Chael Sonnen: "Sopranos, that show is so bad it infuriates me"

0  2017-05-21 by bobomobile


I don't care about either of them.

The show is so good it infuriates me that I can never create anything even 1/100th as perfect, and also that I compulsively watch it over and over again while I neglect new shows

Watch Mad Men?

No, I know I need to though. I once tried and it didn't grab me but I also didn't give it a fair shot. The world it takes place in doesn't really pique my interest

Sincerely never heard what I assume is a podcast or of Chael Sonnen. Only show someone could say might be better is The Wire, but I still like Sopranos more.

No one can sincerely say the Wire is better than the Sopranos

Sopranos just edges it for me. but I'm sure plenty of people would put the wire above sopranos... it's a fuckin masterpiece

That's the only show that if someone liked it better I wouldn't become angry.

The Wire is an excellent series, but I feel the Sopranos just did everything better. Obviously this is all ultimately personal preference in the end so who gives a shit who gives a fuck

I want to vehemently disagree, but someone that opted to get kicked in the head for a living probably doesn't have the most subtle of grasps on great art and culture.

I'm almost impressed that someone could speak with such self-assurance about an opinion so incorrect and stupid. What an irritating dweeb.

The BODOGFIGHTDOTCOM idiot is right.

Gangster shows, like missized white plastic columns in the living room, are what people of African descent think claysy aort is.

Y'all niggas need some white culture in yo life.

  • How the fuck does the 'Hollywood elite' have any control over who likes what TV show? Most TV show's are forgettable.

  • People point out the acting for the Sopranos success? I've never heard that. Most people would say the terrific plot points, the dialogue, drama between the characters, the philosophical undertones in certain episodes that make you question one's role in life and things such as the supernatural and one's purpose. Many of the episodes put life into perspective.

  • "The show has no action past season 1." Seems like this Chael douchebag was one of those "Who is gonna get whacked next week?" retards that watch action-driven gangster movies and fill up the seats in a movie theater for the newest action movies. May be the next 8 seasons of the Sopranos should have just involved Tony Soprano jumping off a buildings and shooting rival mobsters mid-air while landing on a motorcycle.

I agree with everything you wrote, except that I'd say Gandolfinis portrayal of Tony is the single greatest acting performance in any medium. I also know what you mean about the later seasons being very introspective and I remember that being a little annoying when the show was still running and I was younger, but upon repeat viewings I really respect and enjoy all that stuff and it really contributes to the last episode being the greatest finale of all time and by far

His reason why the acting wasn't good on The Sopranos? None of the actors haven't had work since (He's got a point. I mean, when's the last time James Gandolfini's done anything? The hack...). Also, he thinks the 1st season was the best because afterwards it became a drama and had less action.

Cleary getting beat by Anderson Silva twice has made him (more) retarded.

Who the fuck is Chael Sonnen? This sub seems to either love, hate or even be aware of the most obscure under the radar people who 99.9% of the population has never heard of & most of the time they aren't know for good reason. Anyone who criticizes Sopranos as a shitty show clearly has no idea about the difficulty & creatively that goes into creating a quality show that's even half as good as the Sopranos.

He's an uncucked white male like Cumia.

I guess you don't watch MMA or sports in general. If you watched UFC you would realize that Chael isn't really a nobody. Definitely not like these bloggers that make one poorly written article where the sub becomes obsessed with them for a week

Don't watch MMA & only a casual fan of NFL, NBA & MLB. I played sports religiously growing up but never obsessively watch unless one of my teams is having a phenomenal season.

Gotcha. Well Chael was a top 10 fighter for several years and one of the best shit talkers and self promoters in the sport. His career highlight was almost beating Anderson Silva (widely regarded as the greatest of all time) in his prime. He dominated him for 4.5 rounds only to be submitted from the top position with less than a minute left in the fight....Chaels a good egg although this rant of his makes me like him less

I just watched some of his videos, yes this guy appears to be a bad ass. I guess if the op worded his post with something like "MMA fighter Chael Sonnen…", I wouldn't of asked who the fuck he was.

He's actually a pretty funny guy typically, at least for a MMA fighter.

Chael also thinks professional wrestling is awesome.

Hey man, no need to be fresh

Chael never had the makings of a varsity athlete.

Fawkin hot house flower.

Non-title winning hay seed. Looks like his kickboxing and ju-jitsu skills were no match for the cancer cells his daughters body :(

Watch Mad Men?

The Wire is an excellent series, but I feel the Sopranos just did everything better. Obviously this is all ultimately personal preference in the end so who gives a shit who gives a fuck