Louis CK Is A Gross Creep

50  2017-09-12 by Mr_Plakton


From the article

Filmed quietly in New York in June, the movie tells of a successful, emotionally lost television writer, played by Louis C.K., who is dealing — except he’s not dealing — with the seduction of his 17-year-old daughter by an esteemed filmmaker, and rumored pedophile, who is four times her age.

Louis CK out of all of the comedians from O&A has taken the hardest fall from grace. At least Bill Burr only became old and soft. Louis CK is on some next level cuck shit with this movie.

Could you imagine the conversation with his kids? "Hey Daddy, whatcha writing?" "Oh, this is a movie I'm working on where a writer's daughter starts fucking a rich pedophile." "Uhhhh... I think we're just going to stay at Mum's from now on."


So you like him or not?

he's aight

Louie Ck is a gross creep

Or in other words, a Mexican.

he's not a kike?

Longer longer, nigger.


Say longer again

Half Mexican, half Jew and half Irish.

ohhh, so 100 percent nigger.

Beanigger/nosenigger/potatonigger, so yep.

half hungarian, half ginger, half beluga whale

Louie! Beaner!

Hey, my brother is Mexican. And despite having a half dozen felonies on his arrest record and not being allowed to leave the state for another month. He has had sex with plenty of women, most of them had boyfriends and consent was rather iffy but outside of that. He is not a gross creep. He has a wife and multiple bastards. That doesn't sound like a gross creep to me

There's a part of me that is glad he's still a creep, and he's just putting on an act now that he's mainstream.

He's turning into a Woody Allen. He's a pedophilic creep who writes his own sexual fantasies into his pretentious movies and passes it off as highbrow art. Won't be long before he marries his own daughter and acts like there's nothing wrong with it.

I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happened to him and his daughter. I mean you don't get catapulted to the level of fame he suddenly reached without the consent of these hollywood elite pedos.

Yep, it's a biography except the 17 is actually 7.

Is it better than Bore Us & Sheeeeete? Tssssssss

Isn't this the plot of that pile of shit movie Birdman? These shitty movies they claim you need to be an "insider" to fully understand sicken me. We get it, we claim the industry is run by pedos, and it's Alex Jones conspiracy. You openly write performances where this predatory shit is just a subplot, and you're an artiste.

Birdman was nothing like you described smfh

Wait wait he meant it was like.. fahkin'... shaved bird man... like a prepubescent pekah or sumptin' I don't know...

birdman sucked.

so now we don't want edgy fucking material?

make up your minds babies.

Who wants edge? I just want funny or well written. Who gives a shit as to whether it's edgy or taboo, as long as it's good.

"Louis CK is a gross creep"

"as long as it's good"

So your point is that this weird pseudo-intellectual shit is fine because at least it's edgy?

lmao my point is that you are mocking this guy for a story he is writing before you have even watch it but then you go on to make claims "as long as its funny"

I'm mocking you.

Nah that's bullshit. I'm mocking Louis CK for his decline into pretentious garbage and you're trying to claim I'm writing him off because all of a sudden he has made something strange and taboo.

You really do take lot of this very literally. Are you on the spectrum? Is there someone I should call to help you?

oh boy. an internet disagreement and i must be on the spectrum.

Well to be fair, this is a forum for obsessive fans of a Radio show that died in 2012. None of us are going to be the shiniest coin in the roll.

Good one Opir

Why are his daughters british?

It sounds like he's ripping off The French Teacher. Remembet when he talked about that like it was a great work of art. Its basically the same plot but from the kids perspective

the piano teacher*

It's a good movie and I still want to fuck that insane ginger teacher

He's actually ripping off Manhattan.

he's ripping off his fans

For some reason, Louis idolizes Woody Allen. Not only is he influenced by Allen's movies, he's even stealing the perverted pedophile angle.

And Woody Allen's pedo movie was in black and white (Manhattan). But I like that movie and Louis CK is a douche for using B&W film in 2017.

Woody at least had half an excuse in the 1970s when film was the only option and he said it was 'how he remembered seeing New York on cinema growing up'. Louis is just trying to be "artsy" with it, there's no underlying point.

Louis CK is a douche for using B&W film in 2017.

Not to be a faggot, but there is nothing wrong with black and white. It does give film's an ambience that works most of the time. I'm not defending Louis though; at least Woody can play the clarinet.

Pop music get's wide appeal but it doesn't mean that it's original or good music.

