Opie and Anthony are both pieces of shit and got what they deserved.

13  2017-05-17 by joeybeans12

Long live our special lil Jimmy. ...shitpost out.


Jimmy's a piece of shit as well.

It seemed stupid that Jimmy never demanded equal billing. But now that this sub keeps ruining the reputation of Opie and Anthony, Jimmy looks smart for keeping his name out of the show title.


Chippah buried all three of those cawksukas!

I think we all agree that Opie and Anthony both deserve to have horrible things happen to them. I'm on the fence about Jimmy though.

Eh, I still like Yimmy. He's great at shows, he treats his fans well (signed y book took a photo with me, and we talked for a half hour during which he told Kenny to relax).

Yimmy is funny and he may suck as a radio host, but that just tells me why he kept his name out of the show name.

Fuck them all.

Fuuuuuuuuuuck jimmy, hes definitely a cheap fuck like colin alluded to has open mic guys open for him to not have to give out any money at big gigs, swindled idiots out of money , his standup stinks and any one of his trying to be insightful addiction rants is enough to make me wanna kill myself, oh really you drank some beers between the ages of 17 and 19 WHAT A REBEL! IM AN ADDICT YOU IDIOT