Reminder: Opie bought a $6.85 million apartment in 2015

53  2017-07-06 by soothinginfluence


Unfortunately NYC real estate has been doing good. He can probably sell it at a profit and retire somewhere in the country 😔.

He's gonna lose half of it. Lynsi is a former Jackass-groupie, she is not sticking around.

"Hi, I'm Lynsi Knoxville, and this is taking half a man's net-worth."


I think Opie is probably the worst broadcaster who ever hit the airwaves but I feel no ill will for him beyond him losing his radio career and going out in silence. But I would like him to retire with a bunch of money somewhere in Rochester going fishing with his pal brother wease but that's just me.

And then a bullet to the back of the head.


Mid-market properties are doing *well. luxury unit sales and bidding has been very sluggish the last 1-2 years. and retard local news story

Just read the headlines here and delight in the knowledge while twiddling your nipples that Opie is almost definitely under water in his unit, anything Trump is less desirable right now among the urban elites, and that as a result of voracious (((real estate development))) after the recession, there is a massive glut of luxury properties on the market that are not selling at the prices of 2014/2015.

TL;DR Opie is not a bright or savvy in any sense and will not be able to recoup or sell his condo at cost for quite some time.

Isn't there enough to enjoy today without going overboard? Opie is not underwater on his luxury apartment. Comparable apartments are on the market for $10M+.,-73.985067,40.77698,-73.990244_rect/17_zm/

K I will acknowledge you actually made a salient point. Unlike screechin' CoryStereo.

I did it all without personal attacks or wishing ill will upon you. Shit. I forgot what sub I'm in here. I'll do better next time.

Shut the fuck up and stop trying to sound like you know anything about real estate, you fucking retard. This isn't 1972; nowadays, most luxury apartments in the U.S. and Europe have international buyers. Why do you think so many faggot Commiefornians are slithering into Texas, North Carolina, etc.? Because Chinese millionaires are buying up pieces of property in California by the thousands and pricing out the natives.

Saying Durrr, Trump name mean bad thing. Opie buy Trump name house. Opie fool! Hurr!!! completely ignores the fact that the wealthy members of other non-Western countries don't give a fuck that Trump's name is on a building; they'll grab a piece of luxury NYC real estate in a second. You can hate Opie, but don't pretend like he won't clean up from this sale, because he absolutely will.

I'd love to break your fucking face open with a rock, you pretentious, retarded cunt. Kill yourself.

The difference between arguing an actual point and screeching at a strawman is sourcing. Also, not misrepresenting original points to make it seem like you know what you're talking about.

I said the luxury market is sluggish and provided examples of said buyer sluggishness as well as a glutted market of said units. I also said the Trump name is less favorable among urban elites, so you start angrily typing about foreigners, presumably so you could drop that COMMIEFORNIANS SHOW STOPPA, MOTHAHUCKA!

You seem like a well-adjusted and reasonable boy, so I'll leave you to smash your head on your Pound-And-Peg playset while you pretend you're Regular Joe Contractor. (Please remember to just POUND the playset, do NOT get pegged with it since those pieces are choking and impacting hazards.

The fact you took the time to add a sad face emoji at the thought of Opie retiring happily cracked me up.

Jim Norton should buy it lol

(I believe they both live in the same building)

Norton is nowhere near making that kind of money

Jim probably makes around 500k a year for radio and touring, if not more

That's what crowd funding is for. Truckers give him money.

Wow, so the 'Fuck Opie Bye-Bye Shindig' took place in Opie's apartment building?

That's only 342,500 t-shirts to sell on his site.

He likely paid cash for that place so he'll be fine.

Until she takes it from him.