Off topic, but I recently rewatched inglorious basterds and I have a question

2  2017-06-05 by drudrudrudru

The scene in Nadine when they were meeting in the bar, was the bar tender on the side of the basterds or was he a German sympathizer. It looked like it could go either way


Yeah, he's bi.

I always got the impression he was fairly neutral and just trying to do his thing but it's been a long time since I watched it so I could be way off base.

Christ, Fassbender was glorious in that scene. And "Ah! I'm the story of the negro in America!" still elicits a guffaw after all these years.

You may be right, it's weird because I remember the first time watching it, it seemed like he was in on the plan. Now I'm more on the neutral/he had no idea what was going on. Which one was fadsbender by the way? Was he the English guy?

Indeed he was. Smooth motherfucker.

He was great in every scene. That whole movie was casted brilliantly

He has a huge cock

He was like Sam ... hated Jews, but liked men.

I always thought he was a German sympathizer. When all hell breaks loose and he pulls out his double-barrel, they show him firing it at the camera, and the next shot is of Stiglitz getting hit by a projectile on the side of his body facing the bar and collapsing. I always assumed that made it clear the bartender shot Stiglitz.

Been a while since I've seen it, though.

It's weird because you would think if he was a German sympathizer he would pulled the shotgun earlier

My guess is he's just a bartender, sees some shit about to down, and gets ready to fire when he has to. He problably knows the German soldiers, has no idea who the basterds are, and figures these foreigners are just trouble.

Yes, Brad Pitt's accent was atrocious in that movie

it shows the Bartender taking aim at the 4th Basterd in that scene, and thanks to whatever retarded editing the camera shot directly after that shows him being shot at by the guy he just shot at only the bartender's gun isn't even facing the Basterd

my autism has deduced he was against the basterds due to his listening in and watching their entire conversation.

The only neutral one in the room was the girl waitress who got sprayed by the drunken new father nazi but she somewhat deserved it for standing there and screaming like the stereotypical useless woman under distress

I always felt the bartender wasn't a big fan of Tim foolery in the establishment.

Tsssss Tim? What is he Tom's brother or sumthin tssss tssss