Student takeover of Evergreen State College (Very entertaining... black students yell at white professor for pointing and white students serve water to black people FIRST like good allies... too many good parts)

43  2017-05-28 by GregStillson4PREZ


Wheres the school shooters when you need them?

"Where have you gone, Seung Hui-Cho-oh oh..."

Shootin' Seung has left and gone away... hey hey hey

Shootin' Seung has left and gone away... hey hey hey

Ho ho need an army led by General Tso

Judging by the crowd he would have been outgunned

Its just very enraging. Im sure that hippy teacher was a protestor at one point. But instead of being over dramatic and unreasonable, just wanted to bring troops home. Get ready for a long 4 years at least

My current favorite is 3:00

"Do any black folks here need water?"

You cant satirize this... its too funny already

I can't stop laughing about the clip right after that. You hear some guy screech yelling off camera and it finally pans over to a flamboyant black guy in a knotted button-down shirt, Jean shorts, and knee socks.

Dude looks like one of the gay movie reviewers from in living color

I give it four snaps

You are the single worst poster on this sub.

Are you sure? Theres a part with a gay black dude dressed as a girl scout.

And some retarded black girl in a wheel chair who keeps shouting about trannies.

And a college student who can barely read. There's just too much to pick a favorite.

Bobo at 35 secs in is my favorite

why the fuck do people put up with this?

how do I reeeeeeeach these kidz

Easier to put up with it or ignore it. If I were at that school I wouldn't acknowledge these weird fucks.

Or any schools for that matter!

Someone watched that pile of shit film that had gangsters paradise as the theme tune and thinks they can actually get through to these wonderful students.

Dangerous Minds, 1995

that's the one. What a piece of shit it was.

"Evergreen State College" sounds like one of those pretend schools from tv commercials

Its from my state (WA). Its was already a hippie college that no one took seriously. Not surprised at all that this stuff is going down here.

Don't they not even have classes or something.

How did they manage to capture pure faggotry on film like that?

Yep. It's a school that you have to check to see if it is accredited before you apply.

Judging by the reading comprehension @ 3:42, you've hit the mark. Bitch! Learn how to fucking read! Goddamn Hector down the block at the mechanic joint reads better than you.

My buddies sister went to Evergreen. She selfishly made her hard working father pay exorbitant out-of-state tuition because she "had" to be there. She is exactly the type of person who sees nothing wrong with this. Pretty sure she has a #notmypresident tattoo

You mean Everest College isn't an acredited public university??

one of the girls couldn't even read.

maybe she is one of those twerk-artists. they do not need reading skills much in their profession.

She had a 141 IQ.

Just like Sherrod.

His is higher. It's 160, nigga. Welcome to erf, nigga.

Reading is hardly a requirement for some of these colleges. Believe it or not, some colleges actually target these kinds of people. Usually they advertise the fact that you can get a scholarship for athletics in their commercials.

6:07 the whole group admonishes him for pointing his finger while talking in the most condecending way

That's what all of this is about: Control

had to scroll way too down for "race wars when?" comment

Take solace in the fact that these students won't amount to anything in society. They will become so stuck in their ideology that they will absorb it into their personality and it will be all that they talk about. I went to a liberal university and the number of students that play victim in these schools are ridiculous. I mean, jesus christ you go EVERGREEN STATE. Your parents pay a shit load of money for you to go to this hippy school in the redwoods so that you can breed hate against white people and GMOs. GET FUCKED!

I'd like to think you're right, but remember the time we are living in, where companies are labeled racist for not having the right mix of ethnicities or genders. Their victimhood will only be empowered by this type of shit

This doesn't help me, as they dont get jobs and live off you and I's tax money for the rest of their life, collecting welfare and (fake) disability.

It's fucking uncanny how similar it is to Bobo. "And mostly all the trannies, too!"

I like how tranny is considered a slur but they can't get mad at retards hahah

and don't forget to help my mom! it's not her fault she fell.

get a life spade

I actually went there. Terrible, terrible school. The teachers were actually lazier than the students.

And what exactly do you mean by "the students"


There is nothing more awful than black people in a large group, and I'm not just talking about the smell.

In May of 2017, Evergreen achieved nationwide notoriety when a mob of minority students publicly protested in favor of reimplementing segregation

Also noteworthy is their impressive offering of degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Environmental Studies, Master of Teaching, and Master of Public Administration. Sounds like a very good school if you want to be prepared for a career as a whiny little bitch.

You have an issue with bachelor of science degrees? Environmental studies degrees? You a retard?

When those are the only degrees a school offers, yeah

Have you worked around education? Often enough schools have too many programs, which end up lower in quality because of the quantity.

You are a retard. Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science cover a shitload of majors. Bachelor of Arts in Economical, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, etc.

that school doesnt have any majors

Shut up, stupid. Drink another Budweiser. and i'm happily sober thank you

Oh, look. Stanford isn't a real school. It only offers Bachelors in Arts and Sciences. Every college is like that, fuckface. They didn't teach you that in rehab, did they? You weak-minded faggot.

You're synapses are so fucked up by liquor, you can't even make obvious connections. You're just a blithering retard.

ok faggot

EGSC offers no "hard sciences" or mathematics. I see Teaching (not sure why they don't call it Master of Ed.) and a Public Adminstratiob degree. I got a Masters in Ed, they are not that special believe me.

You have to be retarded or foreign to fail Public Admin as well. Trust me.

Wa state is full of faggots


Send them back to the nigger continent to eat cow shit

All this stems from their jealousy of white and western culture. They want out but know every reasonable place to live is just another white country.

Thanks for the preview of the next unwatchable episode of The Gavin McInnes show.

