time and everything. :(

that sucks. I tell myself there are a few positives, no std risk, no drama, no kids. still thought, would be nice to have a change up. best of luck sir ! uhuru ! !

I'm posting on a forum dedicated to a defunct radio show. How the fuck do you think I feel.

I’m a lonely fag. All my mates have girlfriends, even the ugly ones, and the closest I’ve got is some frigid chubby who says she just wants to be friends for now. I’m not a bad looking guy, I just have the personality of a boiled potato.

I'm married and happy with it.

I think marriage is silly as nothing lasts forever, but the foreseeable future looks good so far.

Come on howard you have a pre-nup just throw her out already

Get out now. It sounds cliché, but get out before it gets worse, hit the gym, work on yourself. The sunk cost fallacy is just that, a fallacy. It'll only get worse. She'll try to get pregnant once you try to split, don't do it, and definitely don't fall for the I'm pregnant, so you can cum in me now ruse, the baby isn't yours but it won't stop the courts from making you hand over your paycheck every week for 18 years.

I elected to let my last relationship fall apart in favor of drinking and work. She finally ended it with me once we were down to hanging out once a week.

Now I'm back on the online dating scene, and having limited success. Girl I had been talking to/seeing told me that she wants the other guy she was seeing and that we can be friends.

Fuck. She was hot and pretty much perfect for me, aside from the whole not wanting to date me.

I broke up with my Asian 7 of a girlfriend after a month and a half; longest relationship yet.
I only dated her until I could fuck her. I did and she was mediocre. $100 in dinners and parking I ain't gettin back

I bet if you posted pics of her big tits it would spice up your relationship.

Yes I am actually.

If her English was better (not our native language) and she also cared about washed up semi-celebrities from the 80's, I'm sure she would post here.

She has the same type of humor and loves to suck on ma big peckah for hours n hours until she dies from suking so much peckah or sumthing.

i murdrd my boyfriend

Classic Louie bit: "we got married and i thought I couldn't leave. Then we had kids and I realized I could have left."

Can you maybe show us a pic of these big tits ?

Take the cats and leave.

My dumb Asian wife pulled a fast one on me and became a frigid, nagging, full-time mommy when the first kid was born. I think a divorce is imminent.

Just Jerk off on those sweater puppies while she's asleep. It's win win then you don't have to hear her yammer on about her workplace.

Very happy, but that's because I own all my shit. I don't ask her to pay a single bill, granted she's still a nursing student. If she leaves she can go be a bum somewhere else.

Fuck, it really is as simple as that

They're vipers.

Gay totally gay.

Those just aren't the same.

Having hundreds of games to pick from devalues it.