Bill Burr: "Ya know what!? Seeing broke children is always sad unless they're white. There's just something fuckin funny, ya know...

49  2017-05-17 by FilipinoTransHookers

... I think it's just the relief as a white person that the guilt goes away"

6:30 into today's podcast

Bill finds poor white children funny, I guess he'd like some pictures sent to him on twitter. I better he'd love Chernobyl kids.


He's a guilty faggot who probably got with his wife because he loves being racially humiliated.

Hasn't this been obvious to everybody for years now?

No, I didn't even know about his wife until recently. I knew he was a guilty lefty but I didn't know until his 1 special where he mocked his own grandma that he was in this shit real deep.

Couldn't tell when he was doing the tough guy character bashing Lennon

He was around friends at that moment. He was fitting in, or projecting what he hates about himself.

can one of you big dicked retards fuck nia so she leaves him and takes everything already? sick of him

If she wanted a big dicked retard she would have married someone of her own race, and by that I mean a nigger.

Nier *

Not to be a wet blanket but can we stop perpetuating the myth that blacks have larger dicks? I mean it's not factual and they are the ones that started it in the first place.


Is it like some psyops thing they came up with at a NAACP meeting a century ago trying to figure out how to make whitey respect them?

You know, I'm really sick of this bullshit. Neither side of my family came to America until the beginning of the 20th century and they were solidly working class, never in a position to oppress anybody, yet I'm supposed to answer for, hell, feel bad about what white people did hundreds of years ago as if I were personally responsible?

Fuck this cocksucker Burr. His wife fucking ruined him.

Yep all 4 of my grandparents moved here from Germany during World War 2 and I grew up in the south hearing about this shit that I had nothing to do with. Niggers act like every single white person is a fucking descendant from the people on the Mayflower. Sure my great grandfather was an SS officer but not a slave owner. Although it is fair to say he probably hated Jews, homosexuals and colored people all the same.

Both sides settled in the New York City area and my maternal grandparents (both Italian) actually fucking lived in Harlem in the 20s through the early 50s. Shit, my mother was born in Harlem.

My grandpa was a WWII vet but his racism always seemed more casual than motivated by genuine malice; when I was a kid, my grandpa once unironically referred to some neighborhood as "Jewtown" and it still makes me cackle thinking about it. The men on both sides are all misanthropic weirdos so it must be genetic. My dad loathes Jews and black people. I'll grace you with one of his most iconic quotes, which he may have stolen but goddamn is it succinct:

"Jews are just niggers with money."

A jew would never spend 95% of their net worth on an Escalade. I am triggered by how inaccurate this guy's racism is.

Your grandfather sounds like a complex man.

Can't it just g ounder, your not the specific brand of white people he was talking about? I doubt pale immigrants is what came to mind when saying that.

Maybe so, but even that basic nuance is lost on most people.

Very honest, you have my respect.

my grandma on my father's side was sinti (the good, django reinhardt kinda gypsy) and my mother's ancestors were huguenots fleeing france way back when.

So yeah. Every person who's darker than cafe au lait is convinced they have a monopoly on feeling opressed.

No one cares about your heritage. I'm sure someone your gene pool was a rapist at some point in history.

Well I certainly hope so!

White people don't magically grow money. My grandfather was fucking penniless. I can trace my ancestry all the way back to South Carolina in the 1800s and they were all fucking broke, starving white trash. Same with everyone in Florida. I guess that's why we're all fat loud retards.

Also fuck Bill. Go to Russia and look for white privilege you LA faggot. Look for it there. Look for the fucking teenagers whose lives are so bad they take Krokodil, a synthetic form of heroin that causes your skin and muscles to peel off your bones. The end result of taking it is literally whatever arm you inject it into looks like an eaten chicken wing. But hey, we're all dumbass white people who LOVE the Olive Garden. Haha, slavery.

I don't disagree but your overuse of italics bugs me.

Fuck that asshole, I hate self hating white people. Everyone comes from Ancestors who were rapist and murderers. Fuck him and his guilt.

Everyone used to be rapist murderers, it just turns out that black people were the worst at it.

Not really, they sold each other as slaves long before white people even arrived in Africa.

Another thing white people were better at.

Yes, because Europeans had better technology.

Go on

That's about it.

So concludes the discussion on European Slaving Technology.

But at least now they're coming into their own... according to the FBI and The Anthony Cumia Digital Network.

Waz king

If you rape nonwhites make sure to pull out or kill them afterwards, we don't need any more mutts than we already have.

Easy to feel that way when you grew up in the safe suburbs with a dentist daddy

All the people who hate what he just said also whine when Crowder rants against this issue of white privilege.

Crowded rants like the queer he is. He's not funny at all, his stupid little sketches and voices are gayX100.

How can a race of people be so brainwashed into hating themselves? It's fucking sad.

((((I Wonder))))

TelAvivsion, jewspapers, and other kike dogshit has been shaping the culture for generations. they have been brainwashing kids to be trannies and think the holocaust actually happened.

That's right, glad to see another subscriber to the Yusef DeRosa bi-daily newsletter here spreading the good word.


this prairie nigger is right

Yet if I say the same thing about niggers all of a sudden i'm a cumia.

Hey man, everybody here knows you don't fuck kids, it's ok

Those Chernobyl kids deserved all of it because 200 years ago on the other side of the planet about 10% of white people owned slaves. Like ... read a book, bigot.

Bill is just following the cultural change. Finding impoverished white people funny is the relatable and slightly edgy opinion du jour.

Listen... he's got a new Jaguar, he flies helicopters for fun, and has a biracial kid... he's basically got his finger on the pulse of America.

Its only jokes when it agrees with what I said, if it disagrees its statements. You guys are being fucking pussies on this and letting just a dumb line he said on his podcast define who he is as a comedian and a person.

It's not just one dumb line. This has been consistent for many years.

You guys sound like a bunch of "snowflake" pussies right now. Jeez

Am I the only one that laughed out loud looking at the Chernobyl kids?

They all look like baby Marvel super villains in the making. Im sorry, I cant help it.

I bet you'd love Chernobyl kids

I disagree with the assessment that it's always sad.

For example, every single person everywhere has watched footage of famines in Africa, turned to their friend and said "why don't they at least eat some of those flies?".

I couldn't help but notice that Bill is married to a woman who's name is NIER. Coincidence?



This dude used to be a favorite. Funny how he used to deny having white guilt on O & A but now it's just a fact. What kind of man hates on himself and his own ancestry? Fuck bill burr and most of these grown up rich douchebags.


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Ever notice how his yoko wife's name is missing the gg?


Bill Burr is a massive faggot and you should spit on him in public.

What a bunch of pretentious cucks you faggots are

Dat nigga bitch has ruined him.

I hate to sound like one of those people, but that attitude is literally why Donald Trump is president. Most poor people in this country are white, but no politician seems to give a shit. If they talk about helping low-income families, it's always the inner cities or immigrant communities.

We despise white trash in this country. But it turns out they can vote.


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((((I Wonder))))

Another thing white people were better at.

Yes, because Europeans had better technology.