Anyone with more than a passing interest in films knows that B&W is played out, abused by wannabe artsy directors, and largely non-contributing to the film except in rare circumstances where it plays into the movies theme. Which is why it's so popular among film students.

I haven't seen Louis' film so I can't say for sure but he has a history of shameless doing things for the sake of seeming artistic. So unless this is some really good throwback to Manhattan I'm going to be extra pissed off he did it.


thanks fixed

thank you

Louis can play the skin flute.

he tries to dress like him too with the glasses and mugging for photos with that smug surprised look he does

He really went on to become everything he mocked. But his writing is still amazing, all his shows were great

No they aren't. LMAO, you'd have to be a retard that's seen like 5 movies to think that. His shit is amateur garbage, the same art college crap that faggy college students have made for years, but the characters talk like retards "the thing put the stuff in the bad thing" and he'll make something crude happen.

don't get excited, broflake. I'm just saying I like it. Lucky louie, Louie and Horace & Pete are fucking well written. There's nothing more embarassing than these guys who say everything is hipster shit so they sound cool. Don't you get you're doing what they do?? Yuck

So Louis is doing a Vinny Brand biopic?

"Shot in 35 millimeter in glamorous black and white, and accompanied by a sweeping score..."


moving pictures are DEAD!

I'm more disappointed in Bill Burr than I am in Louis. Louis was always weird and dirty, but I never felt any sort of connection to him. He just said gross dirty shit, without connecting his true self to any of it. He'd just artfully say gross shit, but you never really knew who he was.

Burr was human to me. He seemed real. His raw anger and emotion was hard and brittle. He had flaws, and he'd given up on normalcy. Now he's become everything that he used to make fun of.

He is litterally about to become the guy spraying out his gutters, fantasizing about hanging himself with the hose.

He connects with his wife when she ridicules white people. To me she's the crux of his softening. He's always been a self-loathing everyman from the south shore, but Ni(gg)a has found a way to redirect and laser-focus his self-loathing toward his own race.

She's got her size 14 gorilla paw on his neck, and hes learned to love the emotional cage she keeps him in.

The biggest problem is not that his wife is black. It's that she's hideous. He honestly married a woman whose about as sexually appealing as Rosie O Donnell. God dam bill marry a Skin Diamond looking bitch at least.

I see that there are three basic problems, I'd rank her (lack of) physical beauty lowest priority.

  1. She's an absolute lunatic feminist/ racist
  2. She's a talentless success vampire
  3. She's hideous

What's wrong with being racist though?

She's racist against white people

It's a waste of time to care about that.

Not when your former favorite comedian is constantly being worn down by it.

Fair enough...my thought is I don't give a shit about burr or ck, but louie (whether he's trying to out himself in a way) has a point. We don't know these comedians or celebrities. we really don't know anybody. to me it's a waste to think these things matter.

Why do you guys talk about bill like he's some child who doesn't know what he wants. Shut the fuck up and let the guy live. He's finally happy and that doesn't make sense to you.

I hope (((they))) Cosby his ass.

It's <<<Jew coding>>> now. You're behind the times, DUckSlut.

I'm sure he know well enough to keep his daughters away from Anthony.

So Louis is directing The Anthony Cumia story?

It’s an observation that raises the question of how well do audiences know Louis C.K., a man who has built his career out of relentlessly, albeit thoughtfully, mining collective discomforts and taboos.

Aka he's a comedian?

He brushes off the accusations as "rumors" that he won't dignify by directly addressing. This is known in the business as the Cosby Tactic - a strategy that only worsens the situation, and ultimately leads to a grand downfall. An innocent or unashamed man would get out in front of the story and proclaim his innocence. Woody Allen will always live with the stigma of being a creep for the Soon Yi thing but he has always, vehemently denied the other allegations.

I bet Luis Gomez was probably correct in his assumption that casually whipping out his dick on the off-chance of a quick suck was Louis's sigmature move that probably worked more often than not, and towards the end of deploying the tactic, the era for such activity became highly inappropriate and unfeasible, and he tried it on chicks who weren't brainless floozies, but empowered warriors.

I get the feeling he wrote the screenplay wearing only a shirt while pullin his meat

Hes handling it wonderfully actually. Tit nomoro did all she could to derail him to get her shitty Amazon show some attention yet he could still do the tonight show if he wanted lol.

It's mom, you inbred island rat.

Settle down Amerifat.

Creepy creeping creep.

Who wants edge? I just want funny or well written. Who gives a shit as to whether it's edgy or taboo, as long as it's good.

Longer longer, nigger.

Half Mexican, half Jew and half Irish.