It's not that these people i hate are faggots, it's that other people I hate will be faggots about them being faggots.

I'd rather not know shit like this exists. Tired of these rich kid oppression olympics and white guilt faggots are the most enraging part.

The worst part is that the white dudes who do this shit think it will get them laid

Beastiality is a crime.

Then why is Bill Burr walking free amongst the populace?

This college has an acceptance rate of 98.9%?! I think even the University of Phoenix is more selective than that!

Makes you wonder about that 1.1%...

Fucking nailed um cock sucker. I actually enjoyed your comment.

Could not pass the credit check.

BOB at 35 seconds in awlright:

Time to bring back the riot police, fire hoses and german shepherds.

This is what u/dsbnh does with the rest of the sociology department from his community college when he's not pretending to be a physicist on reddit.

A true ally to black and brown people

Why are you butthurt that you can't understand physics very well?

lul, i had to click your name to check out this ongoing fued or whatever, sounded too good.

He is the absolute gayest.

He claimed to be a physicist when he lost an argument saying he was the smartest person on this board, yet when pressed he couldn't answer anything about his alleged profession. The thread is ridiculously long and autistic.

Consider ending it all after losing so bad

Please kill yourself.

lol, there's just consensus on your larping faggotry, that's all.

I think there are a lot of people with an inferiority complex.

The only inferiority complex on full display is your fake theoretical physicist claim because you resent majoring in sociology from a community college.

You're quite sad and continue to worry about me.

You're the gift of faggotry that keeps on giving.

Don't talk into a mirror.

I'm rubber and your glue.....

Sshhhhh take the L

I did go through every post. It was an entertaining 20 minutes. It could go straight to r/cringe

Yeah, the other guy was cringeworthy, you drooling tard.

Just pointing out that this is probably the crowd you like to share your musings on Bernie, sociology and the evils of capitalism​. Seems like you would fit right in.

I think you should get over having lost.

Why don't you explain here what exact fermion properties you're studying? Surely someone can understand your line of work.


Granted, it's a different crowd from your Whiteness is the Most Oppressive Ideology course friends but still, there's some smart people in this place.

To you, they are smart. To smart people, not so much.

There must be something to this place if it draws people of your intellectual abilities.
Why don't you host a physics AMA here? Maybe some scientist of your caliber will come out of the woodworks to discuss your alleged profession, you know, to disprove the consensus that you're a larping faggot.

Dude, how are you still going with this?

Because you're the definition of a lolcow.
I can milk your tits for more larping faggotry. As I said, a real physicist would have shut this down long ago, but your non-answers are transparent and hilarious.

It is because you are pathetic and insecure. Look at all those lols I am giving you.

Nothing more pathetic than claiming to be a physicist and then being unable to answer questions about it. You have the self-awareness of Opie and the intellect of Bobo.

Take the fucking L, loser.


Take the L.

You can't even explain what a fermion is. Pathetic. Let me guess, your next answer will be another pathetic attempt at deflection.

Take the L.

Again, the only pathetic insecurity here is your own with your grandiose claims that were disproven.

Take the L.

Because you're the definition of a lolcow.
I can milk your tits for more larping faggotry. As I said, a real physicist would have shut this down long ago, but your non-answers are transparent and hilarious.

Because you're the definition of a lolcow.
I can milk your tits for more larping faggotry. As I said, a real physicist would have shut this down long ago, but your non-answers are transparent and hilarious.

Because you're the definition of a lolcow.
I can milk your tits for more larping faggotry. As I said, a real physicist would have shut this down long ago, but your non-answers are transparent and hilarious.

Because you're the definition of a lolcow.
I can milk your tits for more larping faggotry. As I said, a real physicist would have shut this down long ago, but your non-answers are transparent and hilarious.

Niggers. whatyagonnado


We wuz kangs

@0:37 some crippled jackamammy got on the mic and made me laugh.

"Community" has retroactively become a documentary.

Things were better when the water was separated.

We need another Kent State.

It's just a matter of time before this Evergreen State College thing goes full on Anti-Semite (Cynthia McKinney style). Then the media will quietly turn on the protesters and it will be forgotten about.

It would have gone different at Newark State.

In the 80's and early 90's, this type school would have been known as a "Deadhead school". It was the type of place one would go to so they could play hacks-sack on the Quad, do wake n' bakes before before a class based on the writings of Herman Hesse, etc. The gals had big natural bushes and would invariably have that Doisneau poster hanging in their dorm. Steal Your Face stickers adorned the old SAAB's, etc. In other words, it was all a white hippie paradise as racism was decried in the theoretical sense but the only black people were the occasional scholarship athlete and he hung out with the jock white kids only because he certainly wasn't going to hang with the Deadheads.

Is this what happens when they let in blacks with below-par test scores?

Black people live in Washington state? I thought they didn't live there, or at least not many.

This is why I dont go to college

Plus waking up early to not get paid is retarded

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Edward James Olmos would know what to do

Ey chemo

How is it that people are going to college to become dumber?

"Where have you gone, Seung Hui-Cho-oh oh..."

Judging by the crowd he would have been outgunned

All this stems from their jealousy of white and western culture. They want out but know every reasonable place to live is just another white country.

Oh, look. Stanford isn't a real school. It only offers Bachelors in Arts and Sciences. Every college is like that, fuckface. They didn't teach you that in rehab, did they? You weak-minded faggot.

EGSC offers no "hard sciences" or mathematics. I see Teaching (not sure why they don't call it Master of Ed.) and a Public Adminstratiob degree. I got a Masters in Ed, they are not that special believe me.

Don't talk into a mirror.