Who do you think could do a better hour of solo radio: Gregg "Opie" Hughes or Howard Stern?

2  2017-06-25 by mchiseing


Stern by a mile. He's done a few shows with extended monologues or just Fred and Robin in the room, and while they weren't crazy memorable, they were very decent.

I can't think of a time that Opie was left alone, and had to work solo. If he was, I'm sure he'd have to go to filler like music or the phones.

The combination of your username and you taking my question seriously is fawkin hilarious.

To be fair, he was pretty much solo from 1976 to 1981

ahhh, the classic 'pre-wig' period

There's a clip of Opie doing the show on WNEW by himself, correct?

I'm unaware of this

There was a thread not too long ago that had a clip. Maybe not a full show, but an hour or two long?

Please someone track this down.


If I was Sirius I would only offer Opie a gig if he did the show solo.

What kind of retarded question is this? Half of Stern's shows have mostly been him doing monologues. Robin laughs and chimes in, but it's mostly Howard ranting to himself.

I guess I should have guessed you aspergs wouldn't be able to detect sarcasm

how is this even fair? there's no comparison

You're right. Opie is just too high up on the rungs, Howard could never compete.

Who is better at dunking a basketball? Michael Jordan or a toddler with spina biffida?

The Opester is incapable of doing solo raqio. Hoo hoo wins by default.

To be fair, he was pretty much solo from 1976 to 1981