REMINDER: Von stole $125K and hasn't gave an update in a year

63  2017-06-22 by [deleted]



Stop donating money to these people you fucking faggots

You're giving your money away to shitty New York people and then you're suprised when you get scammed? Lol

New York people

Hahaha are you from a farm in Arkansas? Fuck they darn city slickers.

But you're right. I got scammed off 2 nothings from Jersey. 1 for a shitty cartoon, that would've sucked anyway, and another for a documentary about how a black guy got diabetes and died.

You just proved my point stupid

Hahaha are you from a farm in Arkansas? Fuck they darn city slickers.

Wow, you sure got him good.

Oh, yeah. ACV


buried him, in fact

LOLOLOOLLOLOLLLLOLOLLLLOLOL you gave money to both of these gay-ass projects?!?!?!????! and now you call it a scam??? LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLLLLLL you're a Grade-A sucker.

Sorry, that was terribly rude. Would you like to invest in my new product? It's a electrolysis you install into your car's intake that increases miles-per-gallon by 30 percent (or more!) while greatly reducing emissions (up to 90% less!!!). Larry Wilcox from CHiPs and I are early investors. You can learn more about this awesome opportunity here:

On a related note, does anyone remember the late 90's Vortec? Or Vortex or whatever, for your air intake? Hilarious.

Yeah, snake oil for your car.

"Hey guys we figured out this awesome thing that the 1000's upon thousands of automotive engineers and designers couldn't grasp"

Anyone who gives money away to people on the internet for a promised product are not very smart. Sorry bub but projecting your stupidity on to the great people of Arkansas will not get you your money back

What the tuck is wrong with you. Grow a set of balls, faggot. Toughen up - fuck you and fuck Arkansas

Yeah fucking retarded Amazon customers

Donate money to me and I will upvote you.

If he wants double the upvotes I will also participate. (don't ruin this he seems like a real rube)

I am from across the world and do not know anything about New York - Arkansas rivalry.

I downvoted you because you are faggot who is bitching about being downvoted.

Just say the word and we here in the Midwest are more than happy to cut off your food supply and watch both American coasts descend into anarchy and murder.

I second this. You're a bunch of gullible retards. Niggers steal. Look it up.

How jealous is Jim Norton? She stole double what he did from them same jerkoffs. No matter the endeavor, radio, stand up, blatant larceny, he cannot be on top. Fuck him

A team of "artists" to record, animate, and promote Jimmy's demo cartoon episodes and he was outperformed by the ghost of a dead friend.

spaceship endeavor

I mean, what could have been said that we don't already know with a Patrice documentary?

He married a con artist.

We can also possibly get a guage on her super weird top of the head hairline.

I don't think he did marry her.

Patrice wasn't stupid and wouldn't do something as dumb as getting married.

Might as well have. She got all his stuff and has been humping his legacy for cash ever since.

Norton stole $60K and wears panties and lets guys cum in his mouth.

Look, this is the movie business. It's just how it works, 500 for production costs, and then the 124,500 for salary costs, spread out (of course) among the writer (Von), the director (Von), and producer (Von).

the best part about this post is your defeated "she can keep my 100" fucking dummy

$5 or $10 is dumb but only a trip through a drive thru. $100 is a decent dinner. Idiot.

How long is she supposed to live off of Patrice's memory?

IDK, she's not done with the corpse yet. I am implying that patrice was fat and she has been eating him for sustenance for years now. Jokes are funnier when you explain them.

you remind me of that faggot from the big bang theory

They're all faggots on the big bang theory. Especially the viewers.


Its kind of weird how long she's taking to make this film. What the fuck do you need to do for a documentary other than interview some people, play some b role, release some super secret video clip, and then finish with something personal.

I don't mean to sound crass, but she's quite rude for taking so long.

Hasn't gave?

Anyone more famous than you asking for money through crowdfunding is robbing you. Stop doing it. Give to low lifes on patreon or better yet don't give at all.

Don't forget about the thousands Burr throws her way from those dumb benefits every year.

Wow some people on here really are fucking rubes. Did you donate to Jimmy and Bobo too op?

At least bobo made a t shirt

op: I'm planning a documentary on this subreddit, I need some money, I'll start immediately. Perk for 1st £20/$40 is exclusive access to the process: I'll screencap a post, & record myself drinking/drugging (as a meta-analysis of the characters here / immersive journalism)