A cursory Twitter search reveals Kumail Nanjiani has been promoting sexual predator/rapist Devin Faraci for years.

40  2017-06-11 by [deleted]



Rape and incest are not taboo with the Indians

Lets ease up with the racism there.Hes a paki

Faraci is a member of the Aryan race at it's finest.

Oh, red dot or feather, they're all rapists

No, he's a sand nigger.

Hes a paki

kumaail demands multiculturalism, yet doesn't consider himself Indian, because the second whites left the country, the country divided into 3 different ones, because despite 150 years of multiculturalism, they realized it wasn't working.

I can't stand all the ads I see on Facebook for his stupid movie. He's not at all credible as a romantic lead because his people's idea of romance is clitoral circumcision.

I just read about this guy and it's either obvious that he did in fact grab a woman by the pussy or he's so "cucked" that he won't even defend himself over a false accusation. I'm gonna bet on the first option though.

He's a rapist who rebranded himself as woke and got a bunch of shithead limo libs to back him up as he spent year harassing people on the internet. As soon as he was accused and went offline, all of his famous friends just pretended he didn't exist anymore. Limo liberals are the worst.

Is he actually a rapist or did he just one time grab a woman by the cooter? (Which is a very bad thing to do if it's a stranger and without any context)....I'm not defending him, he sounds like a Kilstein type who deserves this- just asking

He admitting to fingering a woman at a bar without her permission on Twitter. Take whatever you will from it.

I mean, who hasn't done that at least once while drunk?

This article is telling me that Devin Faraci (who I wasn't aware until now) is one of the most feared film critics of his generation, which is crazy to me because a) he looks like any other chubby bearded guy from LA and b) he writes for a publication I've never heard of.

The man wielded genuine power as he was being financed by the Alamo Drafthouse chain of theaters. He also had some kind of kickback deal with Disney.

This piece really, really needed an editor but the amount of abuse this guy Faraci participated in while being cheered on by woke libs was astronomical: https://medium.com/@nickmon1112/devin-faraci-d7ca64424d47

I don't know why but something about his face reminds me of Lena Dunham.

He's the worst thing to ever happen to film journalism in LA.

I used to listen to his podcast Canon which wasn't too bad. It varied from horrific to good. All of a sudden months ago they just stopped coming out and I looked it up to find he had a hilarious backfire during the Trump pussy grab thing.

Why did Kumail, Patton, and the other friends of Devin Faraci the rapist ignore this woman when she needed the community's help? http://imgur.com/a/kPRUC

shocking nobody, Faraci also friends with Patton Oswalt, and others in the corporate "woke nerd" world.

Chris Hanson has been putting child molesters on his show for years, and yet, nobody has molested me.

Why are you posting this here?

where else, bitch?

Kumail has a bounty on his head. He can't return to Pakistan because he would put his life and the lives of his family in danger. But that dude defends Sharia law to this day.

He still has family there, and I think the implication is that they will be killed if he speaks out against Sharia law. I say that less Nanjianis is a good thing.

He's living proof that even the nonviolent Muslims are deeply vested in radical Muslim propaganda and thus:

Nonviolent Muslims are a threat to any country they emigrate to.

But that dude defends Sharia law to this day.

Umm, where?

twitter, yesterday

I dun see it

"Today: March Against Sharia. Also the march against dragons, unicorns & talking dog biscuits since they pose a similar threat to US govt."

June 10th

How is that pro sharia?

it is a defense of Sharia. He is saying that Sharia poses no threat. it is obviously not true, Sharia is what enables Imams to issue fatwas.

Sharia is what enables Imams to issue fatwas.

LOL, wtf. Sharia is not like the genie you dummy. It's a name of a set of laws which don't exist as legally mandated laws in the US. It's like protesting against voodoo. It doesn't matter.

voodoo is real. sharia isnt, dumbass.

Good point

Being anti-anti-sharia marches =\= pro sharia, same way being anti-BLM =\= white supremacist

This is from October of last year. Why are we talking about it now?

sexual assault is always topical

Tss how about sexual apepper or sumthin?

Tss cuz I came on her tits or sumptin..

Devin Faraci, I remember reading that guys reviews on CHUD. He really is a faggot in the first order. Snarky, Egotistical, etc...

I wonder if that Caroline chick was hot.

Bunch of friends, hanging out in the East Village, dancing to the jukebox. Sounds like a blast! Plus, it was in the early "aughts".

doubt it.

All this shit aside, anyone who says "cognitive dissonance" should be tortured.

Didn't know Kumail Najiani was a real person. Thought it was another name for Cumia.

Jesus Christ, I've hated Devin Faraci with the anger of a thousand exploding suns for like 3 years.

