Which one of you guys did this?

334  2017-06-12 by OccultChefDetective


we are on another level of trolling. Bra fucking vo to whomever

UT, eat your heart out.

If we dont get a proper article, we kidnap and castrate matthew mcconahey

Oh I was supposed to wait until the article came out?


You think The Count has his claws crossed for a new Blood Omen announcement?

This isn't the post this sub deserves...it's the post this sub needs

Shut it.

No you

It's not as good as when people got Ant's old photo to be the terrorist photo on mainstream media, but it's close.

This is going great

The philly crew didn't sign up for this!!!!

This is not how they do it.

Holy shit, that's hilarious. Get this on the sidebar!

Any real woman is repulsed by his image, seen here.

To be fair, this picture doesn't show the bulge in his pants. Any woman would instantly change her mind about him when they see that big stack of money bulging out of his jeans.

Any video of it?

its on youtube, someone has to be brave enough and go back on the stream and find it

I FUCKING FOUND IT look up the e3 live, and click on the gameslice video, should be first one. Play back the stream to where theres only 38 minutes left up until its live. Better live

Pos a link nigga

im on my phone.

UPDATE: SINCE it is still a live stream, the time will keep going up in minutes, its not at 39 minutes left but will go up to 40 and 41 and so forth. its after the far cry 5 presentation. It is fucking great


this is the stream, but i can't find it in there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke1po72X8i8

Anthony looks wet

Must be part Mexican.

Whomever did this .....I salute you

He is probably excited his race is represented in the newest Beyond Good and Evil game! Hint: stars a dirty nier

That is fucking great



I wish Knickers was still alive to see this

The dangers of Kratom are real!


Fucking amazing.

Could be worse...

finally got a use for those finger gloves huh


She couldn't look anymore startled/horrified if she returned to an empty home, after a long days work, and Richard Ramirez burst through her closet door with a knife and an erection.

If anyone wants to listen to a great podcast, listen to the "last podcast on the left" about Richard Ramirez

Listening to it right now and I've got to say that I think this Ramirez fellow took it a bit too far!

He seriously had half of California scared shitless.

Every few days he was killing someone.

I was listening live on the radio when a bunch of Mexican gangsters caught him and beat the shit out of him, in real-time.

He's the only serial killer that was caught by his neighbors, and broadcast on TV and radio.


*"After Ramirez failed at carjacking the car of his next-door neighbor -- Faustino Pinon’s daughter, the killer ran across the street and tried to steal the car of another neighbor. Hearing her screams for help, Burgoin sprinted across the street and confronted Ramirez.

“I ran to defend her and he told me, ‘Don’t get closer or I’ll shoot you.’ I didn’t see a gun so I opened the door and pulled him out of the car,” Burgoin recalled. Manuel De La Torre, showed up with a steel rod to defend his wife; he smashed Ramirez on the head, sending him running. Burgoin yelled for his two sons, who had come out of the home after hearing the commotion, to not let him escape.

Julio Burgoin, 45, said he remembered chasing Ramirez and with his brother bringing him down and making him sit on the curb. The neighbors made sure Ramirez didn’t get up, though he begged them to let him go, claiming that some “guys” were chasing him.

“He was saying, ‘Hey, let me go, c’mon, let me go,’” Julio Burgoin said. “I said, ‘No, you’re not going anywhere.’”

It was only moments later that they realized who they had captured. “People started coming out and saying that’s the killer, but in Spanish. ‘El maton, el maton!’”*

You know, the more I learn about this Ramirez guy, the less I care for him

After listening to Opie and Anthony for the past 7 years (listening to old shows since they've been off the air), it's really tough to listen to a show where everyone talks over each other constantly and every time the person reading Ramirez's bio finishes a sentence, his co-host pipes in with "Oh, I used to sleep in a cemetary!" "Oh, that reminds me of the Hispanic woman who used to clean my father's office! Rosa was her name, I believe."


It's like Jocktober, minus the funny interjections by Jim & Ant. But I'll keep trying to listen, only because I admire Ramirez so much and want to hear if these annoying cunts who host this podcast can tell me anything I don't already know about him.

eh I was a bit annoyed at first, they sound like they all railed a bunch of coke before doing the show. But they just sound excited.

It started flowing better later in the show. They have a guy who knows when to tell them to shut up and get back on the subject. Steering the ship.

Bookmarked this to listen at work, that was hilarious. I had never heard of Ramirez.

The show concept is brilliant, making jokes then segwaying back into an 84yr old being hit with a hammer and raped then surviving for 3 days.

So refreshing to find a podcast that's not scared to say offensive things.


Most of their podcasts are pretty decent. They only do a new one every week, so it gives them time to prep properly.

Thats fucking FUNNY

E3 got a nigga ribs hurtin today

that was hilAHRious

got a nigga [COMMA] ribs hurtin [PAUSE] tuhDAY!

It was rooster, he's a cool cat from discord.

makes me sad for the old show when boys used to do silly bits and gags.

Don't you get it? This sub IS the show. A bunch of hateful guys going for the funny (with a few car crash sounds), trying to fuck with people, with a few very racist but the same time funny guys (so you accept them) and the guys from there former show is basically Scorch.

The Sony conference is starting now, but I'm not sure if they will be reading tweets.

Use #PlayStationE3 #YoutubeE3 and listen to what types of tweets they are asking for.

Can someone explain the reference to me? I'm a faggot who dub stuped.



Ant bit a teenager then couldn't find his gun

LOL, that's stupid but I get it. Thank you, only person with a conscience in here.

HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ONNNN! Now THIS is why we have the best listeners on morning raqio!

I love all of you right now. I'm going to keep laughing about this tomorrow and not another fucking soul will have any idea what it is or why it's funny.

The screencap for the post really shows her fear of the Long Island Biter.

What the hell kind of show is that

This is too fucking funny


Has Cumia commented on this? He blocked me on twitter.

Even Anthony would admit this is fawkin' hah-larious.

You overstimate Ant's capacity for loffing at continously being outed as a fag.

God damn, this place ceases to amaze

It's true, the amazement ceased a long time ago.


The funniest shit I've seen on here in a long time. Congratulations.

I ran off the road when I saw this.

Is this the fucking quality of women we have hosting game shows these days? Remember Olivia Munn? Now we have some flat-chested, jew-faced bitch covered in tattoos. Disgusting.

Munn was meh . It was all about Sara Underwood getting air time. HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Dose bustice skits !!!!!! Those Carrie Keagan Power Girl cosplays HHHHNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!

Take some ex-lax.

Who actually cares about this? Jesus christ, you faggots, pretend that you have some kind of hope left for your lives.

Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit.

How dare you. I'll murder your mother and father and grandmother and grandfather in the face.

You fucking idiot.

Fuck your dog in the liver. Through its 7th and 8th rib.

yet again this sub produces better content than years of the shows

vury good!

The fact that the screen name is Bam ❤ lynsi is fawkin gold


ol Everquest nerd made it to E3

Fucking amazing.

LOL, that's stupid but I get it. Thank you, only person with a conscience in here.